This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Guild Recruiting
Guilds that are recruiting you may make a guild post and bump it every day if you want , but do not post your guild messages in every looking for group thread it is spam and actions will be taken, not everyone wants to join a guild.
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EmethSAS 20 Sep, 2016 @ 2:56pm 
Just to be clear, until further notice, mentioning that you often play with "clanmates" in a general fashion when responding to a "looking for friends" thread without specifically plugging your clan by name or suggesting that they join your clan is acceptable.

Also for clarity, the thread spam rules still apply to individuals as well! Please limit yourself to a single thread if possible and bump it or delete older threads so as not to take up space and detract from other people's threads.

However, we reserve the right for the collective Mods to change our minds about this in the future if it ends up being abused and causing annoyance to other people posting. So be polite with each other, as some people are just looking for people to play with and are not actually interested in a clan, and everything should be just fine.
Last edited by EmethSAS; 26 Jun, 2017 @ 8:40am
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