Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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Recent screamer
i extracted the file that everyone kept crying was showing ishowspeed pregnant, this was intentional

heres the lua code:

if SERVER then
-- Function to spawn Dr. Kleiner NPCs randomly around the map
local function SpawnDrKleiners()
local numOfNPCs = 500 -- Number of Dr. Kleiner NPCs to spawn
local mapMin = Vector(-10000, -10000, 0) -- Minimum coordinates for spawning (adjust as needed)
local mapMax = Vector(10000, 10000, 1000) -- Maximum coordinates for spawning (adjust as needed)

for i = 1, numOfNPCs do
-- Generate a random position within the map boundaries
local pos = Vector(
math.random(mapMin.x, mapMax.x),
math.random(mapMin.y, mapMax.y),
math.random(mapMin.z, mapMax.z)

-- Create a Dr. Kleiner NPC at the generated position
local npc = ents.Create("npc_kleiner")
npc:SetHealth(1) -- Set health to a low value to ensure they don't pose a threat

-- Function to send countdown messages and display an image
local function CountdownAndDisplayImage(ply)
local count = 10

-- Function to send countdown messages
local function SendCountdown()
if IsValid(ply) and ply:IsPlayer() then
ply:ChatPrint("time left: " .. count)
count = count - 1
if count < 0 then
-- After countdown reaches 0, send final message and display the image
timer.Simple(1, function()
if IsValid(ply) and ply:IsPlayer() then
-- Send a net message to the client to show the final message in red and display the images
-- Disable player movement

-- Set up a timer to count down every second
timer.Create("CountdownTimer" .. ply:SteamID(), 1, 11, SendCountdown)

-- Hook the function to an event, such as when a player spawns
hook.Add("PlayerInitialSpawn", "CountdownAndDisplayImageHook", function(ply)
-- Spawn Dr. Kleiner NPCs when the countdown starts
-- Start the countdown


if CLIENT then
local spinSpeed = 0.1 -- Very slow spin speed (degrees per frame)
local spinVariation = 0.5 -- Reduced random variation in spin speed

local smallImageSize = 150 -- Larger size of the small images

-- Table to hold image data
local smallImages = {
{pos = {x = ScrW() / 3, y = ScrH() / 3}, vel = {x = 1, y = 1}},
{pos = {x = 2 * ScrW() / 3, y = ScrH() / 2}, vel = {x = 1, y = 1}},
{pos = {x = ScrW() / 2, y = 2 * ScrH() / 3}, vel = {x = 1, y = 1}}

-- Function to draw the images on the screen
local function DrawImages()
local largeMat = Material("bye_bye.png")
local smallMat1 = Material("small_image.png")
local smallMat2 = Material("small_image_2.png")
local smallMat3 = Material("small_image_3.png")

-- Draw the large image covering the whole screen
surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, 255)
surface.DrawTexturedRect(0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH())

-- Loop through each small image and draw it
for i, img in ipairs(smallImages) do
local smallMat
if i == 1 then
smallMat = smallMat1
elseif i == 2 then
smallMat = smallMat2
elseif i == 3 then
smallMat = smallMat3

-- Calculate new position for the small spinning image
img.pos.x = img.pos.x + img.vel.x
img.pos.y = img.pos.y + img.vel.y

-- Bounce off the screen edges
if img.pos.x < 0 or img.pos.x > ScrW() - smallImageSize then
img.vel.x = -img.vel.x
if img.pos.y < 0 or img.pos.y > ScrH() - smallImageSize then
img.vel.y = -img.vel.y

-- Draw the small moving image
surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, 255)
surface.DrawTexturedRect(img.pos.x, img.pos.y, smallImageSize, smallImageSize)

-- Update position with random smooth movements
img.vel.x = img.vel.x + math.random(-0.1, 0.1)
img.vel.y = img.vel.y + math.random(-0.1, 0.1)

-- Function to display the final message in red
local function ShowFinalMessage()
chat.AddText(Color(255, 0, 0), "boo! (are you scared?)")
-- Start drawing images
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "DrawImages", DrawImages)
-- Play the audio

-- Schedule the message about deleting the NextBot after 14 seconds
timer.Simple(14, function()
chat.AddText(Color(255, 0, 0), "In order to get rid of this screen, delete the Elmo NextBot.")

-- Schedule player disconnect after 16 seconds
timer.Simple(16, function()
-- Ensure the player is still valid before disconnecting
if IsValid(LocalPlayer()) then

-- Net receiver to handle image display, spinning image, and audio playback
net.Receive("FinalMessageAndImage", ShowFinalMessage)

i may show the images but i do not know how, i do not think you want to see them anyways, also the song is a banger

edit: you can contact me on discord ( gamro. (with a period)) if you want the extracted addon file with the images, music, and code ( i advise you to not look at them, its a picture of ronaldo with a pregnant ishowspeed, pregnant kid from diary of a wimpy kid, a pregnant man being hugged by godzilla with text in spanish overlayed 'si es nino skibidi, si es nina toilet" and a picture of a girl from splatoon (nothing wrong with it like the others) these are the images that bounce around the screen, other than the first one, being on the whole screen

another edit: nevermind just join this discord server i placed the file over there:

just one more edit: steam removed the link i think just contact me on discord
Last edited by Gamro; 25 Jul @ 8:02am
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Showing 1-15 of 26 comments
Generally all "screamers" were intentional to jumpscare the player.

No exception.

Key difference being the image or sound used , apart from that , all "screamers" share the "troll" characteristics , that is griefing.
Originally posted by Gamro (BOT🤖):
Generally all "screamers" were intentional to jumpscare the player.

No exception.

Key difference being the image or sound used , apart from that , all "screamers" share the "troll" characteristics , that is griefing.
yes i found someone in the screamer dev's profile comments asking that the screamer asked for his google acc and said is this intentional
mlr820 24 Jul @ 7:28am 
Originally posted by mlr820:
yes, brother, it is very odd
MaHoO89 29 Jul @ 2:01am 
I hate these people who make screamers like let me play gmod in peace
Originally posted by Gamro:
Originally posted by Gamro (BOT🤖):
Generally all "screamers" were intentional to jumpscare the player.

No exception.

Key difference being the image or sound used , apart from that , all "screamers" share the "troll" characteristics , that is griefing.
yes i found someone in the screamer dev's profile comments asking that the screamer asked for his google acc and said is this intentional
ye, i was the one who asked that.... its kinda crazy that something like that appeared on my screen but what i did was just leave the game and then the google thing dissapeared
so nothing to worry about
Originally posted by MaHoO89:
I hate these people who make screamers like let me play gmod in peace
you gotta adapt to them somehow, its just an image, you can forget about it, well, in a couple of weeks
somegai 30 Jul @ 11:14am 
why did you paste the code here, it's like giving someone the recipe for poisoned food
Originally posted by bambbastλrd:
why did you paste the code here, it's like giving someone the recipe for poisoned food
what if i wanna make a swep that shows pregnant ishowspeed whenever you use it?
Originally posted by bambbastλrd:
why did you paste the code here, it's like giving someone the recipe for poisoned food
What do you mean?
It's just code to spawn in a bunch of kleiners and show the images in question, you can see it does not have a virus script, I have almost no experience in coding, but I still can confirm it.
Originally posted by Gamro:
Originally posted by bambbastλrd:
why did you paste the code here, it's like giving someone the recipe for poisoned food
What do you mean?
It's just code to spawn in a bunch of kleiners and show the images in question, you can see it does not have a virus script, I have almost no experience in coding, but I still can confirm it.
You literally gave out the necessary code for people to make more ♥♥♥♥ like that.
Originally posted by RiverCabbage75(©):
Originally posted by Gamro:
What do you mean?
It's just code to spawn in a bunch of kleiners and show the images in question, you can see it does not have a virus script, I have almost no experience in coding, but I still can confirm it.
You literally gave out the necessary code for people to make more ♥♥♥♥ like that.
Eh, they know already, lua is too simple of a programming language
In what addon was it or smtg
user 31 Jul @ 11:07am 
Originally posted by Gamro:
Originally posted by RiverCabbage75(©):
You literally gave out the necessary code for people to make more ♥♥♥♥ like that.
Eh, they know already, lua is too simple of a programming language
what if an inexperienced autistic kid decides to make his first png sanic clone nextbot and put a jumpscare in it
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Showing 1-15 of 26 comments
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Date Posted: 24 Jul @ 6:33am
Posts: 26