Sam & Max Hit the Road

Sam & Max Hit the Road

How to get out of the "Tunnel of Love" glitch
It has been said that there is a glitch when solving the Tunnel of Love puzzle where you get stuck at the end of the tunnel if you don't get it right, which has caused many a player to restart their whole save files over the years.

Well out of sheer desperation and a knowledge of CD-ROM game menus I have the answer you all seek to get out of this situation, but in puzzle game fashion I can only give it to you in the form of another puzzle! >:D

The puzzle is:
In order to get out of the Tunnel of Love you have to find a way to Escape it.
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Oooh I bet I can solve this! "Escape It" is two words, "Escape" is 6 letters and "It" is 2 letters. 6+2=8
8 letters times 2 words is 16. If I pause/break to think of the next step, then count 16 backwards from that button on my keyboard I land on the Esc key...
最後修改者:MasterDebator88; 6 月 28 日 上午 9:30
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