Planetary Annihilation: TITANS

Planetary Annihilation: TITANS

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Nicb1 2 May, 2016 @ 6:42pm
[MOD] [TITANS] Legion Expansion
Legion Expansion is a community mod that adds a new faction with over 100 new units to Titans multiplayer and AI skirmish.


Created by the Progenitors in the dying days of the Pro-Com war, the Legion represented humanity's last ditch effort to defeat the Machine Liberation Army (MLA). It failed. When the superweapon was unleashed which disabled the MLA the Legion were not spared. Millenia later they have awoken and seek to win the unwinnable war for which they were created, in memory of their masters.

A labour of love put together over the course of one-and-a-half years, this expansion introduces over a hundred new units, forming an entirely new faction equal in size and scope of the original. You can use it in multiplayer, or play against the AI in skirmish, both are fully supported.

The Legion lack the mobility and numbers of the MLA, instead their focus is on raw power. While the enemy are many, the Legion's armour is strong and their guns powerful. They do not focus on early raiding or rapid expansion, rather they prepare themselves to strike a single mighty blow that both begins and ends the battle.


The Legion Expansion is installed from the Community Mods section of Planetary Annihilation TITANS. Simply search for "Legion" and choose to install the Legion Expansion. All required elements will be installed. AI support is included within the mod, but for enhanced AI try installing the Queller AI as well.


No need to dive in at the deep end, everything you need to know about the Legion Expansion can be found over at eXodus eSports[]. It details the new units and how to approach playing this faction.


Found a bug? Then raise an issue on GitHub[]. All tickets need to be accompanied by the game logs[], screenshots of the problem, steps to reproduce, and links to a PA Stats[] game if enabled. Bugs without this information will be closed without investigation.




This project is not the work of one, but of a legion.
nicb1 Project Lead / Models Crembels Concept Artist KillerKiwiJuice Models / Textures / Code / Effects mgmetal13 Textures zx0 Textures Alpha2546 Effects / Balance Dom314 Effects PRoeleert UI wondible Code mikeyh Code Quitch AI Stuart98 Code / Strategic Icons CptConundrum UI Elodea Balance Lead / Effects AndreasG Balance / Playtester Clopse Balance / Playtester Graushwein Balance / Playtester N30N Playtester Qzipco Playtester WPMarshall Playtester xankar Playtester
Last edited by Nicb1; 22 Jun, 2018 @ 6:11pm
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Showing 1-15 of 204 comments
Nicb1 2 May, 2016 @ 6:42pm 
If you have any questions or feedback feel free to share here, or in the official mod thread over here:

Current Major Bugs
You tell us :)
Last edited by Nicb1; 6 Jun, 2016 @ 1:18am
facciola007 2 May, 2016 @ 7:04pm 
That beautiful trailer...
Loved the Total Annihilation intro homage at the end there.

Well done everyone involved.
Originally posted by R.O.S.S:
Shall I upload this video for gaming mode news and promote other site? :dark_angels:
Feel free to share the link. As for gaming news, the team does plan to issue a press release to some of the major sites once this moves from beta to official release. It seems too early to do that now since Legion isn't available on the stable version of Titans.
Quitch 4 May, 2016 @ 6:40am 
v0.9.1 - 2016/05/03
  • Fixed bug preventing the Enderstryke71 and Nefelpitou Commanders from building
  • Restored Rockteeth build effects
  • The Imperator orbital battleship is now buildable
  • Fixed the Marauder description
Last edited by Quitch; 16 May, 2016 @ 7:18am
Nicb1 9 May, 2016 @ 12:36am 
New update changelog:

v0.10.0 - 2016/05/09

- New build effect
- Marauder firing sound fixed
- Improved Purger description
- More work done on the lobby UI
- Black Knight now heavily drains Ramparts
- Hive nerfed:
   - reload time increased from 10 seconds to 14
   - no longer accepts orders
   - health reduced from 125 to 100
   - cost increased from 600 metal to 750
   - Swarms are now properly targeted by other units
   - Swarm speed lowered from 60 to 50
   - Swarms no longer accept orders
   - Swarm lifetime lowered to 6 seconds from 6.5
- Peacekeeper buffed:
   - weapon range increased from 70 to 75
- Air bomb splash damage only affects air units
- Fix Rockteeth commander not having a torpedo weapon
- Monstrosity nerfed:
   - metal cost increased from 1700 to 1800
   - health decreased from 6100 to 6000
   - acceleration and brake decreased from 40/30 to 10/10
   - turn speed decreased from 60 to 45
   - main cannon yaw rate decreased from 70 to 30
- Purger buffed:
   - damage increased from 350 to 450
- Stoke buffed:
   - damage increased from 35 to 39
   - splash damage increased from 10 to 25
   - splash radius decreased from 7 to 6
- Lancer tweaked:
   - damage against bots decreased by 15%
   - damage against vehicles increased by 10%
   - less likely to fire into the ground and do no damage to target
- Excalibur nerf:
   - health decreased from 650 to 350
- Titans prioritise shooting other Titans
- Reduced Tyr splash radius from 180 to 160
- Improved ability of Arsonist to hit units
- Optimisation of Arsonist effects to reduce lag
- Hives can no longer overlap other units during placement
- Hive selection hexagon size increased to properly fit the unit
- Legion players now have a Legion Commander icon on the player list
- Legion UI can now be disabled separately for the menu and in-game UI
- Improvements to the way the intro video is displayed
- Improved main menu load time when Legion theme is disabled
- Optimised background images to reduce mod size
Quitch 9 May, 2016 @ 2:46pm 
Last edited by Quitch; 9 May, 2016 @ 2:46pm
Quitch 12 May, 2016 @ 5:47pm 
The PTE servers are about to go offline. You will not be able to play Legion online until PTE has been pushed to stable. Skirmish will continue to function and the mod will still be downloadable through Community Mods. While there is no firm timeline for PTE's push to stable we expect it within the next week. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
Quitch 13 May, 2016 @ 5:33am 
v0.10.1 - 2016/05/13
  • Added BETA tag to mod name
  • Updated mod description to list known issues
  • Updated lobby welcome screen to list known issues
Last edited by Quitch; 16 May, 2016 @ 7:17am
Warren 14 May, 2016 @ 5:56am 
Very nice!
Quitch 16 May, 2016 @ 7:15am 
v0.11.0 - 2016/05/16

  • Patriots automatically place themselves at the back of formations
  • MLA Commanders now outlined in blue in the lobby to match Legion
  • Earthshaker causes smaller forest fires
  • Corsair prioritises structures (excluding walls) over mobile units
  • Rampart uses team colour for its switching off effect
  • Gustav nerfed:
  • range decreased from 550 to 500
  • Earthshaker nerfed:
  • damage reduced from 2000 to 1500
  • Comet nerfed:
  • build cost increased from 2400 metal to 2500
  • health decreased from 4000 to 2500
  • bomber tag added to ensure ground AA shoots it before fighters
  • Nova overhaul:
  • build cost increased from 90 metal to 120
  • health decreased from 180 to 120
  • causes constant damage to all enemy air units within close proximity for 20 seconds
  • Miniman buffed:
  • bomb health increased from 125 to 130
  • bomb explosion timer decreased from 3 seconds to 2.5
  • bomb splash damage decreased from 500 to 250
  • Moved Rampart to correct location on build bar
  • Fixed colour of spectators in lobby when Legion theme is active
  • Fixed colour of Legion tag in games browser
  • Stoke now uses correct weapon identifier on its factory build image
  • Corsair now uses correct weapon identifier on its factory build image
  • Investigator in radar mode no longer creates errors in the logs
  • Fixed Decimator rocket trail
Last edited by Quitch; 16 May, 2016 @ 7:46am
Sage 17 May, 2016 @ 7:20pm 
For some reason, after I installed this, ever after uninstalling it, all of my icons are black squares. Metal spots and units, to be exact.
I'm not necesarly reporting a bug, I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
Quitch 18 May, 2016 @ 1:43am 
Have a look at Justin's post in this issue[].
Trentscousin 18 May, 2016 @ 3:53pm 
This plays like a Wonderful DLC (is there a Donate link anywhere?).
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