Black Mesa

Black Mesa

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Tickles 27 Jan @ 9:00pm
How do we get more people to notice this game!?
Even many players who tried it have no idea that blue shift already exists!
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Showing 1-15 of 35 comments
Cat 27 Jan @ 9:16pm 
Kolibria 27 Jan @ 9:49pm 
the 27th 28 Jan @ 6:04am 
Originally posted by Cat:
sleeper agent trigger
Originally posted by Tickles:
How do we get more people to notice this game!?
Even many players who tried it have no idea that blue shift already exists!
Isso é verdade
Araqiel 28 Jan @ 3:45pm 
That's just how it is when you don't have triple A marketing money.

I think most Half-Life fans know about Black Mesa, but it's not really an entry point for those new to the series.
It was my first Half Life game got me in to the series.
Eze 29 Jan @ 4:17pm 
The time of story based shooters has passed. But hey, that's most of what I pay and play anyway.
Feruz 30 Jan @ 9:24am 
I agree, it deserves more praise and awards than half-life 2.
It does have +100k reviews.. fair to assume the project received a bit of attention
Ray 31 Jan @ 11:11am 
Blue Shift where?
no it is not
Yea it is
Originally posted by Feruz:
I agree, it deserves more praise and awards than half-life 2.
No, I do think Black Mesa is good but there is no way any mod or half life game will be as ground breaking and loved as hl2
EasyC 31 Jan @ 10:09pm 
OP doesn't know what underrated means.
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