Tommy Tiltar 24 Jan @ 9:09pm
The sorry state of this game.
I keep wanting to play the game but there is nothing in the game that makes me want to play.

The story has gone to absolute ♥♥♥♥, I didnt even particularly dislike post EW story content but DT just killed all my excitement for the story going forward.

There is no meaningful sense of character progression to speak of. Gear barely matters and even then the best gear you can get prior to savage comes from the MB which means any gear rewards the game give you are redundant.

Endgame raiding as a pug feels awful because of the encounter design of this game, your individual performance hardly matters when every fight relies on perfect group coordination and one player making mistakes means the entire group wipes. Pug raiding in this game is beyond frustrating and toxic.

Generally this game caters to no one except the extreme players on both end of the spectrum, either the super sweatlord ultimate raiders who actually get some content or the giga casuals who spend their entire days role playing essentially making their own game. Everyone else who falls in the middle gets shafted by the slow content releases and general lack of focus on content that caters to the average player.

I want a reason to play the game but currently there is no reason to go back to playing it over just playing wow classic for the 20th time.
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Showing 1-15 of 76 comments
Lixire 25 Jan @ 12:14pm 
I will be completely honest with ya. if you don't feel like playing then don't play
There is no point in playing something that you don't enjoy

While the post DT MSQ story should improve. I do think that you better off to wait until like 7.3 or 7.4 to decide if the game is worthwhile for you story-wise or just skip DT entirely and wait to see what 8.0 will offer
Last edited by Lixire; 25 Jan @ 12:15pm
Shield 25 Jan @ 12:47pm 
dear diary,

the sorry state of this game...

- op
*Logan* 25 Jan @ 5:38pm 
I felt that way once, I took a few months break, I came back.

If you haven't yet, try leveling new classes on the side of your usual grind, or go for the endless variety of achievements to add more variety to game.
Last edited by *Logan*; 25 Jan @ 5:39pm
Raansu 27 Jan @ 4:33am 
So just wait for 8.0? When I wasn't actively raiding, I just didn't play until the next expansion came out. It's not that big of a deal and plenty of MSQ only people do that.

If you wanna raid, get a static. Don't pug. That's boring and frustrating.
LZXio 27 Jan @ 8:16am 
So, don't play? I understand venting but I'm not sure where people are trying to get making topics like this. I also have many reasons not to play other games I did in the past such as WoW but you'll not see me engaged in creating topics like this on their general discussion forums. Not against your right to express yourself if you want to, I'm just really confused/don't understand whats the point of these rants, FFXIV discussions seems to have a lot of people around who don't want to/refuse to play the game yet are still active around these parts.
Originally posted by Lzxio:
I understand venting but I'm not sure where people are trying to get making topics like this.
To make the game better of course. Discourse is lost on so many people. . . How else should one convey their thoughts if not the purpose of a general discussion message board to seem moot? :winter2019cooldog:
Quite nicely put OP! I stopped playing a couple months ago and started RuneScape again funnily enough, having a blast lol!
*Logan* 27 Jan @ 10:27am 
Originally posted by causality:
Originally posted by Lzxio:
I understand venting but I'm not sure where people are trying to get making topics like this.
To make the game better of course. Discourse is lost on so many people. . . How else should one convey their thoughts if not the purpose of a general discussion message board to seem moot? :winter2019cooldog:


That's the point of this place, to discuss and complain, to promote, to praise..and to argue.
I don't know what kind of content your actively looking for, but this game was designed to be dropped and picked up at a moments notice, its the reason character progression has been like this for years
Last edited by Lord Doober De La Goober MXI; 27 Jan @ 12:37pm
Aldroen 27 Jan @ 12:21pm 
Originally posted by Lord Doober De La Goober MXI:
I don't know what kind of content your active looking for, but this game was designed to be dropped and picked up at a moments notice, its the reason character progression has been like this for years

Yes which is why Yoshi P is begging for people to stay subbed.

No content, no sub.
LZXio 27 Jan @ 1:33pm 
Originally posted by causality:
Originally posted by Lzxio:
I understand venting but I'm not sure where people are trying to get making topics like this.
To make the game better of course. Discourse is lost on so many people. . . How else should one convey their thoughts if not the purpose of a general discussion message board to seem moot? :winter2019cooldog:

Are you being ironic? I know you got a reputation so I just wanted to check before jumping to conclusions, there are other ways (and very likely more effective since I doubt anyone from the team is lurking around here reading topics) to get feedback to the FFXIV team, including even their own forums instead of the Steam ones. Its hard to feel people are doing it for the sake of constructive criticism, feels more like trolling.

And I feel like what I said still stands, people are way too engaged into something they supposedly can't stand anymore.
Last edited by LZXio; 27 Jan @ 1:37pm
Sayo 27 Jan @ 1:58pm 
Originally posted by Lzxio:
Originally posted by causality:
To make the game better of course. Discourse is lost on so many people. . . How else should one convey their thoughts if not the purpose of a general discussion message board to seem moot? :winter2019cooldog:

Are you being ironic? I know you got a reputation so I just wanted to check before jumping to conclusions, there are other ways (and very likely more effective since I doubt anyone from the team is lurking around here reading topics) to get feedback to the FFXIV team, including even their own forums instead of the Steam ones. Its hard to feel people are doing it for the sake of constructive criticism, feels more like trolling.

And I feel like what I said still stands, people are way too engaged into something they supposedly can't stand anymore.
"No, you can't be frustrated at a game you once liked taking a dip in quality. You MUST be trolling"
Shield 27 Jan @ 2:17pm 
Originally posted by Lzxio:
So, don't play? I understand venting but I'm not sure where people are trying to get making topics like this. I also have many reasons not to play other games I did in the past such as WoW but you'll not see me engaged in creating topics like this on their general discussion forums. Not against your right to express yourself if you want to, I'm just really confused/don't understand whats the point of these rants, FFXIV discussions seems to have a lot of people around who don't want to/refuse to play the game yet are still active around these parts.

A big part of it is the phenomena of forums. People who are enjoying the game are playing it and sharing their positive experiences with others in the game. People who aren't enjoying it will either move on, temporarily or otherwise, or keep trying to force a round peg that is now square back into a round hole and occasionally can take the frustration to a forum post or a spicy Discord message or whatever.

These people are usually too invested in the game to quit, or sometimes even just take a break, and simultaneously don't actually like it enough that playing it makes them happy. That can take many forms, and very few of them are a healthy relationship with the video game.

I get it, though.
When I was younger and made MMOs a very big part of my life, seeing my favorite games downswing was actually upsetting. I deadass have lost friendships over heated arguments over job balance, of all things; literal video game numbers that a fraction of a fraction of the people who even play the game care about, let alone people who have lives in the grand scheme of the world.

Most of me agrees with you that it's pointless whinging, because frankly it is. Yoshi P isn't going to come here and read OP's diary and address all the criticisms he has (notice I'm not saying implement the solutions OP offered), but there's a part of me that remembers how cathartic it is to just whinge about my favorite game doing things I don't personally like.
Last edited by Shield; 27 Jan @ 2:26pm
LZXio 27 Jan @ 2:25pm 
Originally posted by Sayo:
Originally posted by Lzxio:

Are you being ironic? I know you got a reputation so I just wanted to check before jumping to conclusions, there are other ways (and very likely more effective since I doubt anyone from the team is lurking around here reading topics) to get feedback to the FFXIV team, including even their own forums instead of the Steam ones. Its hard to feel people are doing it for the sake of constructive criticism, feels more like trolling.

And I feel like what I said still stands, people are way too engaged into something they supposedly can't stand anymore.
"No, you can't be frustrated at a game you once liked taking a dip in quality. You MUST be trolling"

I said in my previous post I understand if people are just venting, the trolling part I mentioned is referring to how many of these topics are getting created by people who can't even mention a single reason to keep playing the game. At this point you can expect at least one like this one to pop every week.
My curiosity comes from trying to understand why people are so engaged if the mutual consensus seem to be that the game sucks. I played many other online games including WoW, the point I felt like I couldn't stand it or its changes anymore I just left, haven't posted into any of their discussions since I've stopped playing.
LZXio 27 Jan @ 2:34pm 
Originally posted by Shield:
Originally posted by Lzxio:
So, don't play? I understand venting but I'm not sure where people are trying to get making topics like this. I also have many reasons not to play other games I did in the past such as WoW but you'll not see me engaged in creating topics like this on their general discussion forums. Not against your right to express yourself if you want to, I'm just really confused/don't understand whats the point of these rants, FFXIV discussions seems to have a lot of people around who don't want to/refuse to play the game yet are still active around these parts.

A big part of it is the phenomena of forums. People who are enjoying the game are playing it and sharing their positive experiences with others in the game. People who aren't enjoying it will either move on, temporarily or otherwise, or keep trying to force a round peg that is now square back into a round hole and occasionally can take the frustration to a forum post.

These people are usually too invested in the game to quit, or sometimes even just take a break, and simultaneously don't actually like it enough that playing it makes them happy. That can take many forms, and very few of them are a healthy relationship with the video game.

I get it, though.
When I was younger and made MMOs a very big part of my life, seeing my favorite games downswing was actually upsetting. I deadass have lost friendships over heated arguments over job balance, of all things; literal video game numbers that a fraction of a fraction of the people who even play the game care about, let alone people who have lives in the grand scheme of the world.

Most of me agrees with you that it's pointless whinging, because frankly it is. Yoshi P isn't going to come here and read OP's diary and address all the criticisms he has (notice I'm not saying implement the solutions OP offered), but there's a part of me that remembers how cathartic it is to just whinge about my favorite game doing things I don't personally like.

If they are still invested into the game I can understand too, as I mentioned in my post above these days when I'm done with a game for whatever reason I just leave, I think it makes sense to invest this much energy if you like the game and all, but posts like OP's make it sound like theres not even a positive thing they can mention about the game, which is fine, I have games I feel like this in my mind too, but I just don't give them as much energy, let alone keep making these topics every week as people are doing.

I'm glad at least someone understands where I'm coming from.
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