Rise of the Tomb Raider

Rise of the Tomb Raider

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Anyone else struggling in The Wicked Vale?
I eventually got the witch with the final pulley and vat, but it was a real struggle.

I've now mopped up all of the collectables except one. The high up one below the pulley up in the top. You've got to go to the rotating pulley next to the two sinking platforms. Rope the 2 pulleys together, which lifts the middle platform of three but lowers the first. Your rope breaks after a time, so the platforms return to their normal positions. I can get to the final ramp, to jump across from ramp, to lifted platform, to the document location. But I'm getting there just in time for the rope to break and to see that platform drop back down.
Is there a secret to making it in time? I sprint and jump to the second sinking platform, get up on top, sprint and jump to the lower area, but it's a long drop. Lara takes a second or two to recover. Sprint to the first ledge and jump up, second ledge is a scramble up. Third ledge I sprint and jump up, just in time for the raised platform to drop out of sight.

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
leon2356 11 Jan @ 11:38pm 
First you need the grapple to get the document, if you don't have it you need to come back later.

Here is how to solve it. Shoot a rope arrow to raise the platform. Then look in the center of the arena, there are three rotating platforms, one will be slightly lower then the other two, you need to time your rope arrow so after you raise the platform you can sprint and jump for the lower rotating platform, then just ride it around.

Here is a YouTube video showing it.
Ps: the puzzle is the worst one in the game, the timing is really tight.

Last edited by leon2356; 11 Jan @ 11:39pm
Originally posted by leon2356:
First you need the grapple to get the document, if you don't have it you need to come back later.

Here is how to solve it. Shoot a rope arrow to raise the platform. Then look in the center of the arena, there are three rotating platforms, one will be slightly lower then the other two, you need to time your rope arrow so after you raise the platform you can sprint and jump for the lower rotating platform, then just ride it around.

Here is a YouTube video showing it.
Ps: the puzzle is the worst one in the game, the timing is really tight.


I didn't realise those rotating platforms would get you there in time. I've been trying to do it on foot, and failing by a second.
I haven't tried it yet, I'm just home from work (long ish distance truck driver). But that looks perfectly doable. I'll try it tomorrow. Thanks :steamhappy:
Originally posted by leon2356:
Here is a YouTube video showing it.
Ps: the puzzle is the worst one in the game, the timing is really tight.


Thanks, I got it :steamhappy:
It took me a while. Yeah, the timing is tight.
Whoever is responsible for this "puzzle" should get buried alive
Originally posted by Operator Domsch:
Whoever is responsible for this "puzzle" should get buried alive

That might be going a bit too far, but yes :steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy:
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