Wallaby 23 Jan @ 2:51pm
Am I the Toxic one?
So I queue up for leveling roulette as a bard, I get "The Tam-tara Deepcroft", I notice the tank is doing single pulls, I tell myself: "oh, he's probably new to tanking, I'll snipe the next group of mobs with my bow and stand next to him so he can take aggro and build confidence as a tank." I do that, he doesn't really take aggro and barely uses his AOEs, I take damage. I told myself: "It's fine he's still learning, this is an easy dungeon.". Skip towards the end, the tank decides to stop to fight 1 mob, So I was thinking "I'll just run towards the next room, take aggro of the next group, run back to him, and hope he takes aggro this time.", I do that, He refuses to take aggro, I'm standing next to him, and the healer doesn't heal me, I end up dying. The healer then types in chat, "YES YOU ARE NOT TANK" so obviously he was upset with me pulling more mobs towards the tank. I just said "toxic" and they replied with "yes you are.". Am I? Am I the toxic one here? I never forced the tank pull more than 2 groups. It's a genuine question.
Last edited by Wallaby; 23 Jan @ 2:54pm
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Showing 1-15 of 243 comments
Gentle Nobody 23 Jan @ 3:17pm 
A problem of miscommunication maybe. They felt that you were trying to drag them into a pace they were uncomfortable.

Then again each interaction varies from person to person. Any time a dps pulled more mobs into me I interpreted that as a way of saying "you up to the challenge?" So I smile to myself and comply, and next you'll see me try a yolo wall to wall.
Wallaby 23 Jan @ 3:21pm 
Originally posted by Gentle Nobody:
A problem of miscommunication maybe. They felt that you were trying to drag them into a pace they were uncomfortable.

I would agree if the pace was me pulling the whole dungeon, but 1 extra group? Pulling 1 group of mobs at a time, I feel like you don't even need to be a tank at this point , 3 DPS and a healer can do the job. But oh well, thanks for the response
Last edited by Wallaby; 23 Jan @ 3:24pm
Tervuren 23 Jan @ 3:32pm 
As an archer, you can kite and not die.

Potions are your friend.

You didn't have to die.

You were being helpful.
The healer could have realized you have low level AOE.
And at that level, the game gives physical damage tank gear.
Yes, tanks get a free "tank mastery" buff, but we tanked without that before ShB.

With HQ potions, you can solo that place synced, so if this how you want to play, keep some in your stock and on a hotbar.

Healers like that are rare.
I wouldn't call that healer toxic, just not very bright or imaginative.
MOSLEY 23 Jan @ 3:45pm 
Originally posted by Wallaby:
Originally posted by Gentle Nobody:
A problem of miscommunication maybe. They felt that you were trying to drag them into a pace they were uncomfortable.

I would agree if the pace was me pulling the whole dungeon, but 1 extra group? Pulling 1 group of mobs at a time, I feel like you don't even need to be a tank at this point , 3 DPS and a healer can do the job. But oh well, thanks for the response

If you're going to single pull, you can just go as 4 DPS. You don't need a tank or healer for that.
The simplest solution is don't team with these players, and if you can't avoid it then at least mitigate your exposure to situations where you might have to.

The only time I qued for those low level dungeons was when I first started the game. It's quicker to hit 60 running missions with your squad. I also don't do random ques anymore.

Once I unlocked squads, I leveled up a bunch of classes from like 0-30, then got them all from 30-50, then 50-60 so I no longer had to do dungeons/content beneath my lowest leveled class, while at the same time I leveled up my squads. It's boring, but it's less boring than waiting on ques, or waiting on cutscenes, or spending patience meter which is a finite resource (for me at least) on bad players.

It gets a little bit better in the mid-level dungeons, the 50-70+ content, but the AAR MSQ content, and its dungeons are really boring, and bad players make it even more of a slough. You're still going to occasionally run into the player who paid for a rush who clearly and obviously has no idea how to play their class. Vote to kick is justified in that situation. Don't say anything, just put up a vote to kick, and assume the others have noticed the same thing you did.
Last edited by AH-1 Cobra; 23 Jan @ 3:57pm
Originally posted by Wallaby:
So I queue up for leveling roulette as a bard, I get "The Tam-tara Deepcroft", I notice the tank is doing single pulls, I tell myself: "oh, he's probably new to tanking, I'll snipe the next group of mobs with my bow and stand next to him so he can take aggro and build confidence as a tank." I do that, he doesn't really take aggro and barely uses his AOEs, I take damage. I told myself: "It's fine he's still learning, this is an easy dungeon.". Skip towards the end, the tank decides to stop to fight 1 mob, So I was thinking "I'll just run towards the next room, take aggro of the next group, run back to him, and hope he takes aggro this time.", I do that, He refuses to take aggro, I'm standing next to him, and the healer doesn't heal me, I end up dying. The healer then types in chat, "YES YOU ARE NOT TANK" so obviously he was upset with me pulling more mobs towards the tank. I just said "toxic" and they replied with "yes you are.". Am I? Am I the toxic one here? I never forced the tank pull more than 2 groups. It's a genuine question.
Not doing your role is an actionable offense so they were in the wrong for actively making sure you die but then again you can't really blame casual players since this game is marketed towards them. :lunar2019piginablanket:
The idea is to work as a team. Them not doing their job because it doesn't vibe with what they want is not teamwork. Jobs are more than well equipped enough (unless they're trolling) to handle two full packs. One pack with one solo mob is not a challenge at all.

If you were mass pulling then I'd say there might be an issue with level 41-47 dungeons where people have fewer tools and damage ramps up.
Wallaby 23 Jan @ 5:04pm 
Originally posted by causality:
Not doing your role is an actionable offense so they were in the wrong for actively making sure you die but then again you can't really blame casual players since this game is marketed towards them. :lunar2019piginablanket:

And yet, I was only asking for 2 pulls, still very casual, the tank is gonna get a rude awakening once he has to deal with actual toxic players, I genuinely was trying to help him get comfortable with taking damage as a tank, but I guess the tank's health pool is just decoration and they'd rather play as a DPS with a big sword.
Last edited by Wallaby; 23 Jan @ 5:05pm
Just the usual totally impotent tank/healer snobbery. No idea where it comes from now, the days of marking, CC, slow pulling, patrols, etc. are long gone. Hell you don't even manage enmity now. Whats there to respect? What are you gonna do, slow us down?
Phits 23 Jan @ 7:18pm 
A long time ago I was called out and booted from a dungeon as the Healer cause I was only healing. I didn't feel like stance dancing on basic mobs and they didn't like that.
Stormy Dawn 23 Jan @ 7:50pm 
Yes. But also not really?

You not saying anything to the tank before pulling is being toxic. Period.

Believe me, I get it. I'm quite the impatient player in this game, too. I get tired of dealing with tanks (especially in higher level content) pulling small groups, people not using their AOE skills in trash mobs, etc..

But you at least have to have the courtesy to say something first. Doesn't mean be rude, but you can be like, "Will you please pull the next trash pack?" or something similar. Frankly if the tank still ignores you after that... eh. I'll be honest, I probably would have reacted the same way. I'm sorry, but after a certain point using the excuse, "I'm still new" or "I'm not comfortable pulling everything" doesn't cut it. Buck up and grow up.

However, being that this was Tam-tara we're talking about.. eh.. bit harder call to make. Whether I would have chosen to pull for them or allow them to go at their own pace isn't an easy call and probably at the whimsy of my mood frankly. Sometimes a tank does need a little kick in the rear end, but if they continued to ignore you pulling threat then it sounds as though they made their stance clear. You die, pick yourself up and either just keep going and deal with it or leave.
Last edited by Stormy Dawn; 23 Jan @ 7:52pm
Originally posted by Stormy Dawn:
Yes. But also not really?

You not saying anything to the tank before pulling is being toxic. Period.

Comms / Communication is your best friend in a fight that does not involve people in your guild or those you know. Communication and coordination is key to success.

You noticing the Tank taking smaller groups of mobs should have given you the red flag that they are new to this fight and treading slowly. Most people will recognize such. Lesson Learned.
Last edited by War Maiden; 23 Jan @ 9:48pm
causality 23 Jan @ 10:39pm 
This is why I only play as melee whenever I (rarely) queue for DF content, this way I can't be screwed over by a sociopath tank or healer who refuse to play their role and think trying to kill someone is a form of retributive justice that will make things go their way all the time. :cuphead:
Halicor 23 Jan @ 10:52pm 
No, you weren't. This is not a question of pacing when there is absolutely no danger coming from the mobs. It's solely a matter of absolutelt not the slightest idea about how the tank's job is being played and what it is capable of.

The way to go in every dungeon in this game are multiple pulls. Sooner or later those two need to adapt to it or rub up against the same friction again and again and again. New player or not, Tam-Tara has no stakes. New player or not, a tank *can* be expexted to be able to read their tooltips and press AoE. Or to read their health bar and realise what they are doing is total nonsense.

The appropriate action for your situation was precisely what you did, and to keep the pulls rolling whithin reason; them precisely not using their job kit and crying about it would be an immediate Blacklist by me.
Vlad Krapula (Banned) 24 Jan @ 1:20am 
You pull you tank. Simple as.
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