Black Mesa

Black Mesa

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The optimization is terrible
I never played a game that is this badly optimized compared to how much more powerful my hardware is than the recommended system requirements. The frame rate can dip from 60 to 35 at any moment for no reason. I get it that this game was made by a small independent studio, but still.
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Showing 1-15 of 75 comments
Would be nice if you posted your system specs, the source engine requires some pretty good single core performance.
Shocker 9 Jan @ 8:35am 
Windows 10 Pro
Intel i7 7700 3.60 GHz
Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti

It's just bad optimization. This problem is not exclusive to me. A game that was made with the Half-Life 2 engine shouldn't have a problem.
Yup, no matter what rig I use, the particle or whatever effects used on teleports will just drain the FPS like mad. Also, Xen has a huge performance drop compared to the Black Mesa levels.
Originally posted by Shocker:
Windows 10 Pro
Intel i7 7700 3.60 GHz
Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti

It's just bad optimization. This problem is not exclusive to me. A game that was made with the Half-Life 2 engine shouldn't have a problem.
You forgot Black Mesa was using Source Engine heavily modified version, is not the same version like as Half-Life 2, BM are using modern Source SDK and HL2 Doesn't.
Yeah optimizations bad like my game is darker than the back side of the damn moon
And it's 28 mega bites
Originally posted by Shocker:
Windows 10 Pro
Intel i7 7700 3.60 GHz
Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti

It's just bad optimization. This problem is not exclusive to me. A game that was made with the Half-Life 2 engine shouldn't have a problem.

Weird, I run a 1070 and a i7-7700k 4.20 GHz with 32 GBs of ram and its running fine for me.
Shocker 10 Jan @ 6:20pm 
Originally posted by *****'S DOOMSDAY 10/10/2025:
Originally posted by Shocker:
Windows 10 Pro
Intel i7 7700 3.60 GHz
Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti

It's just bad optimization. This problem is not exclusive to me. A game that was made with the Half-Life 2 engine shouldn't have a problem.

Weird, I run a 1070 and a i7-7700k 4.20 GHz with 32 GBs of ram and its running fine for me.
I never said that it's not running fine. There can be a quick frame rate dip every 5 or 10 minutes.
Originally posted by Shocker:
Originally posted by *****'S DOOMSDAY 10/10/2025:

Weird, I run a 1070 and a i7-7700k 4.20 GHz with 32 GBs of ram and its running fine for me.
I never said that it's not running fine. There can be a quick frame rate dip every 5 or 10 minutes.
some parts can be demanding in the game during Gameplay.
Shocker 10 Jan @ 6:56pm 
Originally posted by ❄ScarlyLycλnzinho❄:
Originally posted by Shocker:
I never said that it's not running fine. There can be a quick frame rate dip every 5 or 10 minutes.
some parts can be demanding in the game during Gameplay.
It's more random than anything.
ISO 777 10 Jan @ 7:08pm 
Go to properties > betas > public-beta > start the game with DXVK. Had the same issue but this fixed it.
3060 12gb
Saskidan 11 Jan @ 5:37pm 
Xen bogged me down and lambda labs during the teleporting segment quite a bit.
Same for me. It got borderline unplayable at certain points but after the last update I get 60 fps for most of the game while using vulcan. There are areas however, which always cause a framerate drop, no matter how high or low I set my graphics, all of them in Xen. Examples include the gargantua chase or the fight with the controllers in the vortigaunt ghetto.

I still hope that there will be some more improvements in the future since it's otherwise a great game, especially considering that it's a fan project.
it has its problems for sure. But after the recent update i saw a huge improvement, especially in "on a rail" where you start the rocket from 45fps to 90-100fps. I hope these updates continue
Originally posted by Shocker:
Windows 10 Pro
Intel i7 7700 3.60 GHz
Nvidia GTX 1070 Ti

It's just bad optimization. This problem is not exclusive to me. A game that was made with the Half-Life 2 engine shouldn't have a problem.

Why is it always the potato pc owners crying BaD OpTiMiZaTiOn i wonder ?
That CPU is 10 years old. BMS isn't HL2, it requires a beefy rig.
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