Looking for casual players who use VC!
No bigots is a MUST. I like being able to communicate while playing. I'm around lv 100 I don't play ranked. Mostly Joust, Slash, and Assault. Love most of the MOTDs. I am best with mages but trying to learn more gods. Hunters are second to my mages. I play regularly. Loading up now in fact :) name on smite is :heavensrage: mörgues
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
󠁳mörgues 8 Jul, 2024 @ 10:05pm 
I'm not looking for a large consistent group or anything i have a few people i play with but hate playing solo so just want more friends on here that aren't bigots or super sweaty/ rude to their teammates that also use vc :)
SirNikolai 18 Jul, 2024 @ 10:46am 
Depending on how old you are it makes sense you play regularly. Sorry to say but the voice chat has failed here. The matchmaking would be extremely atrocious given you are lv100 compare to older players that have less time to play given more responsibilities.
󠁳mörgues 25 Jul, 2024 @ 1:45am 
Hi there Nikolai, we are literally the same age not sure why you so heavily implied I was younger. This is just what I like to do in my free time. I prefer it to the p*do p*rn games you like but hey, to each their own!
I don't understand what you mean by "voice chat has failed here" and I know you only have a couple hours of game play under your belt with Smite, but level 100 isn't that high.
I don't care what level someone is, I just mentioned it for people to know what to expect if they would like to party up with me. As I said, my biggest issue is with bigots/ rude players.
No need to comment if you're not wanting to link up to play <3 :)
5ive6se7en 26 Jul, 2024 @ 4:20pm 
I'd be down to play with peeps.

I run Discord for vc, same as my steam name

Smite name is the same as my steam with an x in front of the whole thing cause smite doesn't let usernames start with numbers lol
󠁳mörgues 26 Jul, 2024 @ 7:28pm 
Great! I will add you on smite in a bit :)
I’m really awful with discord but I will try 😅 if I have the people I regularly play with on I’ll be in smite vc typically
󠁳mörgues 26 Jul, 2024 @ 10:42pm 
Got you added!
cazzyspells 14 Aug, 2024 @ 7:50pm 
if you're still looking for people to play with i'm down
󠁳mörgues 15 Aug, 2024 @ 6:32pm 
Yeah! Always down to play with new people. What’s your name on smite?
cazzyspells 16 Aug, 2024 @ 9:21am 
SirNikolai 19 Aug, 2024 @ 6:10pm 
Originally posted by 󠁳mörgues:
Hi there Nikolai, we are literally the same age not sure why you so heavily implied I was younger. This is just what I like to do in my free time. I prefer it to the p*do p*rn games you like but hey, to each their own!
I don't understand what you mean by "voice chat has failed here" and I know you only have a couple hours of game play under your belt with Smite, but level 100 isn't that high.
I don't care what level someone is, I just mentioned it for people to know what to expect if they would like to party up with me. As I said, my biggest issue is with bigots/ rude players.
No need to comment if you're not wanting to link up to play <3 :)

Wow no need to go that far which is just disgusting in its own right. That's why you get very rude people because you can't accept men on what they like. Yes i prefer to play with players who are't rude, but since that unacceptable remark there's no chance with me girl.
󠁳mörgues 25 Aug, 2024 @ 6:30pm 
didn’t want one with you bud lol
firestorm 11 Sep, 2024 @ 6:41am 
Originally posted by 󠁳mörgues:
No bigots is a MUST. I like being able to communicate while playing. I'm around lv 100 I don't play ranked. Mostly Joust, Slash, and Assault. Love most of the MOTDs. I am best with mages but trying to learn more gods. Hunters are second to my mages. I play regularly. Loading up now in fact :) name on smite is :heavensrage: mörgues

are you still looking for people to game with i am a noob at it but iv been wanting get into this for a long time but iv been too busy dealing with life but now i have some time free
󠁳mörgues 4 Oct, 2024 @ 1:46am 
Originally posted by firestorm:
Originally posted by 󠁳mörgues:
No bigots is a MUST. I like being able to communicate while playing. I'm around lv 100 I don't play ranked. Mostly Joust, Slash, and Assault. Love most of the MOTDs. I am best with mages but trying to learn more gods. Hunters are second to my mages. I play regularly. Loading up now in fact :) name on smite is :heavensrage: mörgues

are you still looking for people to game with i am a noob at it but iv been wanting get into this for a long time but iv been too busy dealing with life but now i have some time free

HEY sorry just seeing this what is your player name i'll add you
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