Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus

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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Deep Silver  [developer] 23 Jan, 2019 @ 5:14am
Metro Exodus Steam Forum Rules
Rules and Guidelines for Metro Steam Community Discussions

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Last edited by Deep Silver; 23 Jan, 2019 @ 5:16am
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Showing 1-15 of 143 comments
Elu 23 Jan, 2019 @ 5:24am 
Well... that's just usual Steam rules. No idea why you needed to repost them here. But alright, I guess?
Sovereign 23 Jan, 2019 @ 5:31am 
Originally posted by Elu:
Well... that's just usual Steam rules. No idea why you needed to repost them here. But alright, I guess?
Considering the amount of unconstructive arguing around this whole Denuvo thing they clearly think some people need reminding.
Elu 23 Jan, 2019 @ 5:36am 
Originally posted by Sovereign:
Originally posted by Elu:
Well... that's just usual Steam rules. No idea why you needed to repost them here. But alright, I guess?
Considering the amount of unconstructive arguing around this whole Denuvo thing they clearly think some people need reminding.
People are pretty upset. Some are more than others, and they don't sugar-coat it. Against Steam rules? Of course. Unwarranted? Not really.
zacharyb 23 Jan, 2019 @ 5:42am 
Originally posted by Elu:
Well... that's just usual Steam rules. No idea why you needed to repost them here. But alright, I guess?

Sadly I doubt most people even read the Steam rules or pinned threads for that matter.
Sovereign 23 Jan, 2019 @ 5:42am 
Originally posted by Elu:
Originally posted by Sovereign:
Considering the amount of unconstructive arguing around this whole Denuvo thing they clearly think some people need reminding.
People are pretty upset. Some are more than others, and they don't sugar-coat it. Against Steam rules? Of course. Unwarranted? Not really.
It's the "against Steam rules" part that this reminder is directed at, not whether or not it's wrong to dislike Denuvo.
Carlwheezer 23 Jan, 2019 @ 5:53am 
Originally posted by Elu:
Well... that's just usual Steam rules. No idea why you needed to repost them here. But alright, I guess?
Its due to some people not having constructive arguements about denuvo and some people bein hostile towards other users also due to the amount of spam goin on. Dont get me wrong i completely understand why people are upset but there just spamming the same thing over and over again instead of making one post to discuss about the situation and bein hostile to people who have a different opinion about the situation.
Its because many discussions have turned into a shouting contest with name calling from both sides and alot of hostility. You decide if you like Denuvo or not but dont try and enforce it on others. People break the rules they get banned or discussion locked untill they get banned. Pretty clear here
Stalker 23 Jan, 2019 @ 6:29am 
Originally posted by Maurel
"Racism or discrimination of any kind will result in a ban"

i can't follow this rule, i am racist towards Nosalis and i discriminate Shrimps.

Haha. Leave the shrimps be. "they're good with beer"
DEFFROOM64RUS 23 Jan, 2019 @ 7:38am 
System requirements when publish?
Jig McGalliger 23 Jan, 2019 @ 7:58am 
About time there is an official presence on the forums again. It has only been 5 years since Professor Pew was with Deep Silver.

Better late than never?
Seeds 23 Jan, 2019 @ 2:25pm 
Originally posted by Elu:
Well... that's just usual Steam rules. No idea why you needed to repost them here. But alright, I guess?

They're just mad at people pointing out how stupid Denuvo is and how it only hurts paying customers, not people who play the game without paying.
twistedTSD 23 Jan, 2019 @ 2:28pm 
Rule 1: No Denuvo threads. :-))
Uneducated gamers need to stop throwing temper tantrum at certain individual and grow up.
Broken Devil (Banned) 23 Jan, 2019 @ 4:44pm 
Originally posted by zacharyb:
Originally posted by Elu:
Well... that's just usual Steam rules. No idea why you needed to repost them here. But alright, I guess?

Sadly I doubt most people even read the Steam rules or pinned threads for that matter.
When you installing the same game again do you read the whole product agreement again?
Broken Devil (Banned) 23 Jan, 2019 @ 4:46pm 
Originally posted by twistedTSD:
Rule 1: No Denuvo threads. :-))
Conclusion - Your beloved Denuvo games will hurt someday soon, just dont ask me how you are already of that!
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