Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus

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Deep Silver  [developer] 15 Feb, 2019 @ 3:07am
Metro Exodus Tech Support
Hi Guys,

if you are experiencing any issues with Metro Exodus - here is the Tech support page where you can log issues and bugs:

Please give as much detail as possible, including your hardware so the team can work on them effectively.

Edit: We see some of you who are upset that we don't respond too much in this thread, you need to go through tech support so we can troubleshoot the issues based on your individual specs and set up. Please provide dxdiags and any crash reports too to make this process faster.

We are looking at this thread, but assuming as you have seen the pinned post that you are reporting issues so we can process and resolve them them effectively. If you have not done so, please use tech support to notify us about any issues you have experienced.
Last edited by Deep Silver; 3 Dec, 2020 @ 2:26am
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Showing 1-15 of 2,226 comments
Taekeiro 15 Feb, 2019 @ 3:43am 
The game is just crashing... Cool game...
davidlukes 15 Feb, 2019 @ 3:46am 
No for me. I have 60fps full hd extreme.
davidlukes 15 Feb, 2019 @ 3:46am 
it's going to set shadows just 1.4 more is not going?
4arli 15 Feb, 2019 @ 4:05am 
30 фпс в стартовом ролике это как то не солидно. ну правда.
из проблем же. игра очень сильно страдает при запуске и при сворачивание через Alt-Tap
при запуске игры во время прокрутки логотипом игра дико подвисает хотя в самой игре все у меня летает.
При Alt-Tap тоже самое. когда разворачиваешь все зависает секунд на 5 или даже больше.
добавьте режим окно без рамок. думаю это поможет.
так же при изменении настроек графики тоже происходит адский подвисон.
Jangomango3 15 Feb, 2019 @ 4:09am 
great game its just keeps crashing every 1hr or so
Sparhawk122 15 Feb, 2019 @ 4:10am 
Originally posted by Jangomango3:
great game its just keeps crashing every 1hr or so

DirectX12 or DirectX11?
davidlukes 15 Feb, 2019 @ 4:11am 
for me directx 12
Lissy 15 Feb, 2019 @ 4:12am 
...crashes all the time ,...any ideas? Iam using DX 12 with a GTX 1080 TI
Sparhawk122 15 Feb, 2019 @ 4:13am 
The crashing appears to happen more with DirectX12...
Derrame 15 Feb, 2019 @ 4:22am 
changing shadows to any number that is not 1.0x makes the game look very blurry

DX 12 greyed out

no screenshot key in photo mode?
Last edited by Derrame; 15 Feb, 2019 @ 4:22am
Snurreleif 15 Feb, 2019 @ 4:29am 
Game won't launch even after reinstalling and verifying files (both prior to and after reinstalling the game). Downloaded via Epic Store.

Edit: Now I'm also getting LS-0013 error message from Epic Store. Game will launch via application icon but only show me 0.5 seconds of the legal screen before kicking me back out to Windows. No error logs nor messages there...

Edit 2: Error message from Epic Store was due to me trying to run the game as administrator previously. Fixed after I unchecked it. Still not able to play the game though.

Edit 3: If it's relevant, Metro Exodus doesn't even show under "Games" in Nvidia Geforce Experience, a game I installed after it does however. Is it some version of the .exe bug that is supposed to be fixed?
Last edited by Snurreleif; 15 Feb, 2019 @ 4:35am
Arturius 15 Feb, 2019 @ 4:39am 
The Game Crashes at launch, and kicks me back to windows with no error messages.
:woot: GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 1070 GAMING X
:woot: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700X 8x
:woot: MoBo: Asus Prime X370-Pro
:woot: RAM: 16GB G.Skill RipJaws V
:woot: Sound Card: Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Professional Series

game crashed 3 times so far... won't start up anymore without crashing :/

edit: nvm me. using dx11 solved my problem.
Last edited by ꧁acid rain̷͐͋͗̄͐̊̊͠; 15 Feb, 2019 @ 4:54am
DarThVadeR 15 Feb, 2019 @ 4:47am 
Originally posted by Arturius:
The Game Crashes at launch, and kicks me back to windows with no error messages.
Exactly the same to me too
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