Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition

Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition

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Game Ending Problem *MAJOR SPOILERS*
I am at the Fortress Roof. I want to finish the game with all my party members resurrected. I trick TTO into going to check on the shadows (by using the sounding stone found in the crystal room) The problem is that after successfully resurrecting Morte, Dakkon and Grace i get NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS error on the dialogue window (big red letters as a dialogue choice) and while those three are up Nordom is still down and TNO does nothing to resurrect him. If i click this thing it just closes the dialogue window and i am on the roof with 3 party members, Nordom still dead and TTO no where in sight. What the actual ♥♥♥♥.
Last edited by ChildeOvTheSvn; 14 May, 2017 @ 5:45am
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
Narcia 4 Oct, 2017 @ 4:45am 
same thing
Julius Borisov  [developer] 4 Oct, 2017 @ 5:40am 
This is a known bug -

To temporarily bypass this, you can use the following console command before speaking to the Transcendent One.
Last edited by Julius Borisov; 4 Oct, 2017 @ 5:42am
ChildeOvTheSvn 4 Oct, 2017 @ 6:17am 
Originally posted by Julius Borisov:
This is a known bug -

To temporarily bypass this, you can use the following console command before speaking to the Transcendent One.

Oh boy this took a while. I guess i was referring to my first playthrough of EE here. I may go and try that out from my savegame now thanks. Oh and my TNO was Chaotic Neutral like the other people asking about this same subject over in the support page. Is there some correlation with choices throughout the game and this problem?
Julius Borisov  [developer] 5 Oct, 2017 @ 2:31am 
@Via_Paradoxi Sad to hear it was you first playthrough, but at least there's a solution.

The problem is with the DGRACE.DLG file (or maybe also files for other characters).
Composer LOST 7 Nov, 2024 @ 12:28pm 
Really late to the party here but I had the same problem that was not solved by the above, and wanted to record the fix for any other poor soul encountering several game-breaking bugs right at the end.

I'm guessing that the code has something to do with making sure Ignis is correctly marked dead after the battle in the Fortress. I didn't bring him though; I had and fought Vhailor instead, so I tried it with Vhailor's name instead of Ignis', and it worked for me:

ChildeOvTheSvn 8 Nov, 2024 @ 6:57pm 
Awesome. Let me use my time machine to get back to my past self that carries less scars because i'm now actually TNO.
this helped me yesterday
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