Mad Games Tycoon

Mad Games Tycoon

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KvaGram 28 Aug, 2024 @ 5:59pm
The UI has some issues
I love this game, but the UI is cluttered.
Yes, I can turn off the infocards, and all that. But I need those to keep track of the projects. But what if those could be moved.

My biggest issue deep into the game, when the office buildings starts getting real big, is to keep track of which rooms work something, and which ones are idle.

Here's an idea. Make a outliner/list on the screen-space UI that keeps track of active projects, and another listing the rooms/offices in the building overall.
Make it easier to get all the information I need at one place with as few clicks as possible.

Another Idea I have, is to let rooms of the same type share todo-lists. So one does not go idle while another has listed up all the upgrades to a game.

I do recognise that this game is old, and my suggestions are unlikely to result in any updates, but I feel it needed to be said. A quality of life update would be very welcome at this point.
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KvaGram 28 Aug, 2024 @ 6:02pm 
Never mind, just learned your game has a sequel. I will try that at some point in the future. Here's hoping that your sequel has a better UI.
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