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Game Runs at Approx. 50fps instead of 60fps Despite Monitor Refresh Rate > 60hz and V-Sync On
Long title, but pretty much the game runs slower than it used to / should (around 50hz/50fps according to the Steam FPS overlay). My system is well over the requirements to run the game. Don't know why the game has slowed down for me. Already tried reinstalling and verifying files. Nothing has changed on my system (install/uninstall of programs, updates, etc.) so it isn't some process(es) that is/are taking up resources.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Foreeldo 6 Aug, 2020 @ 5:44pm 
I too am having this problem.
RedOni 23 Oct, 2020 @ 12:05am 
Same here. No idea why.
Devil Black 18 Apr, 2021 @ 2:33am 
Hi, Might've found a solution:
-Open Steam
-Click Library
-Find Downwell
-Right click and select: Manage > Browse Local Files
-Your file explorer should open up and Downwell.exe should be there. Right click it and then click "Extract here"
-find the option.ini file after the exraction
-open option.ini and change from: AlternateSyncMethod=0 to AlternateSyncMethod=1
-Save and close option.ini
-Find Downwell.exe and delete it.
-Find Downwell_v1_0_5.exe and rename it to: Downwell.exe
-Launch the game, Go into Option > Display > VSYNC: On

Should fix your issue
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