Black Mesa

Black Mesa

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[BMS] Adam-Bomb  [developer] 17 Jul, 2024 @ 1:29pm
Black Mesa Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting || Common Issues || Submitting a Support Ticket
First off, thank you to Peter Brev for their fantastic guide that has solved MANY support issues over the years, and has been the go-to source for how to fix things for everyone, including us developers. Below is a troubleshooting guide of our current most common issues.

Thanks as well to our moderator Ryannessence (Ry) who helped greatly improve this!

Please read carefully for solutions, and let us know if anything is unclear

🡆 How To’s
No Workshop Launch Option
+workshop_disable 1"
    This is a simple first step to help rule out issues caused by custom modifications for the game. This will not fix ALL issues with mods, but it will help in a lot of scenarios.

How to Enter a Steam Launch Command
  1. Right-click the game and click “Properties”.
  2. At the bottom of the pop-up, you will see a dialog that says “Advanced users may choose to enter modifications to their launch options”.
  3. Enter commands into this field. They can be separated by a space.

How to Enable Developer Console
  1. If you are using the old game menu user interface in your launch options “-oldgameui”, launch the game then go to “Options” -> “Keyboard” -> “Advanced…” -> “Enable developer console [~]”.
  2. If you are not using the old game menu user interface in your launch options “-oldgameui”, launch the game then go to “Options” -> “Game” -> Enable “Developer Console”.
  3. To enable developer console using launch options, simply add this command in the launch options.
  4. To open the developer console in game, simply click on the [~] button on your keyboard.

Clean Uninstall the Entire Game
  1. Try adding this command to disable workshop mods.
    +workshop_disable 1
  2. Unsubscribe from all mods and delete files inside “[Game install drive]\ [SteamFolder]\steamapps\workshop\content\362980” because sometimes unsubscribing doesn’t actually delete all the mods and some can still be loaded from this folder.
  3. Uninstall the game.
  4. Delete the “Black Mesa” folder from the Steam/Common directory.
  5. Reinstall the game.

    NOTE: Cloud saves, or restarting a chapter, will let you resume from where you left off.

Steam Crash Dumps
  1. When the game crashes, the engine saves a crash dump file to your steam directory. We can use this file to get the exact reason why the game crashed, which as you would expect is VERY helpful in solving the crash.
  2. NOTE: These files have a lot of system information in them. Do NOT post them publicly!
  3. Files can be found in the Steam folder. By default C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\dumps.

🡆 Common Issues
Game Does Not Launch (No Splash Screen)
  1. Make sure that your PC is within the minimum requirements for the game
  2. Verify game files.
  3. Remove old launch commands. It is possible older commands or mods broke the game launch.
  4. This is potentially a Steam issue. Please see Steam’s guide on fixing games that do no launch.
  5. Make sure you have the latest drivers' updates
  6. Clean uninstall the entire game. (see instructions above)

Start Up Crash Fixes
  1. Verify game files.
  2. Use “-oldgameui” launch command (not a permanent fix, but can rule things out)
  3. Remove old launch commands. It is possible older commands or mods broke the game launch.
  4. This is potentially a Steam issue. Please see Steam’s guide on fixing games that do no launch.
  5. Make sure you have the latest drivers' updates
  6. Clean uninstall the entire game. (see instructions above)

Random Crashes/Unique Crashes
  1. Restart Steam.
  2. Verify game files.
  3. Load a previous save.
  4. Try progressing through the crash using absolute potato commands.
  5. Add the launch commands below, progress past where it was crashing, then reset the settings to normal.
    -mat_antialias 0 -mat_aaquality 0 -oldgameui +cl_csm_Enabled 0 +nr_shadow_active 0 +nr_shadow_quality 0 +np_active 0 +np_quality 0
  6. Clean uninstall the entire game. (see instructions above)

Log Files
To generate a log file, Add these commands to the launch options.
-dev -console -conclearlog -condebug -mat_antialias 0 -mat_aaquality 0 -oldgameui

Game is Too Dark/Flashlight Not Working
  1. If the game is being run on integrated graphics (there is not a dedicated graphics card), the game may appear very dark, or the player's flashlight may not work. Enter the launch commands below.
    +mat_dxlevel 95 +mat_hdr_level 2 +mat_tonemapping_occlusion_use_stencil 1 mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled 1
  2. Flashlight fix for low specs pcs.
    -force_vendor_id 0x10DE -force_device_id 0x1180 -dxlevel95

NOTE #1: PCs without dedicated graphics cards are not supported by the game, but the commands above are a work around.

NOTE #2: Laptops may default Black Mesa to use the integrated graphics instead of the dedicated GPU. Ensure the game is using dedicated graphics in your video card’s software. (Nvidia or AMD)

Black Objects
  1. If you see black props (objects, rocks, etc) this can be a side effect of using integrated graphics. Simply add the launch command below to fix the issue.
    +r_meshstaticlighting 0

Decal Problems
  1. Inputting this command in the console, will simply fix decals not showing up on models.
    cl_mdldetailfx_enable 1

FPS Problems
  1. For outlines or FPS problems, Check video options for MSAA (an old setting we no longer use because it gives white outlines to models and tank FPS), Go to bms/videoconfig.cfg and set mat_antialias to 0
    “mat_antialias” “0”

Post Processing
  1. If a player is unable to disable post processing (including godrays) through options in game, Add these commands in launch options to fix the issue.
    +np_active 0 +np_quality 0 +np_gr_quality 0

Disable Chromatic Aberration
  1. For players unable to disable chromatic aberration, input this command in the console.
    mat_chromatic_damage_enable 0

HUD Issue
  1. To fix having the hud always enabled on screen, simply input this command in the console.
    hud_fastswitch 0

Controller Issues
  1. To fix possible controller issues, input this command in the console.
    exec 360controller

Window Settings
  1. For players unable to change the window settings in game, Add these in your launch options.
    -w (width) - height (height)
  2. Example:
    -w 1920 - height 1080
  3. To disable full screen, simply add this command in your launch options.
  4. To disable game window borders, simply add this command in your launch options.

AMD Crash Fix
  1. A recent change causes issues on some AMD cards. We are looking into this using crash files from the community. To fix the crash, add the following to the Steam launch command.
    +nr_gbuffer_for_secondary_cams_enabled 0 +cl_mdldetailfx_enable 0
  2. Also for rare cases, if the commands don’t work, uninstalling geforce would fix the problem.

Intel ARC Cards Fix
  1. We are working to ensure Intel Arc hardware is properly identified. If it is not recognized for some reason, add this to the games launch command.
    force_vendor_id 0x10DE -force_device_id 0x1180 -dxlevel 9

🡆 Submitting a Support Ticket
Still have a game breaking issue? You can submit a support ticket!
  • Join our Discord Server.[]
  • Go to support center, then click on the “#create-ticket” chat.
  • Follow the instructions and click the “Create Ticket” reaction emoji.

Last edited by [BMS] Adam-Bomb; 26 Aug, 2024 @ 6:35pm
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Showing 1-15 of 34 comments
MorbidOliv3 22 Jul, 2024 @ 5:01pm 
nothing works for lighting fix -_-
Last edited by MorbidOliv3; 22 Jul, 2024 @ 5:01pm
faringanlaster 25 Jul, 2024 @ 5:36am 
>Laptops may default Black Mesa to use the integrated graphics instead of the dedicated GPU. Ensure the game is using dedicated graphics in your video card’s software (Nvidia or AMD)

sorry, how to do it again?
mardukay 25 Jul, 2024 @ 10:58am 
Game doesnt work on linux. I have error " failed to lock vertex buffer in CMeshDX8::LockVertexBuffer: nVertexCount=-12, nFirstVertex=27908 "
H4N2----- 25 Jul, 2024 @ 1:37pm 
Crashes early in the game as soon as i Touch some water. Couldnt fix it yet
CybrFox  [developer] 30 Jul, 2024 @ 12:56pm 
Originally posted by H4N2-----:
Crashes early in the game as soon as i Touch some water. Couldnt fix it yet

Not sure what your setup is, but it could be the water issue referenced here:
[BMS] Adam-Bomb  [developer] 31 Jul, 2024 @ 11:30am 
Originally posted by faringanlaster:
>Laptops may default Black Mesa to use the integrated graphics instead of the dedicated GPU. Ensure the game is using dedicated graphics in your video card’s software (Nvidia or AMD)

sorry, how to do it again?

Here is a random Dell article I googles. Let us know if it helps!
Brukvo 10 Aug, 2024 @ 9:42pm 
Hi guys,
I'm running BM on Linux with Radeon RX580 onboard (using Vulkan obviously), graphics set to Ultra. I'm experiencing many glitches including flashlight not working. I've tried those parameters for flashlight, but that didn't work for me.
Are there any solutions like switching to OpenGL or switching to another version of BM?
Game crashes CONSTANTLY in Xen. I have some crash files in the directory you described, what do I do with them to help get to the root of the problem?
liverygone 27 Aug, 2024 @ 5:53pm 
Originally posted by MorbidOliv3:
nothing works for lighting fix -_-
i just figured how to fix delete all files in the "local files" section then re install
Int_erloper 19 Sep, 2024 @ 9:05am 
Any idea on why the "Laser Immunization" achievement cannot be obtained? I tried several community guides for solutions but none of them seem to work, really want to get 100% achievements for the game. Thx.
usee 19 Sep, 2024 @ 6:42pm 
Originally posted by Shu'ulathoi:
Any idea on why the "Laser Immunization" achievement cannot be obtained? I tried several community guides for solutions but none of them seem to work, really want to get 100% achievements for the game. Thx.

I managed to get it in my first recent playthrough by quicksaving before every laser-like beam in case I get hit - throughout the entire chapter. Maybe start the entire chapter from new game instead of a save and play through and see if that does anything, or verity integrity the game's files.
deadspace1788 19 Sep, 2024 @ 7:03pm 
When I open the game and start it it crashes at the blured main menu i've restatred and verafied the files
deadspace1788 20 Sep, 2024 @ 2:22pm 
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10105F CPU @ 3.70GHz 3.70 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB (7.87 GB usable)
Device ID 14BBE7BA-8335-4B99-885A-BDDA849392AD
Product ID 00342-21155-05131-AAOEM
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display
this is the device specifications plz tell me when if this is good it wont start up
Int_erloper 22 Sep, 2024 @ 10:58pm 
Originally posted by usee:
Originally posted by Shu'ulathoi:
Any idea on why the "Laser Immunization" achievement cannot be obtained? I tried several community guides for solutions but none of them seem to work, really want to get 100% achievements for the game. Thx.

I managed to get it in my first recent playthrough by quicksaving before every laser-like beam in case I get hit - throughout the entire chapter. Maybe start the entire chapter from new game instead of a save and play through and see if that does anything, or verity integrity the game's files.
Well, what's interesting is that I did a run without loading any previous saves by not getting hit at all because I did the same thing as you before and it did not work. Apparently some guides have pointed out that loading a save will cause it to not trigger the achievement, which is weird. And some even suggested to just use noclip and turning sv_cheats back to 0 immediately using key binds, that didn't work for me either. And lastly, some even said to use the achievement reset command in the console, but I was afraid that it might reset all of my achievement so I didn't use that method at all. Which left me stuck with no other ways to get the 100% achievements. (Every other achievements work just fine, which puzzles me.) But yeah, I guess I'll verify the files then, since nothing else works, thanks.
KingTiger503 28 Sep, 2024 @ 3:28am 
Originally posted by deadspace1788:
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10105F CPU @ 3.70GHz 3.70 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB (7.87 GB usable)
Device ID 14BBE7BA-8335-4B99-885A-BDDA849392AD
Product ID 00342-21155-05131-AAOEM
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display
this is the device specifications plz tell me when if this is good it wont start up

Do you have a Graphics card,, Such as Nvidia or AMD
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