Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus

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Omg those annoying shrimps! DO NOT USE THE BOAT!
The first time I started the game, that idiot Stepan (I think it was him) told me I could reach Krest by boat to avoid radioactive zones. I thought it was good advice, so I took it. It ended up costing me a ton in ammo and medkits! because of the shrimps. And to make things worse, I ended up going through that stupid contaminated tunnel, which meant burning through filters anyway...

Luckily, my game was running terribly (Microsoft Store version), so after uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times, I eventually tried playing in DX11—only to realize that version doesn’t support it. I just went and bought the game on GOG. What I should have done from the start, to be honest.

On my second playthrough in Volga, I avoided water as much as possible, and it was a much smoother and more enjoyable experience. If I were Miller, I’d fire that idiot Stepan from my crew. Not only does he give terrible advice, but he’s also completely useless. The only thing he did in Volga was try to get into Katya’s pants and convince me to infiltrate a bandit camp just to fetch him a guitar so he could act cool in front of her!

And I'd also fire whoever thought it was a good idea to suggest the worst possible route to the player right at the start of the game…

Maybe it wasn't Stepan. If it was Duke I forgive him, he is cool and useful.

Anyway those shrimps are just a waste of resources. On land I can throwing-knife my way around without wasting any resources.

So if anyone reading this is playing for the first time DO NOT GO INTO THE WATER. And just throw knives to Watchmen and Humanimals. You get them back and waste zero resources. At least on Volga that works amazingly well. I don't know about the rest of the game. I just started the second area.
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Moschka 30 Jan @ 3:58pm 
The water can be a shortcut. If you see any shrimp before you get to the boat shoot them. Avoid them in the water as much as you can. Don't take the boat if the big shrimp is nearby.

The Volga is a whole lot easier dealing with shrimp than it is in tunnels.
you can quickly kill the shrimps with your tikhar so long that you shoot them in the abdomen (lower part of the body from the side and front, because they have armor on the upper side). The aim on them is kinda BS and often they will hit you with their ranged attack even if if looks like you moved out of the way. When i see one approach or even simply get into the water i instantly stop paddling and take out my gun. Duke tells you that "if you don't make much noise, the catfish will not bother you" which is true, i used the tikhar and he never really bothered me (he starts spawning only after you're sent to get the train to get the passenger wagon). If you see him, stay away from him. If the shrimps start humping your boat, you can melee them off (3 melee hits will do), they will not die and will become aggressive, but it's a way to save ammo and not make any sound, just kill them as they emerge from the water to spit at you. Also be careful if you see two fishermen cultists on a small island (where a safehouse is present) and stand nearby them for too long, the mf catfish will come out of the water and devour them both, granting a nice jumpscare. You can listen to their conversation from around a corner to not make it happen.

It's not Stepan that tells you to go there by boat, it's Damir when he's talking with Sam. And it is true that there is a highly radioactive area on your way there, if you stand there too long your health will get drained by radiation and that area is filled with mutants.

The contaminated tunnel is just a quick way of getting you some resources by grabbing green mushroom and poof plants (make sure to crouch next to those red poof plants or they will trigger and damage you). Snipe the mutants with a suppressed weapon (I use the Tikhar because it's just so cheap in ammo and always suppressed unless you mount the Railgun barrel).

Overall though i tend to also avoid water as much as possible, you are too vulnerable on that ♥♥♥♥♥♥ wooden boat, i usually at least clear out the area before i have to get on a boat.
Last edited by Black Wolf; 1 Feb @ 9:44am
Orbister 1 Feb @ 11:11am 
I just think they are not worth the effort, the shrimps I mean. Oh Damir yeah he is on the way out, I still don't like Stepan though lol. The zone is very easy to avoid though and there's no loot in it, or at least nothing worthwhile. Regarding the tunnel, yeah i looted it on my second playthrough but i went there on my terms. Yes I looted all the exploding plant things. And of course Tikhar is my weapon of choice. Once I realized it was only 1 mechanical resource per bullet and 0 chemical I didn't use anything else. And it's pretty good for headshots as well. Yeah the catfish wasn't a problem for me either. Lol i wondered what had happened to the fishermen, I didn't see them get eaten but I noticed they were gone, poor guys.
Fafnir 2 Feb @ 11:30pm 
Ignoring the shrimpies really is a good course of action. I can't think of any meaningful loot spots on the shoreline that they are guarding anyhow. There are also plenty of corpses for them to feed upon, so I did not perceive them as much of a threat in the first place.

Lurkers are still the worst enemies imho. They just rush in immediately and force you into quick time events that leave you bloodied. Other enemies have a pretty predictable movement pattern and even watchmen can be outrun to a degree and then picked off on distance. Lurkers also have pretty sharp senses and rush in from miles away when you fight other enemies. For supposedly being scavengers they are acting like apex predators.:lunar2019deadpanpig:
Originally posted by Fafnir:
Ignoring the shrimpies really is a good course of action. I can't think of any meaningful loot spots on the shoreline that they are guarding anyhow. There are also plenty of corpses for them to feed upon, so I did not perceive them as much of a threat in the first place.

Lurkers are still the worst enemies imho. They just rush in immediately and force you into quick time events that leave you bloodied. Other enemies have a pretty predictable movement pattern and even watchmen can be outrun to a degree and then picked off on distance. Lurkers also have pretty sharp senses and rush in from miles away when you fight other enemies. For supposedly being scavengers they are acting like apex predators.:lunar2019deadpanpig:

They are defeinitely a bigger threat than in previous games, best gun to deal with them is the AK, two shots at most, but i do agree they are just way too fast and quick.
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