Genuine question for toxic gamers (Minor rant)
What exactly are you hoping to achieve by verbally attacking new/bad players? Sincerely, I don't understand it. If someone is bad (like myself I wont deny it) how exactly are they meant to get better without playing the game? Chasing away new players from your community sounds counter intuitive if you actually want to see your community stay alive.

Can you imagine if we did that elsewhere in society? Like if instead of teachers teaching students new subjects they just yelled at and insulted them until they either quit or pushed through and figured it out on their own? It'd be ridiculous.

Oh and just for the record. . .most people don't want to do ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ homework about a video game just to be able to play it without being harassed. It's meant to be fun, not a job.

Rant over and I am genuinely curious how toxic players validate their behavior to themselves. I doubt any of them will respond to this, but I kinda hope they do.

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Welcome to being online 🤷
Originally posted by S.A.Ssephchan:
Welcome to being online 🤷
yeah, I've been online all my life so I'm never really surprised these people exist. I just don't understand what their rationale is outside of "I really want to be an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to someone right now". Like I get getting angry at a game, I got some gamer rage too, but I don't take it out on people just trying to enjoy the game like I am. It's just a weird mentality I have never understood.

Ngl I made this post because I just played a game where this guy basically acknowledged I was a new player and shouldn't have been put in a match with him and STILL told me to never play the game again once it ended. Like bro, you were so close to understanding what was happening and you just barely missed it
Last edited by ClearlyHopeless; 23 Jan @ 12:45am
I came back to play yesterday after years away, Everyone is still toxic asf, ahh the Memories haha
Hasil 23 Jan @ 11:49am 
Yeah, it's the Internet in general that has gotten increasingly toxic over the years. But it's also a failure to enforce standards of civil behavior in games that is the problem. Suspend people more, ban them, hardware and IP ban them -- take toxicity seriously and you will foster a much more positive gaming experience.
Ghost 23 Jan @ 2:12pm 
Yeah, i remember old days
Originally posted by Hasil:
Yeah, it's the Internet in general that has gotten increasingly toxic over the years. But it's also a failure to enforce standards of civil behavior in games that is the problem. Suspend people more, ban them, hardware and IP ban them -- take toxicity seriously and you will foster a much more positive gaming experience.
Agreed. People will occasionally behave like this in real life too, but there are usually very real consequences for doing so. Online there aren't any and that's kind of a problem. I like your solutions, but I think it would require companies to devote actual manpower towards moderation (don't want to IP ban a false report) and if that isn't deemed profitable. . .well we get what we have now.
Those people are basically just unhappy with their life, and rather than acknowledge it or the causes, it's a simpler (albeit more immature) solution to just let it spill out on the nearest target they can. It's a reflection of themselves, not you.
Last edited by Chrome Daimao; 23 Jan @ 6:25pm
Geardo 23 Jan @ 6:28pm 
Originally posted by ClearlyHopeless:
Oh and just for the record. . .most people don't want to do ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ homework about a video game just to be able to play it without being harassed. It's meant to be fun, not a job.

It has become common behavior in a number of online games, not all but quite a number of them

If you think this is bad in terms of what you have to learn, there are games requiring far more work

Still I would advise before even installing a game, do some research on it through videos and social media including getting an understanding of things like amount of time needed to invest and community attitude including towards new players

Saves you time and other things

This applies not only to PvP, Co-Op as well since some players have ruined those by pushing companies to put PvP stuff into Co-Op games even if they have no PvP
Originally posted by ClearlyHopeless:
Originally posted by Hasil:
Yeah, it's the Internet in general that has gotten increasingly toxic over the years. But it's also a failure to enforce standards of civil behavior in games that is the problem. Suspend people more, ban them, hardware and IP ban them -- take toxicity seriously and you will foster a much more positive gaming experience.
Agreed. People will occasionally behave like this in real life too, but there are usually very real consequences for doing so. Online there aren't any and that's kind of a problem. I like your solutions, but I think it would require companies to devote actual manpower towards moderation (don't want to IP ban a false report) and if that isn't deemed profitable. . .well we get what we have now.
The opposite approach often yields better results. Rather than negative enforcement toward bad behaviour, positive reinforcement of good behaviour tends to be more effective at reducing overall toxicity. Some games have stuff like this; big xp boosts for good will players, legitimate rewards, etc.
Corazon 24 Jan @ 2:25am 
I personally don’t scold anyone for a bad game anymore. It’s just that when I see a player with a score of 0-5, I press f6 and go afk. at the end of the match, such players have the worst score and you literally have to go out of your way to win such a game. why should I suffer and force myself to play with such people?
Originally posted by Chrome Daimao:
Originally posted by ClearlyHopeless:
Agreed. People will occasionally behave like this in real life too, but there are usually very real consequences for doing so. Online there aren't any and that's kind of a problem. I like your solutions, but I think it would require companies to devote actual manpower towards moderation (don't want to IP ban a false report) and if that isn't deemed profitable. . .well we get what we have now.
The opposite approach often yields better results. Rather than negative enforcement toward bad behaviour, positive reinforcement of good behaviour tends to be more effective at reducing overall toxicity. Some games have stuff like this; big xp boosts for good will players, legitimate rewards, etc.
Yeah, I really like the commendations system. Even now that it is not there, it is good to use the Good Game VGS even after a loss. I hope it is brought back because it is good to give and receive them after matches even without the commendations rewards.
Originally posted by Corazon:
I personally don’t scold anyone for a bad game anymore. It’s just that when I see a player with a score of 0-5, I press f6 and go afk. at the end of the match, such players have the worst score and you literally have to go out of your way to win such a game. why should I suffer and force myself to play with such people?
My argument for continuing to play is that A) 9/10 times it is still winnable and B) by going afk you are arguably ruining the game for your teammates worse than the 0/5 guy is. It might feel better for you, but it ruins the experience for everyone else in the game. Your teammates get to fight a 4v5 which is doable but really hard and your opponents now have to play a 5v4 which is usually easier and less rewarding for them.
Don't get me wrong, I prefer people going afk to verbally abusing their teammates and actively throwing the game, but it still feels somewhat selfish to me. You can't play another match until that one is over anyway, might as well play it. I would rather have a teammate who is trying their best and going 0/5 than a teammate who gave up and is sitting in spawn. One has the potential to be useful, one does not.
you play badly and feel offended, that's what the arena is for
Originally posted by h̶̰͌͋͐͛̋̊̕͝a̷̽̈́̅̏:
you play badly and feel offended, that's what the arena is for
I don't feel offended by playing badly. I'm not even particularly offended by the insults that get thrown at me and others. I am certainly annoyed and pissed off by them, but not offended. Also, as a counter-point to the "just play arena" argument. . .you do realize that it is a completely different gamemode to conquest right? Even if one were to get really good at arena, they would STILL have to learn how to play conquest and they would still get flamed for doing so. Plus, maybe someone wants a little more substance to their game than JUST fighting other people. Arena is fun, but telling people to just never play the main gamemode of Smite is kinda ridiculous.

So assuming you were answering the original question, you essentially want everyone who isn't well versed in conquest from day one to never play conquest and are willing to verbally harass someone to make sure they stay "in their gamemode"?
Last edited by ClearlyHopeless; 25 Jan @ 11:22pm
hey guys, with the big exodus to smite 2, only the dregs remain in smite 1- the worst of the worst; toxic sweats and all their smurf accounts.
REPORT REPORT REPORT - that is the only way to clean up smite
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