Delete melee from ffxiv please.
We can't have fun extreme/savage encounters because everything post ShB was designed for them to have 100% uptime. :lunar2019piginablanket:
Originally posted by Vlad Krapula:
Originally posted by causality:
Originally posted by Calandir:
Sounds amazing !
We should also increase number of polygons every single barrel and flower-pot has !
Considering how low poly the character models are and other world geometry I would actually be for this since the minimum system requirements have shot up but it still looks like a PS3 game, my graphics cards actually runs at idle voltages and fan speeds at max settings to demonstrate how lax the game is on hardware. The aesthetics and art direction are okay but I've seen better work out of university students and indie dev groups. Remember, this is a multi billion yen corporation with near infinite resources and talent. :lunar2019piginablanket:
Yea it is very funny when the director himself has said the issue is not money but expertise, which means the engine is utter ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and you prolly need to do some space magic to get anything to work. Also he has said that engine rework or swap is not gonna happen....
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Showing 1-15 of 44 comments
Two words:

Get Good
causality 5 Jan @ 7:26pm 
Originally posted by darkdragonboi77:
Two words:

Get Good
I refuse. Here is how it's going down:
1) CB3 starts designing real optional content again like they did for ShB.
2) I furiously mald on a subforum SE does not moderate or look at then take me and the boys to go play Gaia Online and Maple Story.
Last edited by causality; 5 Jan @ 7:26pm
Sunny 5 Jan @ 7:35pm 
option 2 please

let us know how Maple Story is? it looks super cute.
Vlad Krapula (Banned) 5 Jan @ 11:51pm 
Originally posted by causality:
Originally posted by darkdragonboi77:
Two words:

Get Good
I refuse. Here is how it's going down:
1) CB3 starts designing real optional content again like they did for ShB.
2) I furiously mald on a subforum SE does not moderate or look at then take me and the boys to go play Gaia Online and Maple Story.
Originally posted by Sunny:
option 2 please

let us know how Maple Story is? it looks super cute.
I'm going to be honest with you here. It has paywalls and it's p2w but it is a fine game. :winter2019cooldog:

Originally posted by Vlad Krapula:
Originally posted by causality:
I refuse. Here is how it's going down:
1) CB3 starts designing real optional content again like they did for ShB.
2) I furiously mald on a subforum SE does not moderate or look at then take me and the boys to go play Gaia Online and Maple Story.
Based on what?
Originally posted by causality:
Originally posted by Vlad Krapula:
Based on what?

Worry not, I am also too old to actually understand this phrase....

I hear it a lot, but still dont fully understand what its supposed to mean. Im old and stupid, I accept this.
Originally posted by KaosReigns:
Originally posted by causality:

Based on what?

Worry not, I am also too old to actually understand this phrase....

I hear it a lot, but still dont fully understand what its supposed to mean. Im old and stupid, I accept this.

I often see it as a placeholder for "facts"
but like "trigger" i don't see it being stable enough to stick around.
Originally posted by Acoustic Stoner:
Originally posted by KaosReigns:

Worry not, I am also too old to actually understand this phrase....

I hear it a lot, but still dont fully understand what its supposed to mean. Im old and stupid, I accept this.

I often see it as a placeholder for "facts"
but like "trigger" i don't see it being stable enough to stick around.

Personally I think we should see a return to "bee's knees" and "cat's pajamas."
If my demands are not met by 7.16 I will start a large scale operation to blacklist all melees from the PF.
Ranged should get abilities with minimum range.

Then there is no need to make it where melee always get uptime.

A loss of uptime to work mechanics can then be placed on both.

If everyone stacks on the boss, ranged lose uptime, if everyone spreads from the boss, melee lose uptime.
Originally posted by Tervuren:
Ranged should get abilities with minimum range.

Then there is no need to make it where melee always get uptime.

A loss of uptime to work mechanics can then be placed on both.

If everyone stacks on the boss, ranged lose uptime, if everyone spreads from the boss, melee lose uptime.
I would honestly like to see ranged get cast times like casters, since casters (excluding summoner) are the only role now that have to practice boss uptime like melee did pre EW during ShB. Whenever I shift from caster to ranged dps my initial thoughts are 4 minutes into the raid, "this is too easy and boring". :cuphead:
Last edited by causality; 9 Jan @ 6:06pm
If we're talking content above roulettes, one way to deal with that is have a lot more objects that need to be agro-ed and kited by ranged physical.

Objects that need to be move around, otherwise the group gets murdered.
Getting mogged by melee on the charts? Salty, looking to remove classes that out-dps you? Coping by deflecting to bad fight mechanics designs? :GodEmperorTrump:

The Chad Melee = Has 100% uptime, and flexes.

The Virgin Ranged = Whines about melee having 100% uptime and getting flexed on.
Last edited by AH-1 Cobra; 9 Jan @ 7:14pm
Originally posted by AH-1 Cobra:
Getting mogged by melee on the charts? Salty, looking to remove classes that out-dps you? Coping by deflecting to bad fight mechanics designs? :GodEmperorTrump:

The Chad Melee = Has 100% uptime, and flexes.

The Virgin Ranged = Whines about melee having 100% uptime and getting flexed on.
Only picto really beats me in a full uptime fight and that is largely because of hammer auto crits which are being removed soon so Black Mage BVLLs will go back to being at the top as they were intended to by our benevolent God Yoship who will give us a 1% increase on Enochian. :winter2019cooldog:
My suggestion? Play Machinist
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