Dungeons 3

Dungeons 3

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Vivyx 25 Jun, 2021 @ 2:29am
I can't figure out the first tutorial
Okay, so the first tutorial has me making a treasury. I've never played this game before and just purchased it.

I figured out, by clicking around, how to dig out the area where the treasury goes. There's a lump in the middle of the room that hasn't been dug out, which seems to have gold in it, called a Gold Vein. Nothing is happening to this lump no matter how much I click on it. It's highlighted with a yellow arrow. I can also pick up gold around this area off the floor and drop it in another room, it seems.

The yellow arrow is highlighting a menu item under Room and Work Units to build a Treasury. Left clicking, right clicking, middle clicking, double clicking on this doesn't do anything. Trying to drag it into the newly dug room doesn't do anything. I don't know what I'm supposed to do?

Also, how do you deselect or undo an order?

I thought tutorials were supposed to explain how to play the game. Please help.
Last edited by Vivyx; 25 Jun, 2021 @ 2:52am
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Miniboc 25 Jun, 2021 @ 7:58am 
just left click and u will see a blue box or hold down left click and mark a number of tiles.
Smoove 26 Jun, 2021 @ 1:26am 
I hate to sound trollish, but I think you should just watch a you tube video of how to play the game. It's hard to see exactly what your problem with this game is, it does follow a fairly well known format.

I will say, perhaps you are clicking too much? I'm confused by your questions. For example, you unselect an order by unclicking tiles.

Look at the menu on the left side of the screen, I think this is your problem. There are buttons that allow you to "build room tiles" for example, or research tech. You have to select one of six or so hot buttons on the far left side of the main screen to control what exactly your mouse cursor is doing...building rooms, researching tech, etc.

Try replaying the tutorial if nothing else. I think you missed something.
Your workers need available path to get to gold, you need free space in treasury, also diging gold is the lowest priority for your workers, maybe you just ordered to dig entire underground map so they refuse to dig gold until they finish other tasks.
popup 26 Nov, 2023 @ 12:27pm 
I had the same problem, however not seeing anything helpful, i experimented abit. I could never get my hand over to the left side. I escaped back to the main menu and and Options.
The input Mode was set to automatic. Since i'm an older gamer and primarily use key board and mouse, that was i set it. went back to the game and behold i can access the flashing arrow icon to select the item i needed to build -- was a treasure chest but cover the room the little snot built the treasury and got to move on. I this ages later, but who knows who might fight this type a problem again. :ftlhuman:
Ranger 29 Nov, 2023 @ 1:43pm 
Could be a diamond vein (they are infinite money)
This one took me forever to figure out as well, nothing is drag-n-drop in this game, and help/tutorial is pretty useless. Treasury (and other base rooms) a built by clicking on the item in the left menu, which changes your mouse paintbrush. Then just drag-select the dugout tiles you want to make that room be. Deselect by clicking a second time on tiles that are queued up.
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