Team Fortress 2
"Kris" 17 Jun @ 11:03pm
Hall of Reasonability
This thread is about what actual players think regarding friendlies, the quotes are collected from different anti-friendly threads from the "General Discussions" Forum.

It aims to make people who are in support of friendlies doubt their views and hopefully change their opinion on the matter.

Since from |2020 to 2024|, I have changed only one mind, the one who is usernamed as "Static Spark". While it is saddening to me the vast majority of Team Fortrees players hold on to their opinions very strongly, I'm glad I could change someone at last.

It's clear as day friendlies are not playing a team based first persyn shooter with objectives on non-friendly servers, such as VALVe ones and certain community servers.

They have fun at the expense of anyone who is actually playing the game on servers that weren't made for them, this is exactly where the issue lays. Friendlies are not in their appropriate playgrounds, so they create conflicts of interest because of that.

Everyone can be happy if friendlies would be joining their friendly community servers, or playing something like VRChat.

Keep in mind, the quotes can be a bit rude, but they mean no harm and weren't intended to upset annyone, okies?

They are here to represent what TF2 actual players think regarding friendlies, not to flame people 🙏🫶.

Thank you for your understanding.

let's jump to the quotes!

Originally posted by: trash
if you took ALL this wrtiting you wrote in this thread, and applied it to hackers, you would have a MUCH better reputation and fallowing here, with better conversaions, ZERO fighting and arguements, and would be a better help towards the community, with useful info on how to keeps the bots at bay, how to fix the bot problem, and other stuff OTHER than trying to kill of a part of a community that doesnt try to ruin the game..
who cares about bots, there's not a single thing to discuss

they're valve's problem and anything players do beyond hitting f1 or disconnect when necessary is a waste of time and energy

if anything, making posts about them only fuels the problem

friendly conflict on the other hand is an issue with community attitudes that can only addressed through communal discourse and peer-to-peer interactions with other players

regardless of the backgrounds or interests of potentially disagreeable personalities in this thread, the topic is legitimate

Originally posted by: calembredaine
"I don't like them" isn't a legitimate reason to kick people from games.
it is.

that's the essence behind kicking cheaters, bots and whoever else you find worth kicking: "people" (in reality a subpopulation of players) don't like them.

time to stop acting like there is some absolute moral legitimizing one side over the other. what's truly happening here is a conflict of interest about what to do on the server. rejecting one another has always been the thing going here.

Originally posted by: Rando the Crit Clown
Hey, with the pandemic still going on in the US, most people are having trouble finding social outlets. TF2 is a game that was designed around player emotions and interactions, so it's only natural that some players prefer the social experience of interacting with other members of TF2’s player base then the FPS aspect you can get from just about any other FPS.
and here we have the award for the best friendly defence so far in this whole thread. jolly good show mate.
The worst defense, you mean.

There's literally thousands of social games and chatrooms where you can ACTUALLY socialize, and even in TF2 you can actually socialize by pressing Y, U, or V.

Crouchwalking around is NOT socializing, makes as much sense as if you were excusing the bot hosters because the pandemic is stifling their creativity so they needed to make these bots.

[...] this isn't anywhere near sociable.

If you really want to socialize and really don't want to go somewhere else to do it, join a server with All-Talk.

Originally posted by: WraithTDK [TBTPs!]
"Focus on the fun."

If you ever find yourself being asked "why?" in game:

* Why'd you kill me? I'm friendly?
* Why are you killing friendlies?!
* Hey! That's a Hoovie stop killing him!

Simple response: "it's fun to shoot other players in shooter games."

Simple, not overly hostile, straight to the point: I used to try to argue the actual point of why it's annoying to have friendlies around, but realistically, that never gets you anywhere, and it keeps you from playing the game.

You might even wind up annoying people to the point of votekicking YOU.

However, the most common argument I've always heard from friendlies is about fun.

* - I just want to have fun.
* Actual players: the ruiners of *fun*
* - Why are you so against *fun*?

With the idea of blameshifting that you're the intruder and in the wrong, and then only reason you're doing it is because you get off on ruining other people's fun.

So I try to stress to people (and this is 100% true), that the reason I'm killing the other team - friendly or no - is because I find that it IS fun to do so.

*I'm* trying to have fun, just like they are, and this is how I get it: by shooting the other team.

The argument seems to be the one that is most likely to be accepted by the "middleground" folk who aren't an active friendly themselves yet, but appreciate them none the less.

In summary:

* Do not get overly hostile.

Don't get mean, don't "lol" and seem like you're trying to be malicious. Kill them when you see them, just like you would anyone else.

* When asked why, don't over-complicate your reasoning.

"It's fun to shoot people in shooters.
Go figure.

And then get back to playing.
Chances are people will accept this and leave you alone.

At the end of the day, it's all about being the calmer, more reasonable party.
You'll have more fun, and you will be a hundred times less likely to get the boot.

Friendly advocates always "bring up" the middleground fallacy, and that everyone can co-exist, but they never mention it creates conficts of interests, having fun at the expense of people who actually supposed to be in the plave, and that they, just like bots, waste valuable player slots, which leads to major negatives.

Friendlies really think they hold any value on servers thst weren't even created for them in the first place, in a damn shooter.

The "co-exist" argument is just literal red herring.

Trying to switch the focus from the problem.
Attempting to bait into irrelevant argument game.

Sir, that is called griefing.

Griefing is by definition, intentionally being disruptive in some way.
*WILDLY* incorrect.

Griefing is intentionally harassing other players outside the expected parameters of standard play.

They literally added strange variants of weapons into the game so you could keep track of how many people you kill.

They wouldn't do that if they didn't want you killing.
if you're just intentionally upsetting everyone and killing them in an obviously friendly game, that's griefing.

You are no better then how you describe all of them.
Killing the other team is literally the singly unifying game mechanic across every game mode without exception.

You are given a wide variety of tools to do so, you are given ZERO options of EVER being without a weapon with which to do so.

You are given counters to track how often you do so. You are given achievements for doing so. You are given contracts where you're INSTRUCTED to do so, and then REWARDED for doing so.

The developers could have added the option for you to choose to be invincible, but unable to to harm anyone or anything at spawn, and then let you turn it off when you return to spawn.
They didn't.

They could have specified map areas that are no "PvP zones."
They didn't.

There isn't a single thing ANYWHERE that even HINTS that at the intention or even the EXPECTATION of players not killing members of the other team.

It is RIDICULOUS to pretend that killing the other team is EVER "griefing".

Well we can kick them out, so long as everybody agrees. What's that? Most of the team doesn't mind it? Sorry tough [...] buddy find a different game if it bothers you that much.
Ok. Let's review what you just said:


You have a game with a clearly laid out objective.

The objective, stuff how to accomplish it, are displayed on your screen before every single game you play.


The single unifying game mechanic that exists across EVERY game mode is "kill the other team".

You're told to do it, you're given the tools to do it, you literally CANNOT be without weapons to do it, you are given instructions and REWARDS for doing it.


You think THIS is the right game for the player that wants to stand in a corner ducking and doing literally nothing, and be REALLY worried when people on the other team kill them?

Conversely, you think this is the WRONG game for the persyn who wants to accomplish the objective and kill the other team.

That's some sound logic there, champ.

Just votekick them, if they are such a detriment to the game surely the other players on your team would agree.

What's that? The majority voted no?
1. The majority usually votes no for racism and homophobia.
Not exactly a high bar. "The majority are OK with it, therefore it's OK" is the reasoning that allowed segregation to contine as long as it did.

2. Google "argumentum ad populum."
Read up. Because your argument represents a textbook example.

3. Easy enough to flip this around.
If killing a member of the other team is such an atrocity, just votekick them.

What's that?
The majority voted no?
1. This is about Friendlies ruining the quality of a game, if the majority still find it fun despite this they have not, in fact, ruined the game.
2. See above
If the majority of the server isn’t going to kick for people screaming racial slurs, then “well, they’re not kicking over it” DOESN'T really mean anything, and since that’s the entire basis of your argument, your argument fails.

The reasoning your using here is argumentum ad populum.
The people approve, so it’s OK.

This is logic that was used to keep segregation around for so long.
It was fallacious then, it’s fallacious now.
3. This is a game where you're meant to kill the other team. Unless you mean irl where it is no longer treated as something subjective like how fun the game is but now it is legally murder. In other words this doesn't really have much relevance with the argument.
It’s LITTERALLY the exact same argument that YOU used.

You join a server, and you are people socialising and having the time of their lives. They're using taunts to do funny things,
It's a shooter.

They logged into a SHOOTER.
And then demanded that people not SHOOT.


There is ZERO reason that I am obligated to not SHOOT in a SHOOTER just because they're having a good time doing something else.


If they want to have the time of their lives socializing, there are games designed for that. Games where PvP isn't an option or is limited to specific places.

question: If you join a completely friendly casual server, do you scare everyone off by screaming like a [...] at the top of your lungs into voicechat about how it "isn't the intended way to play"? Or do you just leave?
BETTER question: Why do you assume those are the only two options?

Do you know what a false dichotomy is?
Dude never said anything about screaming into chat.

He just uses the weapons that every class is given for the exact purpose they were designed for: Killing the other team.
One person goes friendly at the wrong moment, everybody gets angry.

So, why doesn't this happen when someone tries to complete the objective at the wrong moment?
Because unless your team has co-ordinated a specific plan that one person screws up, there is NO "wrong moment" to complete the objective.

It is not against the rules to stray from the standard meta in a game, you can be friendly.
That's not "straying from the meta."
I don't think you understand what those words mean.

"The meta" is the mostly widely accepted set of STRATEGIES employed to achieve the "objective."

Using Quick-Fx instead of Kritzkrien in MVM is straying from the Meta.

Joining and refusing to do anything but dance the Konga for doing so.
There is nothing you can do but abuse the voting system, which will eventually result in a ban given enough time and enough people reporting you for doing so.
Kicking someone for purposely sandbagging your team is not "abusing" the voting system, it's using it for its intended purpose.

Stop yelling.
Also, incorrect.

A Casual game of basketball is still basketball.

You're still meant to get the ball through the hoop.
If you join a game and then sit there eating lunch, you're not playing a Casual game of basketball -- you're just getting in everyone's way.

Casual TF2 is not "no objectives just do whatever you want."
Casual TF2 is "TF2 without the restrictions put in place by various leagues in order to make the game more streamlined and palatable for spectators."

That's what Casual means.

It's more that they act like one afk player is the reason why they're losing and if they are kicked B4nny will immediately join and carry the match
1. One player can make a world of difference.

2. They may not be the entire reason you're losing, but they're certainly a component.

3. It's not that they don't recognize that their team sniper's inability to even body-shot a brass-beast heavy, or the other team's uncanny skill are other components.

It's that it's bad form to complain about either, while it's perfectly sensible to me angry at someone on your team who is PURPOSELY behaving in a manner that is hampering your efforts.

Originally posted by: Guest In Disguise
I don't like friendlies,
it is borderline *AFKing* and just holding space for public servers.

I don't care if it is 2Fort or not.

Friendlies are one of the largest plague and they have ZERO right to complain about dying in TF2, by being a friendly you unknowingly made a unwritten contract that you can't be angry at people for killing you in game.

Using the kick function to kick people who play the team based shooter game like it was intended to is outright silly.

I come to play team fighter not watch dance-dance revolution or subway worker still wanting to work subway in a game.

Originally posted by: The Professiona
Imagine starting TF2, waiting to join a server, choose a class and spend hours crouching and taunting instead of playing, accumulating hours of play without winning anything, fulfilling nothing, and without becoming better and still complaining and cursing who is playing normal.

I believe that this person goes through serious [...]
(I can't retrieve the full quote :steamsad:)

Originally posted by: skewks
I wish I knew "frendlies" (I'm not calling them that anymore, they are just [...] who want to ruin the match, they are not friendly at all) in real life because then I would ask them to play a game of basketball with me, I would then proceed to throw the ball into my own hoop, then I will stab the ball with a knife and start playing Kanye West and break dancing.

Originally posted by: shiib
I usually ask for consent before shooting anyone in tf2, can't have me ruining someone's experience and encroaching on their safe space

Originally posted by: gone fishing |
i dont get the appeal of just sitting in a dark room, curtains closed, holding ctrl and saying pootis to yourself over and over

Originally posted by: Tututerok
You are a cheater because you said friendlies are worse than cheaters.
Murderers are worse than thieves.
Everyone who thinks that is now officially a thief.

Makes as much sense.

Rest in peace here.

Originally posted by secret link
sis researching friendly content like its the Kennedy assassination.

The end.
Last edited by "Kris"; 4 Oct @ 3:02pm
Originally posted by 3rem:
"just go casual" mfs when i absolutely destroy them as spy on a minecraft server(suddenly it's a very naughty thing to do since tryhards killed his grandma or something):
< >
Showing 1-15 of 38 comments
Hakotora 18 Jun @ 1:18am 
ok, and?
"Kris" 18 Jun @ 1:19am 
Originally posted by Hakotora:
ok, and?
I'm glad you agree.
Not readin allat☠
"Kris" 18 Jun @ 1:46am 
Originally posted by idk i don't play tf2:
Not readin allat☠
I appreciate you have voiced ypur opinion publicly!
It helps.
AwesomeSause (Banned) 18 Jun @ 1:50am 
this some adhd ♥♥♥♥ fr
"Kris" 18 Jun @ 2:05am 
Originally posted by AwesomeSause:
this some adhd ♥♥♥♥ fr
What do you mean?
Zero001 18 Jun @ 2:16am 
Sounds like someone wasn't blessed by a sandwich from a hoovy.
"Kris" 18 Jun @ 2:17am 
Originally posted by Zero001:
Sounds like someone wasn't blessed by a sandwich from a hoovy.
Neither were you by the cloudwatching Snipers who just compliment your accuracy.
Zero001 18 Jun @ 2:18am 
I don't think snipers can equip the sandwich.
"Kris" 18 Jun @ 2:20am 
Originally posted by Zero001:
I don't think snipers can equip the sandwich.
They can on certain community servers with mods.
Zero001 18 Jun @ 2:23am 
Truly an amazing revelation.
Az'Ghul 18 Jun @ 2:56am 
Oh cool, a sequel to my thread.
"Kris" 18 Jun @ 2:56am 
Originally posted by Raz'Hikel:
Oh cool, a sequel to my thread.
There is a novel to it too
Az'Ghul 18 Jun @ 7:11am 
Originally posted by "Kris":
Originally posted by Raz'Hikel:
Oh cool, a sequel to my thread.
There is a novel to it too
Well, this is derranged.
But also pretty cool, joined.
friendlies arent bad, but some friendlies are bad
< >
Showing 1-15 of 38 comments
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Date Posted: 17 Jun @ 11:03pm
Posts: 38