Braveland Pirate

Braveland Pirate

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Tyrano 17 Sep, 2015 @ 4:46am
Guardian of the Bank
For guys who not finishing yet the game, don't read please , it's a spoiler ! :)

So i wonder if someone here , after beat the bank guard in the third island ( with the king ) , don't accept the 1000 gold from the mage and then have another fight against efreet.
If yes, do you beat them , and if yes, how ? I trying a lot , i'm just before the final boss, level 15 , and i just can't beat them, 69 lvl x3 is just so strong x)
Do you have any strategy , or for developper, it is possible to beat them ?
I don't want to lose my time to try beat them if it's impossible :p

Thanks !
Last edited by Tyrano; 17 Sep, 2015 @ 4:47am
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
essen 22 Sep, 2015 @ 2:02pm 
I was playing on hard, tried to beat them and all I managed was to kill one.

After I finished the game I switched the difficulty to easy, and didn't have much trouble after that. In hard they were 95ish, in easy 45ish. But you don't get anything for beating them, other than XP (was 6000+) and gold (2200ish) and that's with +10% bonuses. And by don't get anything, I mean don't get anything, not even dialogue.

So my advice would be to just take the gold when they tell you about it, unless if you want a real hard extra boss to play against. Beatable on easy, probably beatable on normal, probably only for the most skilled people on hard.
Tyrano 23 Sep, 2015 @ 6:29am 
Thanks for the answer ! I trying on normal , but i can only kill 2 , and after i die ! ^^' I will try first in easy , and then on my hard mode game, i will try to beat them on normal and hard. I hate let a monster alive in a game , haha ^^
essen 23 Sep, 2015 @ 10:29am 
Yeah I'm doing a rerun of the game on Easy, to be able to make my army as strong as it can possibly be (see if it makes any difference, anyway) and then will probably try beating those after switching the difficulty to hard.
lenswer 27 Sep, 2015 @ 3:53pm 
You get the secret GREED achievment, if not accepting the money. That is all.
jerrod 3 Dec, 2015 @ 9:10pm 
re: winning on hard (95ish), I became obsessed with winning. I've been able to finally do it. It took me a lot of tries and a very specific strategy.

If any of you are as insane as me to try, here's how it works.

tl;dr: use the "Possessed" character, equipped with the "Dead Head" item, so that they can use their special ability and "possess" one of the three creatures. Then just keep playing "keep away with hero, cooks, and possessed" until you can keep casting possession on one of the three.

Squad Setup:


Start of game:
- Possess one of the efreet right away and move it infront of the other 2 and "Wait" so the other two will attack your possessed efreet and not your other creatures

- Then, try to quickly move your cook, possessed, and hero units to OTHER side of map.

- Your daredevils and pirates will be bait, and die relatively quickly.

Mid game:
- Then, it's just a matter of "keep away"
- The goal is to rebuild the possessed casting and recast it on one of the efreet
- The possessed are a little too slow and you can use haste to help them get out of a jam or use cooks to help heal them.

End of game:
- Once there are 2 or less efreet units with <20 units each, it's time to finally start attacking with your hopefully alive hero and cook to finish the job.

Good luck, it's not easy :) :)
Last edited by jerrod; 3 Dec, 2015 @ 9:14pm
Tyrano 4 Dec, 2015 @ 2:06am 
Haha i will try for sure your method ! ^^ Well done !
Dutchgamer1982 5 Jan, 2017 @ 4:26pm 
The possessed skull trick is essential.
But I suggest an adapted sceme

*be sure to move between the islands between every attack.. to get the maximum number of random events possible.

Talent layout :
vodoo (+10 magic defence for hero)
Muscle strenght (+15% HP to pirate and cook)
Wariness (-10% damage from ranged enemy attacks)
First Aid (-20% army restore cost) -> the more exp one is pointless, lvl 16 is unobtainable)
Colonel (+2 army points, alowing you to own the full melee army)
Invigorating brew (hero can heal itself)
Veteran (increased hero special attack power)
Fury (higher critical attack % when counterattacking)
Weaponsmith (+10% melee unit damage)
Legend (+70 commanding, alowing you to own a few more units)

(with the +3 talentpoints you'll recieve for completing contracts, you will have just enough for this at level 15)

Units you want to use :

Gear you want to equip :
-captains broadsword (35 atk, +50 commanding)
-dead head (posses can control lvl 3)
-magic mocassins (+20 magic defence for hero)
-sorcerers belt (+15 magic defence for hero AND +10% health for the possesed)

You now have a hero with a whopping 45% magic defence, efreet have magic attack, so that cuts their damage to your hero considerably down, alowing you to have your hero being the lure

**do use the possessed to control some of them every 5 turns, the possessed also have 30% magic defence, 110% HP and 110% damage, so they can suffer a hit of the effreet now and then, so use them also as the lure, together with your hero.

*use your pirates to toss a bottle every 5th turn, while you not want them at the frontlines, since they have only 10% magic defence, their 115% HP and 110% damage does help.

*keep the thugs out of harms way untill endgame, they cannot be countered when attacking (thats good), but they have 0% magic dafence so even with 110% damage, better save them for the finishing blow, their shout power is rather weak, compared to their normal attack.

*same for the cooks, they have 115% hp and 110% damage, but 0% magic defence, good finishers.

with these and a little luck, I managed to kill of the effreet in easy mode.
the_guardian 2 May, 2017 @ 10:28am 
Signé Yvan :steamhappy:
Scythe 6 Dec, 2022 @ 5:19pm 
Originally posted by Dutchgamer1982:
The possessed skull trick is essential.
But I suggest an adapted sceme

*be sure to move between the islands between every attack.. to get the maximum number of random events possible.

Talent layout :
vodoo (+10 magic defence for hero)
Muscle strenght (+15% HP to pirate and cook)
Wariness (-10% damage from ranged enemy attacks)
First Aid (-20% army restore cost) -> the more exp one is pointless, lvl 16 is unobtainable)
Colonel (+2 army points, alowing you to own the full melee army)
Invigorating brew (hero can heal itself)
Veteran (increased hero special attack power)
Fury (higher critical attack % when counterattacking)
Weaponsmith (+10% melee unit damage)
Legend (+70 commanding, alowing you to own a few more units)

(with the +3 talentpoints you'll recieve for completing contracts, you will have just enough for this at level 15)

Units you want to use :

Gear you want to equip :
-captains broadsword (35 atk, +50 commanding)
-dead head (posses can control lvl 3)
-magic mocassins (+20 magic defence for hero)
-sorcerers belt (+15 magic defence for hero AND +10% health for the possesed)

You now have a hero with a whopping 45% magic defence, efreet have magic attack, so that cuts their damage to your hero considerably down, alowing you to have your hero being the lure

**do use the possessed to control some of them every 5 turns, the possessed also have 30% magic defence, 110% HP and 110% damage, so they can suffer a hit of the effreet now and then, so use them also as the lure, together with your hero.

*use your pirates to toss a bottle every 5th turn, while you not want them at the frontlines, since they have only 10% magic defence, their 115% HP and 110% damage does help.

*keep the thugs out of harms way untill endgame, they cannot be countered when attacking (thats good), but they have 0% magic dafence so even with 110% damage, better save them for the finishing blow, their shout power is rather weak, compared to their normal attack.

*same for the cooks, they have 115% hp and 110% damage, but 0% magic defence, good finishers.

with these and a little luck, I managed to kill of the effreet in easy mode.

Level 16 is definately obtainable. You can be level 16 after completing most of Barbados and half of Breton whilst on hard diffuculty. Please note if you take notice of my advice this is recommended for your second playthrough so that you have already completed the achievement for never changing the difficulty from hard. The reason for this is to get enough gold to buy troops and gear to beat the first bank gaurds you need to fight hard battles and beat most of the enemies, then a bonus reward of gold can occur up to 160, usually 10,20,30,40 or 50 gold given to you fron your crew for your efforts in battle.

Good luck in joining the level 16 club.
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