Ultimate Chicken Horse

Ultimate Chicken Horse

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kylerk 21 May, 2016 @ 10:43pm
*** Partially Fixed *** "Failed to Connect to Unity Relay" Something is broken.
Update 2016-05-23 Later in the day

There are still some causes of the Failed to Connect error happening. We will keep working on this as the week continues.

Update 2016-05-23

I jused received a message from Unity Networking Team, apparently there was a serious issue with their Server Relay system this weekend, and a few things went wrong in combination that caused the issues that everybody ran into this weekend. As of 8 hours ago, they have fixed the system and it should be working as well as it was prior to this weekends widespread issues.

It is still possible that you will see "Failed to Connected to Unity Relay Server" message, as things still can go wrong, but it shouldn't be happening for nearly every game.

From what I've heard from the Unity Team, they are fixing the issue, and improving their system diagnostics so that such a widespread issue will be discovered more quickly.

Really sorry that things went so wrong with weekend.

Also, wedding update! I'm now married! It was a great wedding.



Hello Ultimate Chicken Horse online players.

Unfortunately it looks like something is pretty broken with the Unity Relay server system that we have setup now. I don't have a good idea what the problem is, other than the game is getting way more popular than it was, and perhaps that is causing some problems.

Unfortunately I can't fix anything at the moment because I am getting married tomorrow. So, yeah, I shouldn't even be writing this message!

But we will get this issue fixed. Not tonight, but by the end of this week. We should be able to have somebody on the problem by at least Tuesday.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Last edited by kylerk; 23 May, 2016 @ 7:41pm
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
JayDonks 21 May, 2016 @ 11:07pm 
Congrats on the wedding! Take time to enjoy what is important! Glad to see the issue has been noticed and will get worked on.
Meebly Glort 21 May, 2016 @ 11:15pm 
ElectricFury 22 May, 2016 @ 2:21am 
Congrats bro
Equanimity 22 May, 2016 @ 5:52am 
Caliđa Myriad 22 May, 2016 @ 5:57am 
Enjoy The wedding!
arctic_mists 22 May, 2016 @ 11:17am 
congrats on the wedding. also i can wait for the update because its a wedding and because this game is pretty awesome
JustAnotherMarcus 22 May, 2016 @ 11:52am 
Gongrats!!!! :steamhappy:
MMMagearna 22 May, 2016 @ 1:04pm 
Congratulations dude
Razgravia 22 May, 2016 @ 1:36pm 
Congratulations Kyler! :)
Take your time bro, we can wait :)
Charles Leclerc 22 May, 2016 @ 3:34pm 
Congrats on getting married. This game is awesome. I already bought a copy for a friend to play. I look forward to updates like new traps and such.

As much as I don't want to wait thanks for putting out an amazing game
noy 22 May, 2016 @ 5:40pm 
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noy 22 May, 2016 @ 5:41pm 
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noy 22 May, 2016 @ 5:43pm 
Steve_Taro 23 May, 2016 @ 2:40pm 
Take your time. I would love to play it again and again when it better
kylerk 23 May, 2016 @ 2:49pm 
Problem should be fixed.

Also I'm married! It went really well. Except I completely jumped the gun on the "I do" and said it immediately after the officiant said

"Do you take **Wifes Name** to be your wedded wife,"

and didn't let him finish the whole sentence of

"for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to cherish in love and in friendship, to love her faithfully, today,tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you shall live?"

It was hilarious and the officiant played it so well. Told me to calm down and hold my horses.
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