Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus

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is it just me?
i dont know if its just me but no matter how many times i try to find a mail order bride the are never anna. i wish they made russian girls like her for all to have.
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anna is one of a kind (and is best waifu in any video game)
Deraxim 16 Jan @ 7:44am 
lower your standards
game aside, if you only look towards hot super models you wont have a chance, lower your standards to find someone at your level.
And if you dont find people at your level attractive- well. Thats how super models see you too-
KingMetro 28 Jan @ 4:58pm 
Originally posted by Deraxim:
lower your standards
game aside, if you only look towards hot super models you wont have a chance, lower your standards to find someone at your level.
And if you dont find people at your level attractive- well. Thats how super models see you too-
Why settle for less I’m not so much into the looks but the perfect personality and well it doesn’t exists. Frankly the internet has women walking around with inflated heads. Also it seems like every girl my age is on onlyfans or just prostitution even the mid and lesser than ones. So at this point it’s time to find me a gym king I will dedicate my life to finding a man since they are the only quality humans left
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