Dungeons 3

Dungeons 3

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Skybreaker 17 May, 2019 @ 8:38am
The road so far… the relentless Evil: From Release to Complete Collection (2017-2020)
Dungeon Lords!

Whether you’re a new, wide-eyed Snot witnessing evil for the very first time or an experienced tyrant that’s been with us since the beginning here’s a look at everything the Absolute Evil has achieved since the release of Dungeons 3 back in late 2017!

Dungeons 3 in numbers:

Dungeons 3
13th October 2017 – Yep, Friday 13th. How Evil, right?

Several smaller and bigger free updates have been introduced to Dungeons 3 to improve the game further:
  • 14th Oct.2017: Dungeons 3 v.1.2.1
    • Primarily Bugfixes (minor)
  • 17th Oct.2017: Dungeons 3 v.1.2.2
    • Primarily Bugfixes (minor)
  • 24th Oct.2017: Dungeons 3 v.1.3.1
    • Huge amount of Bugfixes and Balacing changes
  • 26th Oct.2017: Dungeons 3 Halloween Seasonal Event started first time
  • 14th Nov.2017: Dungeons 3 v.1.3.2
    • Primarily Bugfixes (minor)
  • 22th Nov.2017: Dungeons 3 v.1.3.3
    • Primarily Bugfixes (minor)
  • 20th Dec.2017: Dungeons 3 v.1.4
    • Community requested features - free content update:
      • Adding Multiplayer Deathmatch mode and new game mode Sandbox. Additionally, balancing changes (Major free content update)
  • 29th Jan.2018 : Dungeons 3 v.1.4.1
    • Bugfixes, Performance optimizations and bugfixes and new language (CZ) added

First DLC: Dungeons 3: Once upon a time
2nd February 2018
The Absolute Evil travels to Fairyland, home to the Good Fairy. This disgustingly good creature provides heroes with invigorating potions and is generally the detestable source of good deeds. With the help of some ensorcelled heroes and more than a few exploding sheep, the Absolute Evil brings this story to a nasty end!

  • A new, fully voiced campaign across 3 challenging maps
  • 3 new Evil hubs
  • New Boss enemy: The Good Fairy
  • New Wall Tile Set or the Dungeon

Further update for Dungeons 3:
  • 27th Feb. 2018: Dungeons v.1.4.3
    • Fixes and improvements for both basegame and DLC (minor)
Second DLC: Dungeons 3: Evil of the Caribbean
2nd March 2018
After her numerous adventures, Thalya has earned herself some peace and quiet, and so the Never-Gives-Subordinates-Vacation Evil sends her to the pirate holiday paradise of Turtoga. However, it still has a few teeny tiny tasks for its general, such as rum running, still not paying off gambling debts and dealing with creatures from the depths of the ocean (Cthollho or something like that).

  • A new, fully voiced campaign across 3 challenging maps
  • 3 new Evil hubs
  • New Wall Tile Set for the Dungeon
  • New Outfit: Thalya the pirate

Further update for Dungeons 3:
  • 28th Mar. 2018: Dungeons v.1.4.4
    • Bugfixes and improvements for both basegame and DLCs (minor)

Third DLC: Dungeons 3: Lord of the Kings
20th April 2018
The great King Arcturus returns from his quest with the Holy Grail in tow, only to find out that someone has devastated his city of Stormbreeze (and the rest of the kingdom). He immediately set about recapturing the lands, but he hadn’t reckoned with the Always-Has-The-Last-Laugh Evil.
Although the player initially helps King Arcturus, they soon return to side of Evil where, with the help of some converted heroes, they wipe the floor with him.

  • A new, fully voiced campaign across 3 challenging maps
  • 3 new Evil hubs
  • New Boss enemy: King Arcturus
  • New Wall Tile Set for the Dungeon

Big free content update has been released:
  • 30th Aug. 2018: Dungeons 3 v.1.5.1
    • Added new sandbox map and diabolical skirmish-difficulty, among several fixes and improvements.

Fourth DLC: Dungeons 3: Clash of Gods
28th September 2018
The cries of joy are still echoing through the dungeon halls alongside the distinctive, melodic parp of the fanfare corps’ butt trumpets – a cacophony of wickedness that lingers in the air after the Absolute Evil’s undisputed triumph over Tanos.
But, as the saying goes, all good evil things come to an end – and so is the Absolute Evil’s relentless assimilation of everything that dares to be good. For now is the time for the Absolute Evil to ascend to the throne and crown himself the sole ruler of the world.
However, there’s one itsy-bitsy little problem standing in the way…the Above-And-Beyond-All-Beings Goddess of Light herself! Who will emerge victorious from the final battle between good and evil?

  • The final clash: Eight all-new and fully voiced campaign missions put your evil skills to the test.
  • The goddess and the vengeful one: Two new antagonists cross the Absolute Evil’s path, seeking to take vengeance and cleanse the world of all that is evil.
  • Holy dungeon: don’t make the mistake of going easy on invading heroes, or they will set up their own outpost to consecrate the dungeon’s evil soil in the name of the goddess.
  • More evil power to rule the overworld: use outposts to build fortifying towers and supporting statues to keep approaching heroes at bay.
  • Make your dungeon evil again: three even deadlier traps and three unspeakably nasty spells will make for a hearty welcome for intruders – seasoned with the right amount of evilness, of course.
  • Evil joint venture: a new multiplayer co-op mode makes its way to the dungeon; team up with your most evil friend and have fun pillaging and razing the good guys’ most beloved city.

Once again, several smaller and bigger free updates were introduced to Dungeons 3 to improve the game further and make it even more evil:
  • 1st Oct. 2018: Dungeons 3 v.1.5.3
    • Primarily Bugfixes (minor)
  • 8th Nov. 2018: Dungeons 3 v1.5.4
    • Free update including new sandbox map and many fixes and improvements
  • 10th Dec. 2018: Dunegons 3 Christmas Seasonal Event started for the first time.
  • 13th Dec. 2018: Dungeons 3 v.1.5.5
    • Primarily Bugfixes (minor)
  • 30th Jan. 2019: Dungeons 3 Chinese New Year Seasonal Event started the first time.
  • 18th Feb. 2019: Dungeons 3 v.1.5.6
    • Free update including new coop map, bugfixes and improvements

Fifth DLC: Dungeons 3: An Unexpected DLC
15th February 2019
A wild DLC appeared! The disgustingly good heroes used PANIC, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! It’s super effective!
After the Absolute Evil’s continuous triumphs and his ultimate pwning of the Goddess of Light, the remaining little insec…er…heroes, have found shelter in the depths of the Queen of the Forest’s evergreen woods. In fact, this so-called Queen truly dares to oppose the Unconscionable-And-Defacing-Nature Evil. It’s time to clear woodland – Timbeeeeer!

  • A new, fully voiced campaign across 3 challenging maps
  • New boss enemy: The Queen of the Forest
  • New creep type: Rootling

Even more smaller and bigger free updates were introduced to Dungeons 3 to improve the game further and make it even more evil:
  • 13th Mar. 2019: Dungeons 3 v.1.5.7
    • New skirmish map added and community requested feature added: Software cursor, in addition to several more optimizations and bugfixes.
  • 15th April 2019: Dungeons 3 Seasonal Easter Event started for first time.
  • 17th April: (Ingame) Golden Pickaxe Event has been introduced:
    • In the event, the world of Dungeons 3 will suddenly be populated with mysterious golden pickaxes, with one appearing in a mission from each DLC released to date, along with the main game. Naturally, it’s down to the players to gather them up, with a selection of in-game goodies waiting to be unlocked and an extra special reward awaiting anyone that can locate a pickaxe in every piece of Dungeons 3DLC. Rumour has it that this final reward has some connection to a faraway world…but what could it be?

Sixth DLC: Dungeons 3 Famous Last Words
17th May 2019
“The Spirit of the Absolute Evil will run forever.”
Evil, evil everywhere, and there’s absolutely nothing Good left to conquer. No paladins, queens nor goddesses could stop the evil army’s triumphal march, and it will still be a while until the next generation of heroes will be come of age. So now, it’s time for the Finally-Bored-To-Death Evil to hang up its armour. But it wouldn’t be Dungeons if it didn’t end with the biggest of all bangs.
While the Absolute Evil is making an excursion into the as-yet unconquered depths of its own nose in ‘Famous Last Words’ – out of pure boredom, obviously – a very heated discussion between Thalya and our beloved narrator erupts. Who will emerge victorious when these two luminous figures wrestle it out to become the ultimate warrior on the battlefield of evil? It’s time to find out…

  • A new, fully voiced campaign across 3 challenging maps.
  • New boss enemy – also available on Skirmish maps: The notorious Narrator with his spiffy skills.
  • New creep type – also available on Skirmish maps: The pesky Pen Pushers with their needle-pointed writing tools.

Even more smaller and bigger free updates were introduced to Dungeons 3 to improve the game further and make it even more evil:
  • Dungeons 3 v.1.6.0
    • New skirmish map added, additionally, balancing-changes, bugfixes and improvements added.
  • 5th June 2019: Dungeons 3 v.1.6.1
    • Primarily Bugfixes (minor)
  • 21st Feb. 2020: Dungeons 3 v.1.7
    • Primarily Bugfixes (minor)

Seventh DLC: Dungeons 3: A Multitude of Maps
21st February 2020
It’s time to put on the oversized boots of the Absolute Evil one last time to fight the particularly dull forces of Good on three unique skirmish maps. Show your opponents you know how to smash skulls with a warhammer and demonstrate your skills in harmonious strife to your worst friends and favourite enemies alike.
In this Map Pack, you fight alongside Thalya for the Summoning Stones, offer sacrificial victims on the slopes of Mortuary Mountain and help a Grave Golem in his search for a new resting place.

  • Includes three completely new Skirmish Maps with new challenges for the Sublime Evil:
    • The Summoning Stones, Corpses for the Mortuary Mountain and Re-burying the Golem
  • All three maps are available in single player, or together with friends in co-op mode.

Dungeons 3 - Complete Collection
26th June 2020
The Complete Collection is the definitive Dungeons 3 experience and includes the base game (alongside its numerous free content updates) and Dungeons 3‘s seven expansions: Once Upon a Time, Evil of the Caribbean, Lord of the Kings, Clash of Gods, An Unexpected DLC, Famous Last Words and A Multitude of Maps.

  • Experience the critically acclaimed dungeon manager in its full glory, including the underworld dungeon management sim and Overworld real-time strategy game.
  • Experience seven DLCs including: ‘Once Upon a Time’, ‘Evil of the Caribbean’, ‘Lord of the Kings’, ‘Clash of Gods’, ‘An Unexpected DLC’, ‘Famous Last Words’ and ‘A Multitude of Maps’ as well as several free content updates
  • Size does matter: 50+ missions, a brand-new co-op mode for two players, competitive multiplayer, more rooms & monsters, and more unique abilities.
  • Speak (no) evil: The fan-favourite Dungeons narrator is back with his unmistakable voice, continuing the Dungeons legacy in the best way possible.
  • All three maps are available in single player, or together with friends in co-op mode.
Last edited by Skybreaker; 8 Jul, 2020 @ 3:03am