Idle Civilization

Idle Civilization

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VSI Studio  [developer] 25 Nov, 2015 @ 2:25pm
Patch Notes - Last update 9.07.2016
I'm going to start this patch notes thread so as to not spam the news section with it every time something gets fixed and use the news only for more significant patches.

Patch 09.07.2016
- Major UI Layout changes, hopefully things are a little easy to grasp and remember now, let us know what your feedback is
- The researches: Use Both Hands, A Helping Hand, Ruler's Presence and Leading Through Example now also increase the rate at which enthusiasm is generated
- Various font adjustments, various typo and text formatting adjusments
- Circlets should now display properly
- Your Strange Sightings now have a clickable chest at the end that will show you exactly what rewards you got from the Sighting
- You can now unequip Unique Ornaments if you click on the slot and select Empty Slot
- Covinari cost reduction for buildings, troops, culture, food have been capped at 75%
- Various achievement trackers that weren't carrying over between colonies should now carry over properly
- Fixed some rare rounding issues with population numbers
- Some issues with Divine Ability charge icons have been fixed
- You can now see the total damage and health of your army in the military tab
- Some missing icons have been updated
- Your Archon tier is now properly calculated even if you have really high population
Patch 28.06.2016
- Changed Font for resources/ other font tweaks
- Drastically reduced enemy strength in Yonder Explorations
- The odd rich text tags in quests have been removed
- Focused Prayer will now update the tooltip for Pray!
- You can now set drafting to a population higher than your current - in case you want to set it for the future when your population is higher
- More changes to the newspaper in the hope that it won't break anymore
- Covinari are corrupting some saves it seems, I am looking into it, until I find the cause if your covinari are messing up your save they will be automatically wiped to ensure that you can still play
- Owned researches will now be tinted green for a better overview on what you have and have not yet researched
- Clicking on a hero while the inventory is open will select that hero and open their inventory instead of just closing the inventory tab
- The tutorial now has some helpful arrows to show you where certain menus are on your first playthrough
- Researches should now update the time left until you can afford them in realtime while you mouse is over them
- Research tooltips will no longer bug out and refuse to display when certain time calculations go awry
- There is now a new mouse cursor
Patch 22.06.2016
- Mac and Linux builds
- All towns should be clickable on the map now
- Fixed behavior on some local and Steam achievements
- New Steam achievements
- F1-F12 now work as hotkeys for the tabs in game (population, buildings, research, etc.)
- The effect of the Relic of Endless Coins has been changed
- Various minor bug fixes
- Various under the hood improvements for better game behavior
Patch 06.06.2016
- The Population Toggle button is now fixed
- Towns and Ruins should always be clickable now, no matter where they are on the map
- Circlet graphics will now properly display
- The Copy Save String button tooltip now displays the correct tooltip
- Using Foresight no longer disabled the research button it researches
- The Leap of Faith achievement is properly granted at the right amount of pilgrimages
- The Collect Tribute button works properly once more
- Covinari Traits are now marked as Primary or Secondary for clarity to make more sense with the Delegator/Trademaster talents
- Production tooltips should fit better for higher values
- The Toggle Music button now works again

Patch 02.06.2016
- Graphical updates
- The Covinari have found their way to your kingdom - fabled mercenaries that will work and fight for you if you build a Keep. 10 classes with distinct talents and traits await you to recruit them.
- Archons might now deem your colony worthy of their attention and start watching over it when your population is great enough.
- You can now undertake Pilgrimages if you have enough Archons. Pilgrimages will reward you with powerful relics
- Being active in the game generates Enthusiasm. You can use your enthusiasm to hold speeches that bolster various aspects of your colony.
- Over twenty new unique ornaments have been added to the game
- Several new strange sightings have been added to the game
- Several new random events have been added to the game
- Some more typos have been addressed
- Villager allocation now properly triggers achievements once more
- You no longer need to swap in and out of the exploration panel for it to acknowledge manual soldier allocation
- Belts, Cloaks, Bracers added to Hero items
- Exploration buffs added to hero items
- Various interface elements have been redone.
- New achievements
- New researches for your keep
- Many other changes that we invite you to find for yourself

Patch 18.1.2016
- Fixed a bug with the game crashing when exploration/sightings text isn't loaded properly
- Food requirement calculations have been improved. A lot!
- No more negative numbers in villager allocation when you have really high population (over 2 billion)
- Offerings to Chrysantema works properly even when you have really high population (over 2 billion)
- You can now sell your extra unique ornaments. Each unique ornaments sells for 2 or 3 normal ornaments (random)
- Creating a colony or resetting your game will no longer show you the unique ornament you previously had equipped in the Town Hall tab
- Heroes above level 10 will properly stay at level 10
- You can no longer grant experience to heroes that are level 10
- Faith requirements for kingdom quests have been drastically reduced
- Resource tracking now properly takes into account all possible sources of resource income (events, quests, explorations, etc.)
- Food requirement for villagers updates with better accuracy now (I might revisit this in the future, see how the math is holding up)
- Olympic games are now called Pan-Communian games. There's no Mt Olympus in Communia (or is there?...)
- Winning the Olympic games will now reward you with an unique ornament: the Crown Of Laurels
- Your Wage rate now properly remembers what it used to be when you load for the first time after starting the client
- Some tooltips have been updated
- Several new events have been added to the events system (5)
- The game is currently LOCKED to Windowed Mode while I solve some aspect ratio and display issues.

Patch 11.1.2016
- The Wages system has been revamped. Now instead of raising the wage level (which can mean quite a lot of clicks at high production values, not to mention tons of calculations), you set a percentage of your coin income to be reserved for wages and the game will determine the wage level for you.
The overall bonuses and values are identical but it's much easier to set your wages now and you get to see what the overall bonuses are in the panel
- Sending villagers on explorations will no longer affect your max population (meaning that you lose max population if you lose villagers). Instead, the values are frozen and the houses are considered occupied while the people are away (for new births concerns)
- Unique ornaments that are equipped will no longer vanish when you load the game
- You can gain a maximum of 5000 population from exploration now (per expedition)
- Allied kingdoms with a warring disposition no longer give tons and tons of soldiers every time you attack an enemy, they just boost your damage in the fight as intended

Patch 4.1.2016
- Explorations can now sometimes generate Strange Sightings that you can choose to investigate or ignore
- The Blood of Komun can now be obtained through one of the strange sightings
- Buffs have been revamped and now have descriptions. You can click on the lightning symbol on screen to see a description of all your buffs
- You can now manually set the population threshold where drafting will stop (default is still 50)
- Researches now have an indicator in the tooltip that shows how long until you can afford the research based on your production (like buildings)
- Chrysantema's Rebirth no longer displays the post 10-stack message when you have less than 10 stacks
- Your population will no longer vanish while exploring if you click out of the Exploration tab and back into it while an expedition is on-going
- Various typos have been fixed
- More negative army bugs have been fixed
- Offerings to Markeeth will no longer affect production if you don't have wages set or researched
- Resources should never go below 0 anymore
- Food requirement calculations should not lag up your game anymore when you have very high population
- Reaching very high numbers of population and going over the food requirement maximum should no longer break your game
- When you lose population or send then on an adventure or draft them, the population will be drafted rather equally from all jobs and not only in order from top to bottom
- Population that returns from exploration will automatically go back to their previous jobs (one or two stragglers might remain once in a while)
- You can now auto-allocate peasants to any number of roles, not just one. Consequently the evenly option and the nothing option in the allocation menu have been removed
- Switching to the military tab while the UI is minimized will no longer pop up the 1k and 10k modifiers
- Academies now properly grant the bonuses they were supposed to grant and they should make an impact on your production as intended
- Being raided by an enemy kingdom will now return your dead troops as drafted soldiers as per usual
- When mass-buying buildings, the amount of buildings created is now properly tracked once more, resulting in better civ score gains and stats tracking
- The Ruins info box is a bit more consistent throughout fights now
- A bug that made your hero both get an item from an adventure while near max capacity and tell you that the item was lost has been fixed
- Glory is now properly granted everytime you have Kaamos' double glory buff
- The Advisor tab has been renamed Town Hall and will be seeing expansion in the near future. The Advisor tab is now always enabled
- The Advisor research has been replaced with Colonies. While the Advisor tab is always enabled, you will need this research the first time around in order to start a new colony
- The tutorial has been updated to reflect the advisor changes
- Academies and stalls now grant civilization points
Hotfixes 8.12.2015
- No more free building in the hundreds
- The amount of soldiers required for explorations has been MASSIVELY reduced (but be warned it scales with your glory. It should be easy at first when starting out and gets more and more difficult as you get more glory)
- Exploration charges now actually matter
- You can no longer adjust population for exploration while a party is on-going
- Food requirements for exploration won't alter anymore while your people are away (unless you lose population while exploring)
- Monuments should be properly saved now
- You won't start with the 100 of each new resource (parts, ornaments, books) since that was just for testing :)

Patch 7.12.2015
- You can now send out exploration parties!
- You can now build monuments in the culture tab with ornaments you find while exploring
- Cloud saving!
- Touch the future now properly grants your production of faith
- Preservation technique is now a lot cheaper and has 5 ranks, gradually easing the birth rates transition
- You can now load your game from a string from the main menu
- Building costs now have icons instead of text
- Research panel scroll is smoother
- Toggling to sell an item will disable item trading and vice-versa so that you can no longer sell stuff you didn't mean to.
- Framerate capped at 30 now
- Kaamos' Decimate ability can now properly be toggled off
- Kaamos' Charge icons now properly display tooltips
- Various typos have been fixed
- Markeeth's Resolute will only give you buildings of the last two tiers you own ( no getting a tier 1 building when you have tier 3 and 4 of that type already built)
- You can now right-click on a notification to dismiss it
- An undo button has been added to the hero inventories, allowing you to undo your last item sale, in case you sold something you didn't mean to (ONLY THE MOST RECENT ITEM)
- Conscripts and other events that give military units will no longer make your army go into the negative if you're over 4 billion troops
- Buildings will now indicate the proper cost when used with multipliers above x1 multiplier
- The x1000 and x10k modifier are now only available when training military
- You can no longer click on other towns/ruins on the world map while you already have a town/ruin open
- Opening a loot crate will now update the tavern info with remaining loot crates
- Raiding an allied kingdom now immediately breaks the alliance

Patch 26.11.2015

- Scrolling on the building tab has been improved, you can scroll even if you hover over buttons or scroll while outside the area
- Escape opens up the options menu
- Scrolling in "?" menus has been improved and opening a "?" menu will now center the text
- The framerate has been capped at 60 fps, hopefully this will fix the issue with skyrocketing fps
- Windowed mode will now prefer height over width in scaling
- The game will now remember if your windowed/fullscreen setting when you quit and start the game again

Patch 26.11.2015

- You can now enter Windowed Mode from the Options menu
- The Bustling Town achievement now works properly
- The Building achievements requirements have been increased (they were too easy to obtain)
- The Exit Game button now properly exits the game, heh
- Links to social media now work properly
Last edited by VSI Studio; 9 Jul, 2016 @ 1:47am
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Showing 1-15 of 50 comments
Mad_jack 25 Nov, 2015 @ 2:58pm 
Whut? Something went wrong.... my resolution has changed in such a way that I cant even tell in which resolution it is playing. It is all blurry.

Pls fix, its kinda game breaking.
Nano47 25 Nov, 2015 @ 3:08pm 
same problem as mad_jack, pls fix it^^ (btw nice game otherwise)
AnOtterFailure 25 Nov, 2015 @ 3:17pm 
Same problem as Jack and Nano, it's like looking at Minecraft from a distance with my glasses off.
Tender Loins 25 Nov, 2015 @ 3:25pm 
im also getting htis please hotfix so i cna play i just bought it :/
Elich 25 Nov, 2015 @ 4:22pm 
same here, restarted and updated and now picture is all blurry
no wipe man 25 Nov, 2015 @ 4:25pm 
same here, something went wrong with this update :D
however, nice game!!! but fix it i wanna play XD
Elich 25 Nov, 2015 @ 4:26pm 
Also my save seem to be missing...
no wipe man 25 Nov, 2015 @ 4:28pm 
Yeah, mine too... i started the game with post-update resolution and i could see it was all fine with my production, now after 2nd restart its all gone...^^ grrrrrreat
Roboradu 25 Nov, 2015 @ 5:43pm 
Try Alt+Enter, maybe this fixes the res.
Dilber 25 Nov, 2015 @ 5:43pm 
Alt enter fixed my res, but savegame is gone.
Jerigord 25 Nov, 2015 @ 5:44pm 
Also had the resolution problem. Like Yo Mamaa, I also restarted the game and now it appears my civilization is gone. :-(
JBro™ 25 Nov, 2015 @ 5:53pm 
This is the single greatest reason I jumped in and bought the game, having a game quickly updated by a dev who cares goes a loooong way to happy customers and positive word of mouth. PS. Game is quite interesting and so far enjoyable :steamhappy:
Roboradu 25 Nov, 2015 @ 6:06pm 
Originally posted by JBro™:
This is the single greatest reason I jumped in and bought the game, having a game quickly updated by a dev who cares goes a loooong way to happy customers and positive word of mouth. PS. Game is quite interesting and so far enjoyable :steamhappy:

Yes, the game is very relaxing and the two newspaper stories I've read so far are quite good.
Originally posted by Dilber:
Alt enter fixed my res, but savegame is gone.

Same, looks like the update nuked my civilization... -sigh-
KeySer 25 Nov, 2015 @ 8:57pm 
]- Windowed mode will now prefer height over width in scaling
My computer don't like this. 1280 x 1024. Can't se setting and stuff in fullscreen anymore.
It should be possible to find what ratio the computer is set to, and scale after that.
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