Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

is this game still worth it to play in 2025?
I had played this game before but stopped due to being busy at work and i'm just wondering if is it still okay to come back playing this game iirc there's a lot of hackers on ranked last time i played it. Also i heard that ubisoft no longer accepts custom game avatars, is that true?
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I think it's still worth playing if you don't got anything to play, also i think i think ubi dont accept custom avatars anymore, basically my ubi connect is stuck with a dr nefario pfp forever, so i think it's worth playing only if you dont got games to play.
Originally posted by R. Reagan of the 6th:
I think it's still worth playing if you don't got anything to play, also i think i think ubi dont accept custom avatars anymore, basically my ubi connect is stuck with a dr nefario pfp forever, so i think it's worth playing only if you dont got games to play.
okay tnx for the heads up, that's unfortunate that they remove the custom avatar for ubisoft
Goon God 30 Jan @ 9:57am 
if you play long enough to get good at it they will ban you based off your stats so if you plan to play then plan to throw games and do nothing every once in a while or lose all your progress since they dont ban based off evidence but if a number is too high or not
short answer - no -
Sica8340 30 Jan @ 1:36pm 
Cheaters, smurfs, trolls, kids, play if you want to have illness
You have 900 hours enough to know the decline of the game as time passes when you were active...custom avatar is the least of your worries.
It's somehow better than a lot of the competition ngl
BlueAuran 30 Jan @ 11:13pm 
90% of my matches have 9ffa newbs (aka roamers=beginners/inexperienced) and ME one PvX teamplaying pro (means player vs any) in other words zero ABILITY on my team to teamplay, and zero challenge from the enemy to do the same. Occasionally I get lucky, yet IF I just had the 4 stack I have been seeking for years now (super hard to find in such a hoard of robloxians in this population), or simply 4 more of myself, then because I have near 100% strategy and this game is 50% strategy I could beat enough teams to rise ranks AND get to face CHALLENGING players/teams. So yeah, just ASKING again if anyone KNOWS how to play the TWO prime objs of the game...hit me up for friends if YOU WANT to curbstomp the many players I have been NOW making you AWARE of :)

PS: I will ask you what those objs are when you appy tho. So please get the answer right!
Comp1ex 30 Jan @ 11:55pm 
100% that's a no
Yeah, it's fun. Definitely worth the price of admission.
it is just the WORST mess I have ever seen it in...remember A FULL ON 90% in my matches have the audacity to have 0% teamplay mechanics whatsoever...yet NOW many of those COMPLETELY oblivious to any of the OBJs (there are 2 of them AND YES they are OTHER than a&b in case you were wondering as that is called SITE and is ONE of the two OBJs) also have CONSOLE controllers making their aim completely GARBAGE. They could be playing their BEST like I do holding angles on site when on Def, yet even if they did that they would EASILY be beaten by a M/Kb player because of how useless a controller is to aim with in compare. So instead of making the game BETTER, or even putting in any indication that they CARE, we have THIS currently to content with IF like myself you have found SO FEW actual teamplayers in your games that you still LACK a 5 yeah, I have asked in dozens of threads for years now, probably will give up soon, and just let all the robloxians do their robloxy thing here in seige...

Of course the game still have a few thousand players, and there must be some of them who understand that to EXCEL in team based shooters, you have to at least know what the CORNERSTONE of doing well is = TEAMPLAY = dps is mainly why, like I said in another thread even STUPID BOTS would hand you your own asz if you tried to farm them playing as BADLY as the average rainbow six seige player plays on teams...yet here they are WITH WORSE strategies by far thinking somehow they are going to do better? Makes zero sense, yet with the lack of any experience in gaming most of these have (and agent smith matrix minions to boot most of em hah) I can see why THEY think playing like ffa newbs (aka roamers) is the way to go every round of every match they ever play (97% on attack I remind you do this it is that silly).
Last edited by BlueAuran; 31 Jan @ 5:31am
Just look around you...YOUR TEAM IS TINY and requires DPS to own the objs...yet instead you force everyone into your 20% WORST RATIO IN GAME because you are FAILING to look around at the full on 97% on average on attack and NEAR 50% on def that do this insanity and call it a viable rainbow six seige strategy. NO WAY could you EVER term 0% strategy (and illegals are worse at negative amounts being HORRIBLE anti-team gamers) as being something great for would CHOKE on silly PvE bots, and yet you think you are going to ace a HIGHER FORM of gaming with it? Start to make MATH SENSE then people like myself will pay attention. Til then, LEARN!
wow so there's crossplay now? i feel bad for console players who are forced to play with pc lol
It's way better than other competitive shooters in terms of gameplay, so I'd say its worth it.
Originally posted by Orchidtrace857:
wow so there's crossplay now? i feel bad for console players who are forced to play with pc lol
Console players can turn off crossplay but not PC.
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Date Posted: 29 Jan @ 10:59pm
Posts: 17