Merchant 64

Merchant 64

Texture filtering
Ever thought of using the 3-point texture filter to make it more N64 like?
Here's a write-up about N64 texture filtering:

NightDive actually implemented the filter in their port of DOOM 64.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Would be a neat feature to toggle on/off during gameplay.
Pan 4 Feb @ 7:39pm 
That'd be neat. I hope they consider using a lighting system more akin to what the 5th generation used, being pre-baked, instead of real time lighting. It'd go a long way to achieving the graphical stylings since real time works against what this is trying to do. It's a shame too since the texture work and modeling work is top notch and really hits the feeling home until the lighting shines on them.

Things like the bag on the market stall would use a generic drop shadow or, more likely, not have a shadow at all if this was on the 64. It's these small things that add up and can cripple the vibe.
Crashed 5 Feb @ 9:47am 
Originally posted by Pan:
That'd be neat. I hope they consider using a lighting system more akin to what the 5th generation used, being pre-baked, instead of real time lighting. It'd go a long way to achieving the graphical stylings since real time works against what this is trying to do. It's a shame too since the texture work and modeling work is top notch and really hits the feeling home until the lighting shines on them.

Things like the bag on the market stall would use a generic drop shadow or, more likely, not have a shadow at all if this was on the 64. It's these small things that add up and can cripple the vibe.
Was N64 lighting always pre-baked? All I know is that lighting is calculated on a per vertex level and would be interpolated between vertices.
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