Defend Your Life

Defend Your Life

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Corwin8 12 Aug, 2015 @ 5:45am
State of game

we would like to apologize for no more patches coming to Defend Your Life. There are still some bugs and problems but we are unable to solve them in reasonable time and with reasonable amount of money.
Game is playable and we hope it is also enjoyable. For new players and for those who return to our game after some time, this is list of known bugs with some tips how to deal with them on your end:
  • Unable to use bought items – Item shop is in our game mostly for mobile gamers (who can pay real money to buy diamonds to purchase items). But game is designed to be completely playable without these items, we never forced anyone to buy anything. Please, if you experience this bug, don’t buy items in shop, it will not make game worse! You can buy good heroes very soon (they are many times cheaper than in mobile version) and one good hero is everything you need to support you towers.
  • No tablets for completing new level (right leg) – you can still make more than enough tablets for upgrades by finishing regular levels.
  • Super hero achievement – if you don’t get achievement after reaching level 50, we are very sorry. It was reported by our players that after using new hero or resetting game (this bug was fixed by patch), achievement is awarded after reaching level 50. Other achievement related issues are mostly also fixed by this.
  • Game speed (while playing on 2x or 4x) – this is one major problem we have. Although we tried to fix it, it looks like only small difference was made by our patches. There is one solution – turning off sounds should fix it completely and game will be very fast even on slower PCs while going on 4x.
  • Cloud – we already messed up few players progress and implementing this feature while game is already out is nightmare. We will not turn this on, we are sorry. Transferring registry data will probably also not do any good.
Defend Your Life is our first PC game and we tried to do it right. But porting it from mobile phone and not having enough experience with cloud saving and other things specific to Steam and PC gaming, we did only half of what we hoped for. We believe that Defend Your Life is good game and worth of your time, even with these problems that we are unable to solve.

Thank you very much.
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
blewberry 15 Aug, 2015 @ 8:58am 
So that's it? With a single memo you are abandoning this game?

Can you at least make the versions prior to the last one available via the beta function? The bugs affecting me were introduced in the last patch. I would like to revert to the previous version that worked for me.
Last edited by blewberry; 15 Aug, 2015 @ 9:55am
Corwin8 17 Aug, 2015 @ 5:16am 
Done, you can revert game to Patch 2 state by using version "beta".
blewberry 17 Aug, 2015 @ 5:20am 
Thank you!
Drenus 23 Aug, 2015 @ 8:43am 
so your first pc game, which is suppose to be good, to get a fanbase, you screw up completly and then just abandon

shame since you had potiental, but now you got yourself blacklisted :rfacepalm:
Corwin8 24 Aug, 2015 @ 1:10pm 
Sorry to hear that but we hope that most of our fans enjoyed game as it is. It is not broken, it is extremely cheap and it provides hours and hours of fun. More than many super-cool forever Early Access games can tell.
mineralogCZ 24 Aug, 2015 @ 3:22pm 
Oceňuji práci, kterou děláte u této skvělé hry, osobně mám však problém s rozlišením - po nastavení rozlišení 1366x768, se mi stále zobrazuje rozlišení 1024x768 (4:3) a nelze ho přenastavit... Děkuji Vám :)
Corwin8 25 Aug, 2015 @ 4:15am 
Při nastavení širokoúhlého rozlišení v něm opravdu hra běží, ale protože jsou levely vždy 4:3, tak kvůli přehlednosti bojiště (aby nebylo potřeba scrollovat) jsme se rozhodli nechat levely 4:3 a jen je doplnit černými okraji. Věřte nám, že každé jiné řešení by bylo horší. :-)
Drenus 26 Aug, 2015 @ 1:42pm 
oh, the game ain't broken?, so those issues you listed yourself, are what exactly?

parts of the games, are either completly missing (item shop) for alot of people, or items not being awarded when its suppose to

face it, you are leaving the game in a broken state, but whatever, i only paid a buck for this mess in a bundle, but you can be damn sure that i'll be warning people if you put out other games on steam:dealwithit:
Shadow 27 Aug, 2015 @ 11:36am 
Maybe make patch 2 as default and patch 3 accessible via beta...

Anyway I understand, you were too ambitious. IMHO you shouldn't have worked on new features such as cloud saving in the first place. Maybe just add new level(s) and that's it.

And of course made this statement long time ago...
blewberry 27 Aug, 2015 @ 11:38am 
Shame, it is one of the most under-rated TD games on Steam. I really hope the devs come back to this game eventually.
Corwin8 27 Aug, 2015 @ 12:44pm 
Originally posted by Drenus:
oh, the game ain't broken?, so those issues you listed yourself, are what exactly?

parts of the games, are either completly missing (item shop) for alot of people, or items not being awarded when its suppose to

face it, you are leaving the game in a broken state, but whatever, i only paid a buck for this mess in a bundle, but you can be damn sure that i'll be warning people if you put out other games on steam:dealwithit:

Are you, dear customer, actually enjoying these hateful expressions? Or why are you doing this? If you want to warn someone, please, do so, just don't try to be center of universe with these warnings under the statement that reflects real state of game - everyone can make his own conclusion without these insults.

Originally posted by Oberyn Martell:
Maybe make patch 2 as default and patch 3 accessible via beta...

Anyway I understand, you were too ambitious. IMHO you shouldn't have worked on new features such as cloud saving in the first place. Maybe just add new level(s) and that's it.

And of course made this statement long time ago...

Thank you. To add new content was easier for us in that point because our programmer who knew everything about the game was quite occupied and unable to fix most of the problems without causing other bugs or without completely reconstructing the game. We tried to bring our game to PCs and we still think it was good idea (I think it is a lot of fun for small price), but porting itself was probably a little too much for us and our team is really tiny so in the end we decided to don't put anymore energy in it for it could make things worse.

Originally posted by ChodaGirl:
Shame, it is one of the most under-rated TD games on Steam. I really hope the devs come back to this game eventually.

Thank you. It would be very difficult for us because programmer who made this is already working solo on his own projects and he is no longer part of Alda Games. But you know, this is important game for us, we spent a lot of time (like 2 years) making it so we also hope that we will be able to correct our mistakes in future - but it would not be fair to make some bold statements as we don't plan anything like that now.
Drenus 27 Aug, 2015 @ 12:57pm 
hatefull expressions?, insults?, please do tell me where i am insulting you

Stating facts, are not an insult nor hatefull and never will be

your game is broken, those are the stone cold facts, how many times are you gonna deny this

Corwin8 28 Aug, 2015 @ 12:50am 
If you cannot see insults on your own, pointing them out would not make it any better.

What are we denying? We were honest (if slow) with our communication all the time. And we are honestly telling you that there are problems, and these problems are not making game unplayable or unenjoyable (for some, it is unenjoyable, let's not deny this, you are perfect example and we are sorry about it). You can play Patch 2 version as beta and many of reported bugs are only appearing to some players (can you at least understand that replicating "randomly" appearing bugs is very difficult for such small team?), yet, you can use whole content of the game which is huge and entertaining for such price. That is why we really DENY that game is broken because it is not... Let's agree that we don't agree and leave it at that. You have every right to be angry at us and to badmouth as in the future and we have every right to love our game and to try to do better in the future.
blewberry 28 Aug, 2015 @ 1:11am 
This game has some bugs, fair enough. However, none are particularly game breaking, and it's FAR from "broken."

It's still MUCH better than Fort Defense, Super Sanctum TD, Bloons TD5, and many other crap-o TDs on Steam, and imo it is right in-line with, dare I say, Kingdom Rush for fun factor, challenge, and design. And frankly, DYL has better graphics and music than KR.

Waldoy 25 Oct, 2016 @ 4:42am 
How to change language to Russian?
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