The Sims™ 3

The Sims™ 3

Issue with my game
Hi, so I don't have the game on Steam. I have it through the EA App, but I wasn't sure how to ask for help on there. I just got home from work, and decided to continue a Sim I started this morning. Before doing so, I installed some hair mods, plus a Sim mod, and also removed two mods: music, and Acne/Skincare.

When starting up my game from earlier, there were no Sim images on the bottom left side (as in the small portrait of your Sim, or those of your household), I had no money, my Sim would not respond to my commands, and the whole town seemed to be going crazy (every Sim was running around). I attempted to add back the mods I removed, and remove the mods I added, and nothing seemed to work. It's almost midnight, and I don't feel like delving into an online fix right now, so I thought I'd just ask the community before I try a million different things.

Last edited by EsotericNixonism; 31 Jan @ 11:12am