This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
SE_Kiwikopo  [developer] 16 Dec, 2021 @ 8:44am
Temporary Suspension of Sales and Free Trial Registrations
On Thursday, December 16, FFXIV Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida released a response providing several updates addressing current congestion issues.

Players are currently experiencing extremely long wait times due to the dense concentration of play hours which far exceed server capacity, especially during the peak times. To reduce congestion, the sale and delivery of FINAL FANTASY XIV Starter Edition and Complete Edition will be temporarily suspended. Additionally, although those with an active subscription are prioritized to log in, Free Trial players are unable to log in outside of late night and early morning hours. Thus, new registrations for the Free Trial will also be temporarily suspended.

Expansion packs and Collector's Edition digital upgrades will continue to be available for existing players so that they may upgrade as needed.

Additionally, all players who currently own the full version of the game and have an active subscription as of Tuesday, December 21, at 12:00 a.m. (PST) / 8:00 (GMT), will be granted additional game time compensation.

Read Naoki Yoshida’s full statement on the Lodestone[].
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Showing 1-15 of 270 comments
KutarFOX 16 Dec, 2021 @ 8:55am 
Thank you. I suppose it's both good and bad news.
We are having a lot of players which is a good sign for the game, meanwhile these server capacity and stability issues indicate lack of professionalism.
Last edited by KutarFOX; 16 Dec, 2021 @ 9:00am
Raansu 16 Dec, 2021 @ 9:02am 
Originally posted by KutarFOX:
meanwhile these server capacity and stability issues indicate lack of professionalism.

No it doesn't....
Rhyagelle 16 Dec, 2021 @ 9:05am 
It's good news. People were buying it and are unable to even create characters. This was the best decision they could make right now.
Viper 16 Dec, 2021 @ 9:19am 
This shows they are doing everything in there power to deal with the issues. Even going so far as to suspend sales and making money. I send much respect there way.
Amatsu 16 Dec, 2021 @ 11:46am 
Originally posted by KutarFOX:
Thank you. I suppose it's both good and bad news.
We are having a lot of players which is a good sign for the game, meanwhile these server capacity and stability issues indicate lack of professionalism.
Not sure what universe you're from where a company trying its best to get things stable is indicating a lack of professionalism. They've been quite transparent, and have even indicated that they have struggled to get more hardware to mitigate the issues at hand.
Diablo2604 16 Dec, 2021 @ 12:46pm 
It is very generous to give more free game time :steamthumbsup:
when is this going to be lifted? before christmas hopefully, i was planning on buying this game
Freyar 16 Dec, 2021 @ 2:58pm 
Originally posted by npc_group3m_male_09:
when is this going to be lifted? before christmas hopefully, i was planning on buying this game

Likely dependent on usage. (So not all that likely.)
dreadead 16 Dec, 2021 @ 5:07pm 
I know it's probably difficult right now for the dev team, but I really appreciate them prioritizing players who have already bought the game and have an active subscription. 3 weeks of cumulative free game time is nice too while the servers are still incredibly congested.

Hope that a combination of the player base as a whole leveling off after beating MSQ (Since there's going to be a large portion of players who leave after they get their story fix), and the added server infrastructure in the future will bring back some normalcy to the user experience.
Sklendath 17 Dec, 2021 @ 12:43am 
Originally posted by ランス:
Originally posted by KutarFOX:
meanwhile these server capacity and stability issues indicate lack of professionalism.

No it doesn't....

shareholders will certainly agree, that stopping sales before Christmas is a professional job
______ 17 Dec, 2021 @ 1:01am 
I hope it is the best decision :LoveBetrayal:
Froot Loop Lux 17 Dec, 2021 @ 4:40am 
Again, I see this as a boon because it'll prevent gil sellers from buying bot accounts for a while.
Amatsu 17 Dec, 2021 @ 4:14pm 
Originally posted by Sklendath:
Originally posted by ランス:

No it doesn't....

shareholders will certainly agree, that stopping sales before Christmas is a professional job
Yes, because the higher ups at Square weren't involved in the slightest I bet and Yoshi P just randomly decided to stop sales. Mmhmm. This was the best choice they could make given the circumstances.
Josh 17 Dec, 2021 @ 4:18pm 
Every please keep in mind that the chip and supply shortages also affects the speed at which they can procure and spin up additional gaming servers.

As such suspending the ability the create new accounts is the smartest move right now and as others have pointed out this will severely affect gil sellers so the in game chat should be free of gil selling bots for awhile
Last edited by Josh; 17 Dec, 2021 @ 4:20pm
Amatsu 17 Dec, 2021 @ 5:05pm 
Originally posted by Josh:
Every please keep in mind that the chip and supply shortages also affects the speed at which they can procure and spin up additional gaming servers.

As such suspending the ability the create new accounts is the smartest move right now and as others have pointed out this will severely affect gil sellers so the in game chat should be free of gil selling bots for awhile
I'm glad someone here gets it. Even when they're throwing above market value prices at the problem even Square struggles to get new hardware...and it is very likely they use the same or similar parts across all of their servers too. If they can't get those specific parts, then they can't expand is my guess.
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