Tricky Towers
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Blazy013  [developer] 6 Dec, 2016 @ 10:13am
May 24, 2018
* Possible fix to online winner bug - extra checks have been added so that player rank can't be changed after the winner is declared.

February 1, 2018
* Added Endless Race Mode

October 25, 2017
* Added free Halloween brick skin

September 27, 2017
* Added Romanian translation
* Added Traditional Chinese translation

April 4, 2017
* Added free Spring brick skin
* Chinese translation fix

March 14, 2017
* Added Gem bricks (DLC)
* The matchmaking algorithm is updated to search for other games while waiting for other players.
* We've updated to Unity 5.5 which improves the frame rate.
* Removed a bug that let players in friends games get XP.
* Improved Turkish Localisation.

February 9, 2017
* Added Candy bricks (DLC)
* Added localization for Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Polish, Turkish, Korean and Arabic
* Updated Incontrol library

January 26, 2017
* Added Chinese translations

January 25, 2017
* Added Galaxy bricks (DLC)

December 21, 2016
* Added free Christmas brick skin
* Added option to disable all explanations
* Idle players are now automatically removed from online games
* Added invite friend option to public games
* Fixed bug where puzzle sometimes didn't have a base

December 6, 2016
* Physics are now much more consistent in all modes
* We've added a keybinding option for left and right rotation

October 28, 2016
* New Puzzle Endless leaderboard Mode
* Tweaked XP for to correspond with the various mode difficulties
* Added key binding for keyboard
* Added in game language select
* Fixed insanely high framerates on super gaming machines
* Fixed some controller issues
* Fixed an exploit in puzzle multiplayer where you could drop bricks without penalty
* Fixed cursed brick respawning in Race Special
* Fixed an issue with the Trickster trophy not being awarded
* Fixed some other small rare bugs
Last edited by Blazy013; 5 Aug, 2018 @ 11:46pm