Mad Games Tycoon

Mad Games Tycoon

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Lelo Mariin 25 Sep, 2016 @ 2:14pm
Mad Games Tycoon - Community FAQ
1. Where do I take a game off the market?

From your head office.

2. When can I research console?

When you have 5 million in the bank. Loaned or not.

3. What price should I asked for my game?

Originally posted by Varnhagen:
You are building a potential customer base with goodies, extra languages, target audience, hype and not least with your game points and review score.
At 19$ you have access to the entire market.
For every buck below that price your customerbase increases by 10%.
For every buck between 20$ and 29$ you decrease your customer base by 5%.
For every buck between 30$ and 49$ you decrease your customer base by a further 1%.
  • 9$ - 19$: 200% - 100%
  • 20$ - 29$: 90% - 40%
  • 30$ - 49$: 39%- 20%

Try to find a sweet spot in there...

4. My Devroom, research room, etc , etc is ignored by staff or doesn't progress the task

Click on the icon of the room and look at the row of icons below. THe lock or the pause button may have accidently been clicked. Click it again till it's grey'ed out. White means locked or paused.

5. How do I delete my old engines?

There is no need to delete old engines. You can keep upgrading them with all the tech you researched. If you do want to delete it. Click on the chart icon. Click on engines. Click on the engine you want to delete and select delete from one of the tabs.

6. What workers go in what room?

Development room: Game Design, Programming, Graphics and Music.
Music Room: Music
Graphics room: Graphics
Motion Capture: Programming
Q&A: Game Design and Programming
Research: Game design
Marketing: Office Work
Game Suport: Office Work
Headoffice: Office Work

7. I made a game but the genre or topic is unpopular, now what?
Build a 3x3 Dev room and move your game to that room. Leave it empty. The game will sit there untill you release it. Once moved you can use your devteam to create a new game

8. Where can I remove bugs in my game?
Q&A room. you'll unlock it when you have 50 bugs in your game.

9. What training level should I use?
Not entirely sure but I use this: 4 people, level 1, 8 people, level 2 and 12+ the level 3

10. How do I start an MMO / F2P?
Around the year 2000. You need to research multiplayer on internet and then add it to one of your engines.

11. Can I mod this game? Is this game moddable?
The game does not support mods. No modsupport at all.

12. No online leaderboards?
No. Reason: Cheaters

13. How does contract work... work?
Devroom: Click on Contract work. Sort by Time remaining. SCroll down and click on it. You can automate it too.
My suggestion is to not automate it with your main devteam. You can start a 2nd devteam solely for contract work. Just make a devroom and add 8 desks. Lock the room. Hire 8 mediocre workers and have them do only contracts.
You can now cancel the contract work without penalty. It will finish current contract and then stops

14. Why doesn't the AI use my engine?
It's random. On easy and normal the AI buys it more often. Hard is less often and Legendary is even less often. (this is unconfirmed information)

15. Where do I find game reports?
In your Q&A room. You'll need to make the report yourself though.

16 What does 'Coordinate Rooms' mean (From head office)
Select a worker with high officework. Place him in the head office, lock room. When this worker has office work at 100 he will speed up another room by 50%

17. I moved to a new office, where's my head office??

You need to build it yourself.

18. When do I unlock graphic / music studios?

If I remember correctly. 200 points of GFX or music in a game to unlock

19. What is the profits of engine genre that is same with game genre?

Originally posted by -Vid-:
Proper engine = everyone working on the game gets +10 skill points, even if you are at 100.

If you target to All Audiences, does it effect the sales of a game, like does it reach a larger audience? Or if you pick a dedicated demographic will it do better?
Originally posted by Eggcode Games:
All = It always works, but is never the best choice
Specific = Is best, but if it is wrong, you get a penalty.

Last edited by Lelo Mariin; 26 Sep, 2016 @ 10:45am
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Varnhagen 26 Sep, 2016 @ 3:42am 

Great effort by the way. Reads like a MGT steam forum's Greatest Hits compilation.
Eggcode Games  [developer] 26 Sep, 2016 @ 3:48am 
Thank you. ;)
This should help many players.

14. Why doesn't the AI use my engine?
That is correct. The NPC noted recently, the genre.
Last edited by Eggcode Games; 26 Sep, 2016 @ 3:50am
Lelo Mariin 26 Sep, 2016 @ 5:53am 
Added a couple of questions and answers.

Will work a bit on layout. A bit messy to view now. Will have to do that tonight. Back to work now :)
Last edited by Lelo Mariin; 26 Sep, 2016 @ 6:00am
Zangdar 26 Nov, 2016 @ 2:57pm 
Question for devs. We can stop the marketing of the games, remarketing with unsold, but i think we cannot include unsold articles in bundle and supply the difference. Why ?

French bad translation : "Crise économique (il semble qu'aucun nouveau contrat de travail)". French better translation : "Crise économique (aucun contrat de sous-traitance)"
Last edited by Zangdar; 26 Nov, 2016 @ 4:21pm
Supernerd 12 Feb, 2017 @ 10:19am 
Information about publishers would be a great addition. With no manual this FAQ is the only thing players, epecially new players, have in place of one.
Green 21 Feb, 2017 @ 8:10pm 
Q. Why for the love of God can i not hire staff with the late game tech. my office has 2000 stars, i have about 8 chairs, 1 music, 2 heaters, 3-5 fans, 2 fire ext., 2 fist aid, 1 shelf, 1 water in every room. Not to mention my 2 staff rooms with 8-10 couches and so many tv's games, fridges, and vending machines I couldn't even begin to count!!!!!!!
Trifler 3 Apr, 2018 @ 5:05pm 
What is the exact benefit provided by having a developer with a genre perk that matches the genres of the game they're working on? Also, does having more than one developer with the same genre perk stack, or does it cap with one?
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
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