WALL OF JUSTICE  [developer] 13 Apr, 2018 @ 6:45am
Barony Workshop Is Open!
Hi everyone,

Today we released a Beta branch (workshop-beta) V3.1.3 that includes preliminary Workshop support for custom maps!

For the Beta, only Windows and Linux and currently supported.

I've written a primer guide/tutorial to explain what's possible now and in the future, as well as how to create and upload your mods:

2018/05/11 V3.1.6 Main Branch
  • Models/Sound/Books/Music/Tiles have been added to Workshop support.
  • New guide for models here:

2018/04/16 V3.1.5 Beta branch workshop-beta
  • Update to beta branch to include all the main client v3.1.4 features and fixes.

Workshop download instructions:
  • It is best to subscribe to mods without Barony open, since having the client open will prevent any pending downloads from occurring. Once subscribed you should immediately see a download happening in Steam.

  • If the mods aren't downloading, you can hit 'download item' from the 'subscribed item list' window in-game, then you should see a pending Workshop item download in Steam which will trigger after closing Barony.

  • You can also subscribe to mods in-game if you join a modded multiplayer lobby, in the chat/lobby window you should see a button "subscribe to host mods". This button will remain until the mods are downloaded, which may require a client close and restart to allow the downloads to come through. Ideally this would all happen without closing the client, but it's a limitation of Workshop.

  • After having downloaded the mods required to match the host, you can click a load mod list button to add every neccessary Workshop item in the correct mod order without prior loading the items yourself.

  • If using multiple mods, the first item mounted in the loaded mods list has lowest priority, in the case of 2 mods modifying the same filename.

  • If a mod is uploaded that isn't natively supported by our client yet (only map files so far) then you can still manually install the files yourself by overwriting the base game files.
    • Take a backup of the Barony Steam directory (e.g C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Barony), and navigate 2 folders up to find where Steam stores Workshop data. (filepath C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\workshop\content\371970\) Barony's app ID is 371970.
    • A bunch of numbered folders will be here, these are the Workshop data files. (E.g 1357807830). Inside these numbered folders is the content you'll want to copy over to your Barony Steam install location.

Post any discussions/questions about the Workshop in this thread.
Last edited by WALL OF JUSTICE; 11 May, 2018 @ 8:16am
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Showing 1-15 of 20 comments
Wall Of Justice's Wall Of Text must have taken a great deal of effort. Thank you!
Oh baby, this is what I've been wanting for a long time
WALL OF JUSTICE  [developer] 16 Apr, 2018 @ 6:19am 
Updated OP with some missing download instructions. Hopefully it's all been intuitive so far!
WALL OF JUSTICE  [developer] 17 Apr, 2018 @ 7:03am 
Workshop-beta updated to v3.1.5, to include v3.1.4 features/fixes.
Expertionis 15 May, 2018 @ 8:58pm 
so ive just started modding barony, started with something simple just a recolor of the steel sword. but whenever i try to load a modded game with it, barony crashes. its the right format its named right and in the correct file location. is there something im missing?
mistersneak  [developer] 15 May, 2018 @ 9:20pm 
Originally posted by Expertionis:
so ive just started modding barony, started with something simple just a recolor of the steel sword. but whenever i try to load a modded game with it, barony crashes. its the right format its named right and in the correct file location. is there something im missing?
If you're using VoxelShop, there are two .VOX formats you can select from when exporting. My guess is that the one you've been trying is the incorrect one and that will cause the game to crash.
Caliđa Myriad 15 May, 2018 @ 9:37pm 
Originally posted by mistersneak:
Originally posted by Expertionis:
so ive just started modding barony, started with something simple just a recolor of the steel sword. but whenever i try to load a modded game with it, barony crashes. its the right format its named right and in the correct file location. is there something im missing?
If you're using VoxelShop, there are two .VOX formats you can select from when exporting. My guess is that the one you've been trying is the incorrect one and that will cause the game to crash.

I believe there's .VoxLAP and .voxGAME, the one I think you need is LAP?
WALL OF JUSTICE  [developer] 16 May, 2018 @ 2:26am 
From the models guide, if you're using VoxelShop you'll need to use the VoxelLap .vox format
Last edited by WALL OF JUSTICE; 16 May, 2018 @ 2:28am
Expertionis 16 May, 2018 @ 9:43am 
I'm using magicavoxel, because i happened to have it already, i only seem to be able to save it as the one type of voxel. guess ill have to get voxelshop. . .
Expertionis 16 May, 2018 @ 10:06am 
So after some messing around, i found that you have to export as a Slab6(.vox) through magicavoxel and so far so good. however, thank you for answering my question.
mistersneak  [developer] 16 May, 2018 @ 10:13am 
Yes, Magicavoxel will work. We use VoxelShop internally for all of the models made for the Cursed Edition and beyond. VoxelShop is free on BlackFlux's website if you'd like to check it out.
だんご 25 May, 2018 @ 12:45pm 
Is there any chance you could add a portal that takes you to the next level as well as a trap door? (Editing) It would make more sense sometimes for it to be a portal exit instead of trap door.
WALL OF JUSTICE  [developer] 25 May, 2018 @ 4:25pm 
Hey DangoSan, good idea I'll add that to my editor feature list for the next patch.

I saw your maps on the workshop I'm excited to try it out!

If there's any other editor requests to help your mapmaking feel free to throw out some ideas, so far I've got triggerable sounds/text lines, buttons, electricity delays, and entity teleporters suggested so far to add.

If you wanna join the Barony discord to send through some short form suggestions here's the invite:
だんご 26 May, 2018 @ 2:25am 
That's incredible. Thanks a lot : ), I do have a couple of things I'd like to suggest, obviously I dunno how complex they would be, but:

- Is there any way we could choose the orientation of more items? Like fountains/sinks/gravestones.
- Maybe saving enemy presets? So I make a skeleton with x stats, some gear and a name, I click 'Save Preset' and he gets added to the sprite menu? (This is one I really don't know how difficult it could be so I understand if it doesn't work.)
- I don't know if you can do this already and I didn't notice, but maybe an invisible wall block, too.
- Set player facing direction at spawn points.
- Is there any way we could get a window? Say a small hole in a wall with some iron bars to look through a block. (This is just me being OTT with liking to spruce up the map, I just think it could look pretty cool)
- An option to make specifically placed enemies scale with the player level/dungeon depth?

Hopefully, this doesn't seem too needy. I really do love Barony, and it's great being able to make some sort of content for it. You seem really dedicated which is amazing. : ) (Gonna get on the discord server too.)

Edit: Also maybe a way to make iron gates only open with lever and not work with opening spells/staffs. "This gate is protected by a magical barrier" or something.

-Would be cool to have the option to set traps to only trigger on the player.

I also think there may be an issue with changing models. If my friend downloads the mod from workshop, loads it and then joins me, he won't see the new models unless he hosts a solo game first.

This got a little long, I'll try to refrain from just adding to it. (Sorry)
Last edited by だんご; 26 May, 2018 @ 7:47am
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Date Posted: 13 Apr, 2018 @ 6:45am
Posts: 20