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Low FPS Issue Thread
I've seen a variety of threads for this issue, some with potential fixes but none that worked for me.

The game used to run fine but I recently reinstalled it after not playing for a while and ran into the issue of the game not running faster than 45-50 FPS. This has a pretty major impact on gameplay.

Things that I've tried that have not fixed the issue:
- Extracting the Downwell executable and modifying options.ini changing AlternateSyncMethod to =1
- Uninstalling / reinstalling Downwell
- Going to the beta release
- Enabling / Disabling gsync/freesync (normally on)
- Enabling / Disabling vsync in driver settings (normally off)
- Enabling / Disabling vsync in the game (normally off)

If anyone knows of any other solutions please let me know.

I've reached out to Devolver for support and I will update this with any info they can provide. I'm honestly not expecting much but maybe they will surprise me.
Last edited by iAmNotGoodAtGamesButILikeThem; 4 Dec, 2020 @ 9:26am
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Caros Wulf 10 Dec, 2020 @ 5:29pm 
Thanks, i'm having this issue aswell, I really dont think its my pc, so I'll try some of this tips, thanks again :celeste_strawberry:
Devil Black 18 Apr, 2021 @ 2:33am 
Hi, Might've found a solution:
-Open Steam
-Click Library
-Find Downwell, Right click and select:
Manage > Browse Local Files
-Your file explorer should open up and Downwell.exe should be there. Right click it and then click "Extract here"
-find the option.ini file after the extraction
-open option.ini and change from: AlternateSyncMethod=0 to AlternateSyncMethod=1
-Save and close option.ini
-Find Downwell.exe and delete it.
-Find Downwell_v1_0_5.exe and rename it to: Downwell.exe
-Launch the game, Go into Option > Display > VSYNC: On

Should fix your issue
Last edited by Devil Black; 18 Apr, 2021 @ 2:35am
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