Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition

Canoneer Miniboss strategy?
I can't handle this minibosses. It says I have to hit his backpack, alright. But wtf can I do to get behind him? He's focussing me all the time and I can't stun him. What do I have to do?
Those bastards are annoying af.
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With your PMC or Screamer, target just above the right shoulder, you'll see a little red globe peeking above it.

Or just use a Flailgun on him or a charged Boneduster
Last edited by Ghostbear; 4 Jan @ 12:01pm
Thanks for the quick reply! Gonna try that.
Thought there was a way to properly get behind him which I didn't see. Tbh this would be a common strategy and if it really is NOT the case here it's a bit of a disappointment.
Originally posted by SpielSatzFail:
Thanks for the quick reply! Gonna try that.
Thought there was a way to properly get behind him which I didn't see. Tbh this would be a common strategy and if it really is NOT the case here it's a bit of a disappointment.

Well if you have the space you can try sliding straight past and then shooting the pack but generally there are other enemies around so I just do the above instead.
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