Squad won't work
I try to launch squad and it just closes itself with no error message
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Reboot. Verify integrity of game files. Update drivers.
Originally posted by Nosfepatu:
Reboot. Verify integrity of game files. Update drivers.
already done, doesnt work, tried every solution posted. refunding.
Tyyne 30 Jan @ 9:38am 
Maybe check if your system can actually run the game next time before buying?
same problem
KDM 16AAB 30 Jan @ 11:36am 
Make sure your not running something or some other Anticheat software that might interfere or 'not play nice' with EAC. Came across one or two different anticheat systems that don't like being in the same school yard.
daeskk 30 Jan @ 7:15pm 
same problem here. happened after installing an update for some random mod I had
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 8:52am
Posts: 6