Merchant 64

Merchant 64

Now isn't that adorable?
It looks like a fine example of the genre, and of course, with a visual presentation that tickles me pink. Still, I do have to wonder a few things

1) Is there a plot, or is this more of a, go as far as you can, sort of game? Basically will this be more Potionomics or Diary of a Spaceport Janitor, which are the two big examples of the management/merchant type I can think of with no combat mechanics.

2) What sort of upgrades can we get? Just bigger bag space?

3) Is there going to be a timing mechanic? Like traveling between villages takes a certain amount of days? Or is it going to be more freeform, and the 'travel' is more just loading, and its more about figuring out WHERE and WHAT to sell, and less about the when?

4) Will this be straight selling, or will we be able to combine certain goods, or even use base materials to craft them? Either by ourselves, or doing things like taking wood from a foresting town, to one with a carver that turns them into various goods?

5) What is love?

6) Is there going to be romance?

7) Is it a fantasy world, or more mundane than that? The trailer was more general stuff, so not sure and figured I'd ask.

8) Is it just going to be the four towns we see in the trailer, or will the map expand as the game goes on?