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Zergologist 24 Mar, 2021 @ 3:25pm
Various Bugs
I've found that anims eat their own eggs, preventing them from growing in certain environments. This usually happens if they reproduce in the water when they detect no fungols nearby, and more importantly, they kinda do and don't understand the burgers as food. Also, they eat their newly laid eggs if they're near burgers. These are pretty big bugs to deal with. Also, do you think that you could add anims that give live birth again?
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Bludgeonsoft  [developer] 24 Mar, 2021 @ 6:01pm 
Those are not bugs! :~)

Eating eggs can actually be a survival trait for anims. It acts as a population control that is more effective the denser the population. It might help to know that eggs are protected by fungs. At a given location, anims always eat fungs first, and then eggs if they're still hungry.

Anims' only programmed-in behaviors are "move one space (north/east/south/west)" and "drink/eat food here if I'm thirsty/hungry". That's it. Everything else comes from the genetic wiring of their brains. Use the binoculars to check this out.

Here's how the anims' brains work:

Each metabolic cycle an anim's brain processes all inputs (motion/scent/hydration/hunger/thirst/stress) for each cardinal direction NESW, and sends that data through the relationship function of the brain. Whichever direction has the highest value "wins" and the anim goes that way.

Take the hunger-motion relationship for example. If an anim has a positive value for hunger-motion, then the hungrier it is, the more attracted to motion (other anims, zombs, and YOU (when you're moving)) it will be. And if the value is negative, then the hungrier an anim is, the more afraid (or repulsed) it will be to any motion detected in a particular direction.

Also, fungiburgers only give off scent, not motion, so anims who are attracted to scent when hungry will be more likely to find and eat fungiburgers.

I hope this helps. Join the discord if you want to find out more about how things work. I'm always on there, and many in the community almost know more than I do now!

- Mark

Oh, and, I have thought about enabling the possibility for live birth, with some kind of genetic "timer" for how long an anim holds on to an egg before pushing it out. This may happen...
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