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SE_Kahuna  [developer] 18 Mar, 2016 @ 9:57am
FINAL FANTASY XIV: Frequently Asked Questions
Below you can find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

* Is FINAL FANTASY XIV subscription based?
* Can I try the game without having to purchase it?
* How can I upgrade the Free Trial on Steam?
* Can I play this game alone, even if I have no one to play with?
* Are there any differences between the Steam and PC versions?
* Can I add the non-Steam version to my Steam library?
* Important note about the “Verify the integrity of the game cache” function!
* I already have an account but after re-installing I get to a first time registration screen.
* How do I change the language of the game?

Is FINAL FANTASY XIV subscription based?
Yes, a monthly subscription is required to play FINAL FANTASY XIV.
That said, the game includes 30 days of free game time for all newly created service accounts.

You can find out more about service fees and subscription types on our product pages:
North America:

Can I try the game without having to purchase it?
Yes, a free trial is available, now without time limit and a level 35 cap! You can download the Steam version of the free trial by clicking “Download Demo” on the Steam store page.

I completed my free trial on Steam and would like to upgrade to the full game. How do I do that?
Simply purchase the full game from the Steam store page!

Can I play this game alone, even if I have no one to play with?
The majority of the game can indeed be played solo if you wish, but you come across parts that require the aid of fellow adventurers. Of course, as an MMO, FFXIV is designed to make group play as straightforward as possible and offers a variety of ways for new players to get in touch with seasoned veterans, such as the Mentor System.

Are there any differences between the Steam and PC versions of FINAL FANTASY XIV?
When it comes to the game content, both versions are identical and receive their updates through the game launcher at the same time. Due to the way Steam works, the version available on Steam has to be handled separately from the standard PC version. As such, it is currently not possible to upgrade a Steam version of the game with a non-Steam PC version of Heavensward, or vice versa.

Additionally, the Steam Wallet payment option can only be accessed through the Steam version.

I bought the non-Steam version of the game for PC. Can I add the game to my Steam library?
Yes, absolutely. Just add it like you would any other external game. Read up on how to do this here[].

I used the “Verify the integrity of the game cache” function in Steam, and I have to re-download everything! What went wrong?
This function is meant to check if the installed game files differ in any way or form from the ones that can be downloaded from the Steam servers. As the Steam servers only host the base game, while patches are applied through the FFXIV Launcher, it will see the local installation as corrupted and re-download the entire client, after which you have to patch it again. Please do not use this function unless you wish to completely re-download and reinstall the game!

I already have an account but after re-installing I get to a first time registration screen.
If you already have an account you can safely skip through the first time registration screens until you get the option to log in. Then just use your account credentials to log in and enjoy the game!

How do I change the language of the game?
You can change the language once you start the game launcher. Please note that the language cannot be changed via the Steam properties.
Last edited by SE_Kahuna; 28 Mar, 2017 @ 4:52am