The Sims™ 3

The Sims™ 3

Help me to fix . otherwise i call steam for my money back or another game ...
Always when i get inside sims 3 everything seems good but when i open the world they write down to me this !
''A serious error has occurred while loading 'Starlight Shores,world' . It is strongly recommended that you restart the application .
I do indeed clean the steam file's from game i do restart the game , uninstall it .
Still nothing please if someone let me know if not i am gonna send mail to steam i want my money back .
In first day i play around 40 min no problem, after that second day nothing works anymore .
Thank you in advance !
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Last edited by atomicgirl; 5 Jan @ 7:06pm
HiFive 8 Jan @ 12:59pm 
Try this guide to help you troubleshoot some things. Also, make sure you limit the fps for this game. Sims 3 does not have its own fps limiter and it will overtax your machine if you just let it run wild.
I can return the game ? im tired of trying all those things ... for real
Leanthir 10 Jan @ 1:59am 
Create a new Sims 3 folder: (Starts a fresh folder w/no saves or mods in it)

Change the name of The Sims 3 folder to another name like Sims 3 Old under Documents>Electronic Arts.

Open the Sims 3 launcher which creates a fresh new The Sims 3 folder under Electronic Arts.

See if the game works. Meaning try to load it and create a new save in Starlight Shores to test. Quit without saving afterwards. All of your Sims 3 files are safe backed up in your old/renamed Sims 3 folder.

Raziel 10 Jan @ 6:36am 
In all honesty, i loved Sims 3, i played 380 hours of it at this very moment, but i have to say to you it's a technical trash-fire.

After trying these "solutions" and 80 billion guides how to make the game work properly i just gave up and played 4, and i have to say 4 is perfectly fine and runs like a normal game.
My pc could run 20 cyberpunks at the same time, but ♥♥♥♥♥ itself even by opening Sims 3, it's just not worth the bother at this point
Guys for real stop explain to me how to make it fix i pay 115 e to play the game not to crack something like 2006 . How can i return the game and get my money back ?
Risotto 28 Jan @ 10:44pm 
Originally posted by kis_robert99:
Guys for real stop explain to me how to make it fix i pay 115 e to play the game not to crack something like 2006 . How can i return the game and get my money back ?
People gave you solutions. If you dont want to try them, then there is nothing anyone here can do for you.

Steam or your bank is who you want to talk to about a refund/charge back, not us.
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