No daily reward anymore?
I'm guessing the daily login was removed because 2 is ftp now, but there was no mention of this that I could find. Anyone know for sure what the deal is?
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
EEPYUMI 23 Jan @ 5:08pm 
you always get it even if you do not get notification, just wait couple of minutes if you want to be sure
Originally posted by eepyumi:
you always get it even if you do not get notification, just wait couple of minutes if you want to be sure
Doesn't seem like it. My gems haven't gone up in over a week, but I'll keep my eye on it I guess
EEPYUMI 24 Jan @ 5:40am 
daily rewards refresh every day at 10 am europe, you also gotta make sure you log in after that
PyroShark_ 27 Jan @ 12:06pm 
Definitely still a thing, I just logged in and I received the daily
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