Mad Games Tycoon

Mad Games Tycoon

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You found a bug? Please write it in the comments, so the developer can fix it. ;)

Last edited by Schossle | YouTube: Tigeriaz; 18 Jun, 2016 @ 2:42am
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Showing 1-15 of 489 comments
Earthy 12 Jun, 2016 @ 4:38am 
Hab gerade ein Bug gefunden.

Ich habe ein Spiel veröffentlicht und eine Millionen Kopien gemacht und das Spiel war vier Wochen auf dem Markt und es wurde nicht mal einmal verkauft. Das Spiel hatte eine Wertung 94%... Hab auch ein Screeshot gemacht.
Last edited by Earthy; 12 Jun, 2016 @ 4:44am
Originally posted by potatoking:
Hab gerade ein Bug gefunden.

Ich habe ein Spiel veröffentlicht und eine Millionen Kopien gemacht und das Spiel war vier Wochen auf dem Markt und es wurde nicht mal einmal verkauft. Das Spiel hatte eine Wertung 92 %... Hab auch ein Screeshot gemacht.
Eggcode Games  [developer] 12 Jun, 2016 @ 4:50am 
Hast du das Spiel entwickelt, abgespeichert & neu geladen?
Wenn ja, dann ist der Bug bereits behoben. Vor ein paar Minuten kam ein Hotfix raus.
Earthy 12 Jun, 2016 @ 4:53am 
@Eggcode Games Ich glaub schon. Ich habs zu 100% fertiggestellt und dann gespeichert und neu geladen und dann veröffentlicht.
Eggcode Games  [developer] 12 Jun, 2016 @ 5:04am 
Ok, dann lag es wohl daran.
Eggcode Games  [developer] 12 Jun, 2016 @ 7:08am 

The Korean texts are not too small. They were previously too large.
This sometimes not all texts were displayed.
Ataman 12 Jun, 2016 @ 4:11pm 
Hi there

The game will receive commands from any input devices connected to my PC.
Including my rudder pedals which normally point to the bottom left when unused.
This renders the UI unusable while the rudder pedals are connected. As you might imagine, I don't really want to crouch under my table and unplug the pedals every time.
Not Chosen Undead 12 Jun, 2016 @ 9:27pm 
Originally posted by Eggcode Games:

The Korean texts are not too small. They were previously too large.
This sometimes not all texts were displayed.

Do you think not too small?
I do not agree

But OK
I need some time to adjust
RashDecision 12 Jun, 2016 @ 10:03pm 
Not sure what happened here, but I made a game that scored 100% using Steampunk/Fantasy and Adventure/RPG. The game came out in 1991, for $40. I published in-house, making 2.5 million copies off the bat. It was on the market for 4 weeks total, and sold an amazing 0 copies.

Again, not sure what happened, but it definitely seems like a bug. I can provide the screenshot for the final product of that game, if needed.

I made a seperate post about this prior to seeing the pinned thread. My bad.

Edit: I had saved about halfway through the production cycle of the of hte game. I can't tell if the save was corrupt or if there's actually a problem. I was able to recreate the issue 100%, even under slightly different circumstances.

Change 1: Moved hype up to 100 before finishing production.
Change 2: Removed all bugs from the game prior to release. First attempt had 6 bugs.
Change 3: Released at 1 week out, instead of 4 in previous attempt.
Last edited by RashDecision; 12 Jun, 2016 @ 10:12pm
Eggcode Games  [developer] 13 Jun, 2016 @ 1:25am 
OK. I'm looking for a way to disable it.

The bug should already be resolved. But I check it again.
Eggcode Games  [developer] 13 Jun, 2016 @ 8:19am 
The hotfix is available now.
Earthy 13 Jun, 2016 @ 8:50am 

I think you save the game before the Hotfix was available and the game has saved it wrong.

This was my reason why the bug wasnt fixed.
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