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Patty 9 Jul, 2017 @ 2:45pm
Less sexulised outfit for 2B?
I dont mind nudity and I hate censorship but it is a bit awkward when your mates and family see you playing a game where the main character is in heels, thigh highs and her boobs and bubble but are hanging out.

It gets pretty old explaining 'Yea well it's a Japanese game they are all like that, it is actually pretty good though'.

Come on Japan join us in 2017. Nudity is cool when you are 16 but I actually am more interested in the gameplay and story, and I do not think 2B's ♥♥♥♥♥ is a massive plot device.

As far as I can tell there is no way to change outfit. Can anyone reccomend a mod that will give her something warmer to wear?
Last edited by Patty; 9 Jul, 2017 @ 2:54pm
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Showing 1-15 of 141 comments
Aemony 9 Jul, 2017 @ 2:48pm 
A better explanation: "Yeah, well, it's fun for like 5 seconds then it just becomes her style, and you don't really think about it."

As for the dress, no, not until route C.
Oughtism 9 Jul, 2017 @ 3:44pm 
Just show them the self-destruct, they'll see the game isn't sexist when it blows off 9S's pants aswell.
Smugleaf 9 Jul, 2017 @ 3:48pm 
You can change her outfit to something less revealing at Route C, but that's basically it. The reason why 2B looks that way was because Taro basically thought that she'd look nice and doesn't care about appealing to prudes.
Patty 9 Jul, 2017 @ 3:51pm 
I'm not really a prude, I just think the outfit is kind of cringy, I almost feel bad for 2B having to wear what she does (and what she doesnt).
Tressk 9 Jul, 2017 @ 4:12pm 
Originally posted by Daddy's Little Fidget Spinner:
I'm not really a prude, I just think the outfit is kind of cringy, I almost feel bad for 2B having to wear what she does (and what she doesnt).
I also find good character design to be cringy... :sarcasm
FulvousFox 9 Jul, 2017 @ 4:26pm 
I really can't fathom why people have such an issue with 2B's design. She has a rearend, that's it. The camera angles barely allow you to even see it, that and you're way to busy fighting robots to even notice it.

It really isn't a problem at all. If anyone honestly has an issue with her design on merits of, "she has a butt", then you just sound like a prude. 9 Jul, 2017 @ 4:28pm 
You need change your mates and family ... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ moron ... awkward is "fidget spinner toy" ... shame.
AggroBuLLeT 9 Jul, 2017 @ 4:38pm 
your mates and family are the problem then. when i play skyrim i ALWAYS have nude mods. why? because i like that. its my business. whoever disagrees with me can ♥♥♥♥ off.
also NEVER use the "current year" argument in the internet. it always fails.
VicmanicZ 9 Jul, 2017 @ 5:02pm 
Sounds like you need some new mates and family.:monokuma_DGR:
Tressk 9 Jul, 2017 @ 5:05pm 
Originally posted by Fox:
I really can't fathom why people have such an issue with 2B's design. She has a rearend, that's it. The camera angles barely allow you to even see it, that and you're way to busy fighting robots to even notice it.

It really isn't a problem at all. If anyone honestly has an issue with her design on merits of, "she has a butt", then you just sound like a prude.
its funny you mention the camera thing cause i was trying to plat the game earlier on ps4 and trying to get the "what are you doing" achievement for looking up her skirt, and I had to go out of my way to try to look up her skirt. Camera wouldnt situate right, and im like "this is the hardest trophy in the game, I dont understand!" lol
FulvousFox 9 Jul, 2017 @ 5:17pm 
Originally posted by Tressk:
Originally posted by Fox:
I really can't fathom why people have such an issue with 2B's design. She has a rearend, that's it. The camera angles barely allow you to even see it, that and you're way to busy fighting robots to even notice it.

It really isn't a problem at all. If anyone honestly has an issue with her design on merits of, "she has a butt", then you just sound like a prude.
its funny you mention the camera thing cause i was trying to plat the game earlier on ps4 and trying to get the "what are you doing" achievement for looking up her skirt, and I had to go out of my way to try to look up her skirt. Camera wouldnt situate right, and im like "this is the hardest trophy in the game, I dont understand!" lol
Had that same issue too. Trying to 100% the achievements and I forgot that one was a thing. Took me longer than it should to get it due to how problematic the camera was.
Aemony 9 Jul, 2017 @ 5:21pm 
Originally posted by Daddy's Little Fidget Spinner:
I dont mind nudity and I hate censorship but it is a bit awkward when your mates and family see you playing a game where the main character is in heels, thigh highs and her boobs and bubble but are hanging out.

I really don't understand that, regardless how much I try to. 2B's design isn't oversexualized and it doesn't really share traits with "fan-service" filled Japanese anime where both the over the top characteristics, dresses, personality and behaviors all results in an overly sexualized character and events.

2B have a dress and design that brings the eye to certain parts, yes, but that's not something the game even focuses on. Even the combat animations have 2B covered in a motion blur effect that's designed to make the movements seem more fluid and fast.

You know who shows more skin overall than 2B and yet still isn't oversexualized? Wonder Woman in the new DC movies.

Both Wonder Woman and 2B are female characters with dresses that have some sexual parts of their design, but neither are portrayed with the sexual element as the focus in the media they're a part of. Instead the dress is merely that, a dress. A dress that neither defines the media nor the character.

What defines 2B is how ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ badass she is, with her combos, slashing, gymnastics and stuff. She could wear nothing (as A2 practically does) and still be as badass as she is with the standard dress on.

So to get back what I wrote in my previous post: "Yeah, well, it's fun for like 5 seconds then it just becomes her style, and you don't really think about it."

I honestly don't think other people would react that much to seeing 2B in the game either, the community fanart, yes, but not merely by the game itself. Only prudes who would call the latest Wonder Woman movie for sexist or overly sexualized would probably react as well over 2B's portrayal in NieR:Automata, due to their own prejudice and disconnected view of the source material.
Aemony 9 Jul, 2017 @ 5:23pm 
Originally posted by Tressk:
Originally posted by Fox:
I really can't fathom why people have such an issue with 2B's design. She has a rearend, that's it. The camera angles barely allow you to even see it, that and you're way to busy fighting robots to even notice it.

It really isn't a problem at all. If anyone honestly has an issue with her design on merits of, "she has a butt", then you just sound like a prude.
its funny you mention the camera thing cause i was trying to plat the game earlier on ps4 and trying to get the "what are you doing" achievement for looking up her skirt, and I had to go out of my way to try to look up her skirt. Camera wouldnt situate right, and im like "this is the hardest trophy in the game, I dont understand!" lol

Had the same issue, until I noticed that the trick is to simply not move the camera and stand still while doing it. It doesn't even have to be close nor do you have to see much to trigger it.

But I had to watch a damn YouTube how-to to get it... >___<
Mordecai 9 Jul, 2017 @ 5:35pm 
Originally posted by Satanael:
Heavy Armor is what you would satisfied your request. I LOVE the outfit, here my defense for it.
If you wear the outfit in real life, it is very modest outfit, your breast has air to breathe, and feels great to move in those heels. The skirt makes sense by design since she is doing extreme leg moment. My opinion her breast are very modest size, her ass looks wonderful due to her being skinny and curvy. Having similar measurement, it makes sense why people drool over her ass, its my best feature for women like myself. My whole point is when playing 2B, i don't think so much the outfit, but details they put into her that makes players crave to see more.
When neckbeards are allowed on steam
Shoebsy 9 Jul, 2017 @ 6:05pm 
Originally posted by Satanael:
If you wear the outfit in real life ----- and feels great to move in those heels.

No. Just.. no.
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