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Jelly Butter 17 Jul, 2019 @ 11:55am
this game would be so much more fun without zombies that just get in the way and serve no other purpose then get in the way and slap you every once in a while. so please either give us an option to turn them off or just get rid of them they do not even make that much sense in a game like this anyway.:slimehungry:
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Bludgeonsoft  [developer] 17 Jul, 2019 @ 5:14pm 
Zombs are an important part of the ecosystem, as well as being important thematically to the game. And they're an artificial life form too!

Zombs are pretty easy to deal with once you know how. Pay attention to their behaviors. Their likes and dislikes. There are hints throughout the game (ui and achievements, etc). The Vilmonic community on discord can help too:

Here are a few soft spoilers to point you in the right direction:
dungeon floors!
Revolt soda
small hammers
toxic sludge
no, really, bubbles!

Also, the planned Humod DLC will add more ways to keep zombs out of your hair.

Let me know if this helps!

- Mark
Sawedoffsob ™ 31 Jan, 2020 @ 8:34pm 
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