Again Server Under Maintenance
Why Smite server is always broken always under maintenance
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Zobe 23 Jan @ 5:47am 
I have never seen a game with so many maintenance and they are really long !
Crepid 23 Jan @ 6:58am 
Been an hour, still under maintenance....
Its back up
Originally posted by xiam77:
Why Smite server is always broken always under maintenance

to get you to move over to smite 2.

like they've slowed down the god releases,they removed the rank gem reward for getting 50 wins & the last two battle passes have had zero effort put into them so they are selling us old skins again
Ну что когда старт?
Опять сервер мёртв
HEBMEHbKO 23 Jan @ 12:53pm 
Sahara 30 Jan @ 2:39am 
Again tonight, server shutdown yesterday as well. HiRez is something else.
hayabusa 30 Jan @ 4:48am 
Когда сервера поднимут? Я в скам 2 играть не собираюсь
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