Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

DTP-MAZHA 30 Jan @ 9:42am
Hope UBI goes bankrupt soon
The whole world knows it's the Chinese Year of the Snake. You wrote Korean on a background card? May UBI go bankrupt this year. Game balance is a piece of crap. It's getting racist in here
The Korean word for "snake" in the game shop, used to celebrate the Chinese Year of the Snake, is disgusting. I played 2799 hours. I'm very disappointed with this game.
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ur reading in to it way too much
BlueAuran 30 Jan @ 10:11pm 
nationalism is a curse on this world predominantly. Of coarse ALL THE AGENT SMITH matrix minions LUV LUV LUV to do the jive to it :) ProTips peeps, you born on the earth, then everyone trying to segregate you into their little piddley groups MEANS NOTHING. Just remain FREE both in mind and in staying away from all the insanity peeps seem to think is so ultra important they even kill/die for WORDS/ in any way does that even make sense? Yet we all know it is true, people willing to die FOR IDEAS/beLIEfs...meanwhile knowledge IS HATED by these same types many times! Hey near 3K hours in Seige, bet you still run away from your own captain that carries the PRIME OBJ on attack most rounds tho right? Haha, I just had to throw that in there. Remember teamplay AND DPS buds, it's what WINS rounds!
Last edited by BlueAuran; 30 Jan @ 10:13pm
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 9:42am
Posts: 2