Mad Games Tycoon

Mad Games Tycoon

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too many contracts.. waaay to many contracts... is there a setting to cut this by 90%
complain : so many contracts that I don't have any time left to develop any of my own games.
& too little space
proposed fix
-add HQ thats at least 4x larger than the current largest in the game but possibly even 10x larger.
-reduce the amount of offered contracts by 95% (so at most 1 game development contract per month.. not the idiotic 6-10 per month I been getting now.

my situation...

*it's 1990.. I have over 500 eployees... over 4 billion in the bank..
**I already been in the largest office for a while.. and room to make things even more densely packed is quite limited.

(currently I have 8x 24 desk development room, 2x 24 desk for grafics studio, music studio, quality asurance & animations, and 1x24 desk for science lab, customer support, marketing & console delevelopment)
(for a total team of 480 staff)

-I once had a trainingroom that was large enough to house them all.. but as the demand for more development rooms to keep up I was forced to cut back my training room now has only 96 desks.. enough to train 4/20 teams at once) of 1/5th of my staff.. and I will have to likely halve that when it's time to add a server room.

-toilets and staffroom had to be scrapped.. no longer space for it (luckely few staff members left because of it)

production capacacity once at 500k per cycle... has been cut back to 200k -> this makes it hard to keep up with my games demand when I do publish one.. for they need like 200K+ copies per week..
storage capability is just shy of 20 million.. (again was much more.. but space is limited)

so basicly I have everything set up at maximum and as efficient as possible...
but even with 8 development rooms.. I can barely keep up to honour every contract offerd let alone spend any time developing my own games
-and I not add any bells of whisles.. I just design the game with as much engine features as the A or B rating of the game permits.. and release it as such.. no bugfix.. no added stuff..

this is bad...
for what I want to do is
-develop a console of the best quality I can (current A quality next model will be A+ console once it's 1993 and I have enough new part to give up my leading marketshare)
-develop the best engine for each of the 16 genres in the game
-release one game for each viiable genre combination for that console (72 games) adding as many features as possible
-upgrade all these games before release with all the sound studio, grafic studio, animations & quality control upgrades possible, + make them bugfree & populair 100.
*release them, and imediatly give them 10 upgrades each.
and all this in the 4-5 years before it is time to release a new console, update all the 16 engines.. and make an sequel to each of these 72 games in even higher quality.

-I will also be using the marketing room to boost morale of games that drop below 90..back to 100. (same with console) in between boosting the morale of newly made games.
-for which a few more marketing rooms would help.. but again.. no space.. office to small.

-and be juggling the production room to keep all this stocked..
(for which more room to stock and produce would really help)

while keeping up to date with all science.. juggling to keep all games in enough supply & at above 90 mood..

and ideally using ALL the training on my staff every year to improve them.
(I prefered when I could take all my staff of all their tasks into one big massive training room and train them collectively... but thats no longer possible)

but this is not all all possible not even CLOSE.. when also doing all contracts like I have been doing.
-doing all contracts.. leaves be barely enough time to release 1 game every 2 or 3 years myself.. while keeping up with training...
those 6-10 games every month from contracts basicly are the games I can't make myself... often having my other rooms even idle... cause there are no games for them to improve.. cause I need all 8 development rooms JUST too keep up with contracts....

so therein lays the issue.. there are WAY to many contracts and the office is WAY to small.