SteamVR Tracking HDK

SteamVR Tracking HDK

denw 2021년 1월 17일 오전 6시 31분
Programming the watchman dongle firmware to alternative nRF24LU1+ USB devices
Hello all,
Recently I have come into a handful of Logitech Unifying dongles with the same chipset and the correct 32kb variant, and the firmwares can be overwritten. I'm hoping these can be repurposed to be watchman dongles. I read that others with similar Nordic development kit boards, as well as Crazyradio PA devices have had success flashing the watchman_dongle_combined.bin to their devices.

The one caveat with the Logitech dongles are that their bootloaders are not fully unlocked, and cannot be written to via the USB DFU tool. Everything from 0x0000 to 0x6800 is writeable, which is roughly 26.6kb of space; More than enough to write the watchman dongle payload.

However, I have been running into issues with the dongle not wanting to negotiate with the host upon flashing, and essentially ending up with a bricked device. I am able to short P0.4 and P0.5 on the nrf24LU1 chip itself to force it to go back to the Logitech bootloader afterwards to recover it.

Are there other things I have to look out for when flashing this firmware?
Furthermore, is it even possible to run the watchman dongle payload without the Steam branded bootloader?

Hoping that someone can shine some light on this, and point me in the right direction.
Thanks for everyones time in advance.
denw 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2021년 1월 17일 오전 6시 32분
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bendotcom  [개발자] 2021년 1월 17일 오전 11시 08분 
The firmware doesn't need its own bootloader. I suspect something else is going on, though, since "forcing it into the bootloader" by shorting some pins makes it sound like you are still executing Logitech code when you power on the chip. Are you sure you are able to write at 0x0000?
denw 2021년 1월 18일 오전 3시 55분 
Thank you for the prompt response!
I am still in the process of figuring out the actual bootloader/bootstrapping process of the logitech dongle. It's good to know that the watchman dongle payload does not require the Steam bootloader though, so thank you for clearing that up.

Currently what is known about the logitech bootloader:
Unfortunately I do not have great experience with these, but believe I am flashing the watchman payload to the correct flash regions.

After a full write, I can immediately dump the contents of the chip, and can verify that it is in fact writing from 0x0000, and the first instruction is a LJMP to 0x006E, so I'm still not too sure why the chip isn't executing from there.

I agree that the logitech code still runs at boot time, and may very well preventing the watchman payload from running. I'm still waiting on a few responses from others who have managed to load their own payload on this chip, unrelated from the original logitech payload.
denw 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2021년 1월 18일 오전 8시 01분
bendotcom  [개발자] 2021년 1월 18일 오전 9시 53분 
datasheet님이 먼저 게시:
If you have a protected and unprotected area, the value of the 16 topmost flash memory addresses decide from which area the MCU will start code execution. During the reset/start up sequence these 16 bytes are read automatically. If there is an even number of logic 1 databits in the 16 topmost addresses of the flash memory, FSR.STP = 0, otherwise FSR.STP = 1. The factory configuration of FSR.STP=0 starts the code execution at address 0x0000 which is the beginning of the unprotected area. If FSR.STP=1, the code execution starts from the beginning of the protected area.

I forgot about this feature. Your chip may be set up to boot from the protected area. The purpose of that strange even/odd scheme is that flash bits erase to 1, but can be written to 0 any time later. So that scheme means there are 16 bytes * 8 bits = 128 bits which can be written to 0 one at a time to toggle back and forth between bootloader/application during the chip's lifetime.

No part of the original Steam Controller or VR dongle used code protection, and this feature was not used.

If code protection is in use on the chip you're trying to reprogram, you may have an issue with their bootloader being larger than the stock bootloader: the stock bootloader and the Valve bootloaders start at 0x7800, according to the page you linked, the Logitech bootloader starts at 0x7400. The VR firmware uses the region 0x7400-0x7800 for the pairing database, which overlaps with that.
denw 2021년 1월 18일 오전 10시 42분 
Ah! That is definitely one very big issue.

Another thing I've ran into is that after trying to initialize the VR firmware once, I seem to get weird corruption inside the flash region (0x0AE0 ~ 0x0B40). I assume this is where the MCU tries to negotiate with the USB host on a PC (or at least is responsible for giving out a proper USB descriptor).

After flashing, the region nearby gets corrupted? Maybe due to the VR firmware trying to access the bootloader region as you've described. Perhaps the chip says no and decides to point elsewhere: Correction: This is the USB Serial number as described by bendotcom.

This made me realize it was either:
A: The payload (VR firmware) was in fact attempting to run, but corrupting itself in the process somehow
B: The Logitech bootloader tries to overwrite the payload somehow in the program section prior to booting in

Payload seems to be executing, but then falling short elsewhere...

Obviously this is all a moot point now that I realize the VR firmware makes use of 0x7400~0x7800, which cannot be written to on the Logitech dongles...

Is there any possible way (and I realize this may be a very big ask) to receive a specialized firmware that writes to area 0x6400 - 0x6800 instead? There is also 0x6800~0x73ff, But this region is used normally to store paired Logitech unifying devices, much like the VR pairing information. I'm not sure if it will work correctly if not correctly erased.
Realistically I assume it can be any arbitrary data region of 3072 bytes after the program payload , which I believe there is plenty of space left over for on these 32kb chips.

Regardless, thank you for your once again detailed response, especially considering this Logitech dongle has nothing to do with Valve to begin with. Not knowing why it hasn't worked has been bothering me a lot more than it actually not working, and I can finally rest a bit haha.
denw 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2021년 1월 18일 오후 12시 51분
bendotcom  [개발자] 2021년 1월 18일 오전 11시 01분 
The "corruption" you mention is probably normal behavior. Some areas of the flash program to 0xFF (i.e. are left erased) and the firmware computes values for them the first time it runs. I don't see the actual changes in your screenshots, but the region after "Watchman Dongle" is where the USB serial number gets written (which is consistent with your last PNG). If you are getting that far, I would expect you to see it enumerate on USB at least.
denw 2021년 1월 18일 오전 11시 15분 
Sorry, wrong screenshots were uploaded, links have been fixed and re-commented on. was what I wanted to show which I was wrongly assuming was "corruption".

Unfortunately the USB does not seem to get enumerated. I checked dmesg and I see nothing show up after the watchman firmware is written to, then the dongle is rebooted. I only see the one usb disconnect event occur, and nothing after. The dongle is then stuck and in a soft-bricked state, which brings me back to square 1.

dmesg screenshot as follows:

At 69 seconds, the flasher utility reboots the dongle into bootloader mode to prepare for firmware flashing.
71 seconds, the bootloader device enumerates
120 seconds, usb disconnect as flasher is finished, attempts to reboot device
124 seconds, perhaps the dongle tries to enumerate?
Afterwards, plugging/replugging in the dongle does not create any new logs.
denw 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2021년 1월 18일 오전 11시 21분
denw 2021년 1월 21일 오전 6시 50분 
Is there any way to reconfigure or redirect the watchman firmware to use regions other than 0x7400~0x7800 to store the pairing data? I believe this is the last missing piece of the puzzle to allowing the payload to run correctly.
Otherwise, seems like the only other option is to connect the Logitech dongles via SPI (which means soldering directly to the chip as there are no test leads).

I've managed to order a few nRF24LU1+ dev boards as well, so I will try to test in conjunction with those once they arrive.
Kingchain83022 2022년 3월 2일 오후 4시 49분 
Have you had any luck getting watchman firmware on the unifiying dongle?
denw 2022년 3월 9일 오전 7시 36분 
Kingchain83022님이 먼저 게시:
Have you had any luck getting watchman firmware on the unifiying dongle?

Unfortunately I got to a dead end as I'm unable to patch the SteamVR Dongle firmware to avoid the protected memory region on the Unifying dongles.
Technically, you can still write directly to the dongles by microsoldering on wires directly to the nRF chip, which people have successfully done to install other alternative firmwares.

Unless Valve releases the dongle firmware source code, I am unfortunately not nearly skilled enough to reverse engineer it to complete this project.

I just ended up buying cheap nrf24LU1+ dev boards (32M flash) from Taobao and manually programmed the dongle firmware using the GPIO pins off of a Raspberry Pi. They paired up great to my Index controllers and don't have issues with range.
denw 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2022년 3월 9일 오전 7시 46분
zra123 2022년 3월 14일 오후 10시 18분 
Kingchain83022님이 먼저 게시:
Have you had any luck getting watchman firmware on the unifiying dongle?

I also bought a few dev boards, flashed the unifi firmware via a Raspberry Pi, and then tried updating to the SteamVR firmware. Firstly, it does not correctly write the first byte, and secondly, it is not possible to rewrite the unifi bootloader on SteamVR. I have an idea how to get around this using an intermediate bootloader, but I haven't had time to implement it yet.
denw 2022년 3월 16일 오전 1시 47분 
zra123님이 먼저 게시:
Firstly, it does not correctly write the first byte

It's been awhile since I've worked on this so I'm partly working from memory. If I remember correctly, on the Logitech firmware, until you return the device out of bootloader mode (where writing to flash from 0x0 to 0x6800 is possible), it will set the first byte not as a LJMP to the main firmware code so that in case of a failed write (I assume). This way, when the Logitech bootloader initializes, it will determine whether to run the user program or jump back into bootloader mode to await instructions (like flashing firmware).

So, in short, if you are dumping the firmware right after flashing it, you may see a discrepancy in the first byte at 0x00.

If the first instruction is not ljmp, that is the first byte of the program region is not 0x02.

I posted this earlier in the thread, but it explains this behaviour here.

I am able to see the SteamVR firmware do enough to write out a unique device id to itself in an earlier post, so I'm certain that the first byte is set correctly afterwards.

zra123님이 먼저 게시:
secondly, it is not possible to rewrite the unifi bootloader on SteamVR. I have an idea how to get around this using an intermediate bootloader, but I haven't had time to implement it yet.

I don't think there's a realistic way out of this without some sort of patch work to cover up the Unifying firmware, as well as being able to patch the SteamVR firmware on the fly to avoid the protected regions (0x7400~0x7800 on unifying fw)

Unfortunately, I'm not knowledgable in embedded hardware or 8051 assembly nearly enough, but I am certain that this is all achievable to someone with more knowledge.

In this document that talks about a separate unifying firmware, the author writes how he is able to patch Logitech firmware meant for another chip (TI CC2544) to be able to run on the nrf24 based dongle.

So why is all of this of importance? Because code accessing data at 0x6400/0x6800 has to be patched to access 0x6c00/0x7000, instead (to allow re-targeting from BOT03.02 to BOT03.01). As this memory regions are considered to contain device data, they are accessed as data. This again means: The code accessing this regions has to add an offset of 0x8000. Thus for firmwares build for BOT03.02, device data access goes to 0xe400/0xe800, which has to be remapped to access addresses 0xec00/0xf000, in order to get compatible to BOT03.01. Data access to those offsets are mostly done utilizing the DPTR register, thus the following kind of instructions could be easily patched: BOT03.02 version: 90e400 mov dptr, #0xe400 e0 movx a, @dptr Downgraded version for BOT03.01 90e400 mov dptr, #0xe400 e0 movx a, @dptr

If someone can figure out the following part, that would be ideal.

Beside several `mov DPTR,<XDATA address>` instructions, more complicated code needs to be adjusted in addition (mostly loop counters and code using only the MSB part of the device data address). Because of this, it is not easy to implement a generic patching system, working in search-and-replace-fashion. So the following method is only an attempt to automatically patch a firmware for downgrade. It does not give any guarantees for a working results.
denw 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2022년 3월 16일 오전 2시 06분
zra123 2022년 3월 20일 오후 12시 58분 
I managed. If you decide to use these instructions, I am not responsible for damage to your usb receiver.
1. Compiled bootloader at 0x6600
2. Converted bootloader.hex to bootloader.ihex
3. Flashed bootloader.ihex
4. Converted watchman_dongle_combined.bin to watchman_dongle_combined.ihex
5. Flashed write_hex watchman_dongle_combined.ihex
6. Optional, clean up leftovers from two bootloaders lighthouse_watchman_update.exe -e watchman_dongle_combined.bin
zra123 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2022년 3월 20일 오후 1시 25분
denw 2022년 3월 21일 오전 4시 38분 
zra123님이 먼저 게시:
I managed. If you decide to use these instructions, I am not responsible for damage to your usb receiver.
1. Compiled bootloader at 0x6600
2. Converted bootloader.hex to bootloader.ihex
3. Flashed bootloader.ihex
4. Converted watchman_dongle_combined.bin to watchman_dongle_combined.ihex
5. Flashed write_hex watchman_dongle_combined.ihex
6. Optional, clean up leftovers from two bootloaders lighthouse_watchman_update.exe -e watchman_dongle_combined.bin

I'm still uncertain that this would work on a real Logitech dongle, as the original bootloader at 0x7400~0x7FFF cannot be overwritten through USB alone (or the MCU for that matter), part of which is used by the SteamVR fw (0x7400~0x77ff as pairing data for SteamVR devices, then 0x7800 to 0x7fff for the SteamVR bootloader).

I can't find the exact info to quote, but since the logitech bootloader resides in this protected area, it will not allow the watchman firmware to execute correctly.

You can program the InfoPage through the SPI only, because the MCU has only read access to the InfoPage, except for byte 0x23, which is writable from the MCU
If FSR.STP=1, the code exe- cution starts from the beginning of the protected area.

From what I am understanding from your instructions, by step 4, I believe you are essentially overwriting the bootloader at 0x6600, as well as the original logitech bootloader at 0x7400: Perhaps your solution is working on a dev chip, as you have not modified the InfoPages section of your nrf24lu1+, and thus allowing the watchman dongle to overwrite the usual protected regions on a unifying dongle.

Please correct me if I'm wrong and this actually works on a unifying device.
denw 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2022년 3월 21일 오전 5시 03분
zra123 2022년 3월 21일 오전 8시 29분 
wa님이 먼저 게시:
I'm still uncertain that this would work on a real Logitech dongle, as the original bootloader at 0x7400~0x7FFF cannot be overwritten through USB alone (or the MCU for that matter), part of which is used by the SteamVR fw (0x7400~0x77ff as pairing data for SteamVR devices, then 0x7800 to 0x7fff for the SteamVR bootloader).

I can't find the exact info to quote, but since the logitech bootloader resides in this protected area, it will not allow the watchman firmware to execute correctly.

From what I am understanding from your instructions, by step 4, I believe you are essentially overwriting the bootloader at 0x6600, as well as the original logitech bootloader at 0x7400: Perhaps your solution is working on a dev chip, as you have not modified the InfoPages section of your nrf24lu1+, and thus allowing the watchman dongle to overwrite the usual protected regions on a unifying dongle.

Please correct me if I'm wrong and this actually works on a unifying device.

True, it is impossible to write, but before writing, everything above 0x7400 is erased,[], including infopage, is erased, allowing writing.
and you can also erase and write with the MCU
datasheet_v1.1[] 17.3.1 MCU write and erase of the main block

this should work with a real dongle, I flashed the original firmware via SPI RQR12.08_B0030[]
zra123 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2022년 3월 21일 오전 8시 36분
denw 2022년 3월 22일 오전 4시 08분 
zra123님이 먼저 게시:
True, it is impossible to write, but before writing, everything above 0x7400 is erased,[], including infopage, is erased, allowing writing.
and you can also erase and write with the MCU
datasheet_v1.1[] 17.3.1 MCU write and erase of the main block

this should work with a real dongle, I flashed the original firmware via SPI RQR12.08_B0030[]

Again, according to the Nordic datasheet (as well as from my own experience with unifying dongles), rewriting the infopages through usb/mcu is simply not possible. Section 17.3.1 only talks about mainblock r/w, and not the infopages which are separate to the 64 blocks of mainblock memory in the nrf24."Clearing existing flash memory up to boootloader")
Also I am certain the bootloader regions cannot be updated on these dongles, as evident that Logitech was never able to patch out their dongles retroactively after various exploits were discovered. They had to ship both signed and unsigned firmwares depending on what bootloader these dongles included. Those 'lucky' enough to still have the unsigned bootloader dongles are the only ones where the idea of replacing with a custom firmware is possible after all.

Furthermore, simply flashing the original logitech firmware does not write to the infopages, even if written via SPI.

Our devices have all user defined fields of the InfoPage pre-erased. The above programming sequence does not erase the InfoPage. If InfoPage needs to be erased due to re-programming of a part, the following steps must be added: 1. Issue WFSR to set FSR.INFEN bit to 1 and FSR.WEN bit to 1 2. Issue ERASE_PAGE 0 Note: To avoid losing the CHIP_ID (at address 0x0B to 0x0F), these bytes should be saved before erasing, and programmed back afterwards. 3. Wait until ERASE_PAGE command is finished (this will be 360,000 clock cycles (XC1) after the positive edge of CSN). The InfoPage is now erased and ready for programming.
Before each flash write or erase command, FSR.WEN must be set, because this bit is automatically cleared after any write or erase command. The value of FSR.INFEN always decides if access goes to the flash MainBlock or the InfoPage

I think you will be convinced that this won't work if you dump the firmware after flashing the watchman_combined.ihex onto your dongle. The logitech bootloader sections will have disappeared, which simply isn't possible on a real dongle due to the write protection that cannot be undone without SPI flashing the infopages.
denw 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2022년 3월 22일 오전 4시 21분
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