Idle Civilization

Idle Civilization

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Slash 30 Aug, 2016 @ 5:15am
Any updates coming for this game, I really like it and was just wondering?

Also is there any achievement guide or just a small description on what to do to get some of the achievements?

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liosalpha 5 Sep, 2016 @ 10:38pm 
idk about the updates...feels like its taking some time now...maybe the devs on vacationXD

Achievements (on steem and ingame) are in small description, but not unclear what you need to do. some can take a lot of time. I saw that some people claimed they (the ingaes ones) might be buged, but i dont have that isue my self.
Slimurgical 5 Apr, 2017 @ 12:10am 
Originally posted by DatrixTHLK:
7 months since last updated...I'm not sure it will be updated. I've gotten bored of this game. Steam should delete games that have been abandoned or that haven't been worked on in over 3 months unless the dev is keeping his/her gamers up-to-date on if they are still alive and kicking.
Or if there's nothing to work on with the game, but there's really tons the game could use.
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